Added | Mon, 27/02/2017 |
Источники | Рэймонд Моуди, Жизнь после жизни (Life After Life) Изд.: София, 2009 г.
О. А. Антонова, Возрастная анатомия и физиология, Изд.: Высшее образование, 2006 г.
Лысова Н. Ф. Возрастная анатомия, физиология и школьная гигиена. Учеб. пособие / Н. Ф. Лысова, Р. И. Айзман, Я. Л. Завьялова, В.
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In recent years, Newspapers and online publications, you can often find articles on the topic "my child sees ghosts", which contains stories describing how the child saw some creatures in a time when parents didn't see anything. This topic is also discussed at parent forums and just in conversation.
We became interested in this topic after we were contacted by the parents of this child:
We have a normal child, with imagination, of course, and when he imagines something, we understand. So all the kids are doing – talking to the toys or things, invent some situations of the game, creatures. Often children of his firm picked up the venture and all together rushed while playing it. This is a common children's behavior. But there were a couple of very strange – sitting, plays, suddenly moved slightly to the side. I asked, like, what are you doing? "And I uncle way! He need to go through" answered the child. I was taken aback. What uncle asked. He's like, "well, of course – which we live". Wondering "How Long?" "Always!" answered the child, and looked as if I ask whether it was today morning. The whole family begin to think with some age it is really sometimes looked at an empty space and smiled as he watched someone from the family when they came to the crib.
The child was told that "uncle" normal, high "like dad, only with a mustache". Asked to compare with someone of your friends, relatives or neighbors – thought and shrugged. Goes "always", i.e. when there are adults in the room, and when not to, but sometimes might not appear for several days.
Vision has passed at the age of 5.5 years and were no longer evident. Now the child is an adult. He remembers that "uncle" and describes it as a very real person, man. Remember that I was very surprised that no one else saw and no one believed he even existed, because for him it was perfectly normal and real.
The fact is, received in the same year as the previous one:
Once the child began to behave very nervously, crying, tantrums. When trying to figure out why he said – "There in the corner sits a man." On a family Council it was found that each of the occupants of the house felt or seen in his peripheral vision, the presence of a stranger. After some time, the festival was noticed coming in the open front door man. Since then the visions and sensations stopped, and the child again became quiet.
Since then, the number of collected cases already exceeded fifty, and we decided to try to figure it out.
Vision in children
The highest percentage of cases deals specifically with children. If they classify, we can distinguish several groups:
- see only children;
- see children and animals;
- see children, adults and animals;
- see children, but also random motion of objects, the appearance of sounds and such (usually the witnesses call it the generally accepted concept of "poltergeist").
If we consider the images that children see, they can be divided into several groups:
- cloud;
- stranger;
- a deceased relative;
- animal or unknown creature;
- face or mask;
- the geometric shape.
These visions can appear from a very early age to 6-8 years. In very rare cases, they continue to manifest themselves in humans throughout life.
Vision in adults
In adults, this vision can begin in childhood or develop in adulthood. Their appearance can be sporadic and can be due, for example, with some emotional event, or can occur constantly.
The images that you see adults: most common – a relative who will soon die or already dead, and occasionally faces, unknown creatures and unidentified people.
Vision in the elderly
Vision in older people occur as under the influence of any disease or stress, and for no apparent reason.
Most of the visions occur in patients and the very old, bedridden for a long time.
Images similar to those seen by children:
- cloud;
- stranger;
- a deceased relative;
- animal or unknown creature;
- face or mask;
- the geometric shape.
We should also highlight the vision at the time of death. They are well described in [1] and represent not only the vision inscribed in the real environment (this includes all of the above images), but entirely separate from it: the white room, heaven, hell, etc. the Last type of visions in the framework of this phenomenon is not considered, because they don't look real, that stands out from the common characteristics.
Mystical and economitcheskaya hypothesis:
- Children and sometimes adults see real supernatural entities because of their powers.
- In people's homes people live in, having the ability to enter the adult into a trance, to those they have not seen. Correlated with this hypothesis and the notion that the difficult to hypnosis the elderly, children, drunk. However, it is believed that children begin to be receptive to hypnosis with 3-3,5 years, and at this age already need to stop seeing images, but in fact, the average age of the end of the visions is 6-8 years. This hypothesis requires a detailed study.
Scientific hypothesis:
- Vision represent hypnogogia and hypnopompic hallucinations, which occur when the transition between the States of sleep and wakefulness: the first during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, the second is from sleep to wakefulness. These (mostly) visual hallucinations in the form of still images of people or animals usually occur after a sudden awakening from sleep or while in the border state between sleep and bodrstvovanie. Such visions are perfectly normal. Most of them are subject to children, especially in the first years of life. This is due to the age peculiarities of the psyche and physiology. With age, the number of such visions is reduced, but it is believed that every person in life at least once have experienced such visions. Besides age, there are a number of factors that increase the chance to experience such visions: stress, insomnia, daytime sleep, etc.
- It is also possible hallucinations in disorders in the mechanism of alternation of sleep and periods of wakefulness.
- Vision arise due to the social isolation of the individual, i.e. the forced prolonged stay of the person in conditions of limited social-communicative space, or even lack of social contacts. This also applies to sensory isolation.
- Diseases of the organs of the senses. For example, hallucinations Bonn arising in the analyzer, the function of which is sharply reduced or completely absent.
- Hallucinations caused by fatigue or overload of the senses.
- Hallucinations can occur due to acute or chronic intoxication.
- Hallucinations associated with mental disorders, infectious disease, trauma, or receiving specific drugs, and polypharmacy (simultaneous (often unfounded) the purpose of many drugs or medical procedures).
- Children believe in their own fantasy so much that does not distinguish it from reality in the present or in memory.
- Children and elderly people see the images due to the age peculiarities of the sense organs and nervous system [2]. In children after birth and in the first years of life the senses are still imperfect and are in the process of development. In adults with age also changes.
In any case it is not necessary to do hasty conclusions about the child's condition. Give a few memories of these children's visions told us adults.
In our family somehow was not accepted to remember my grandfather. He died before I was born. The first time I learned about it I was about 2-3 years . I was very small, but the memory for some reason very vividly imprinted in my mind. Grandma led me to the street, but forgot something at home, so she left me with her friend (our neighbor). As soon as grandma disappeared into the front door, a neighbor said to me: "what a pity that your grandfather did not live to see this moment. You look just like him: same curls and gray eyes. And I know he is watching over you!" Then she pointed at a tree, or the sky. After that I very long could not fall asleep at night, loud roaring and saying that grandpa looks at me.
Well, who of us in childhood didn't fall asleep watching carpet? I was like this. I was often sent to bed when I did not want. The pattern on it reminded me of why-that guy with the mustache and glasses. And I talked to him. Wrote about it's history. I do not remember how parents learned about "uncle Vitya, who lives in my room", but they have long experienced. As soon as Turco not passed?
And I was afraid of the owl. I remember that was very small and could not explain that I was terribly frightened owl, woven macramé, which was hanging in the hallway. It seemed to me that every night she flies into the room and looks at me. When I got older and was able to explain this to your parents, the owl was removed and I ceased to be afraid.
In my childhood, visiting my mother's friends, I saw on the cover of the book a woman with very sad eyes. For some reason she really scared me. It seemed to me that she would come for me at night. And when the window was driving the car, it seemed to me that in a dark corner it is.
Somehow, the grandmother said: "do not fidget, and then there's the man you'll get!" The man was really a high and creepy. And I was exhausted parents that my uncle is blind and I'm afraid of him.
Recommendations to parents
On average, about 60% of children see some vague images. As a rule, they do not deliver much anxiety and are themselves up to 6-8 years.
If a child experiences stress in these visions, shows fear and anxiety, parents need to instill in him a sense of security. What are the methods to achieve this is to choose the parents themselves. You can, for example, give him a toy and explain that it will protect him from all dangers and nightmares.
In any case it is not necessary to make fun of the child and his fears, and try to catch him in a lie. You need to build with the child a relationship of trust and to help him cope with this stage of life.
If the situation has gone too far and starts to affect negatively the physical and mental health of the child, you should consult a qualified professional to deal with this stressful condition.
Recommendations to researchers
For those who want not only to cope with the situation, but also to understand its causes, we give below a few recommendations on the research phenomenon.
You first need to find out what the child sees. For this you need to ask him to describe what he saw, to find out the frequency of visions and their character, if possible. It is also important to understand how he relates to this – does fear or other feelings.
Next you need to ask the child to point to the place where he sees the image in the vision. A place desirable to photograph or to capture on video, which subsequently helps not only detail this is the place to find provoking factors, but also to understand whether the child can see the image on the photograph over time. In case of positive result it is necessary to compare the image description with the description given by the child at the time of the vision.
You can also keep a diary of visions, which will help to identify patterns in time of occurrence and description of images and may reveal the precipitating factor.
Despite these statistics, to make specific findings about the overall nature of the phenomenon of premature. Each new case requires individual study and will clarify the available information to form a complete research methods and understanding of the phenomenon.
If you have information about this case, please write in comments, by e-mail or private messages.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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