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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

UFO. United States

ID #1714560938
Added Wed, 01/05/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Капитан Кук, HI
United States

Location: Captain Cook, Hawaii, USA 

Location Details: Above large ocean-going vessels in the Alenuihaha Channel. The ship looked military. 

Shape: Cylinder

Color: Metallic Silver 

Estimated size: An unknown large UFO. The spheres are much smaller 

Viewing from: Earth 

Direction from the viewer: The direct line of the site.  My house is about 150 feet above sea level. 

Lifting angle: 45 

Nearest distance: 1.5–2 miles. 

Estimated speed: The big ship hovered. Small spheres are very fast. Explanation: An airship is possible. 

Specifications: An aura or haze around an object, an airplane nearby. 

According to an eyewitness: Perhaps military vessels with a military helicopter overhead. I saw on the horizon what at first looked like a large island. Then I saw a military helicopter circling above us. As I concentrated, I noticed that these were ships, possibly military ones. I started photographing and captured a large UFO high above the ships, then descended and hovered over them. Two UFO-like balloons appeared from the ocean, and I photographed them. In fact, I was trying to take a picture of what looked like a floating island, and accidentally caught the location of a UFO. At first, my attention was attracted by a military helicopter, probably from the Pohakuloa military base on Mauna Kea.

Original news

Source: NUFORC https://nuforc.org/ 

Date of sighting: April 25, 2024

Guys check this out, this just in to NUFORC and its amazing! A UFO was hovering near the island of Hawaii off the coast for nearly 20 full minutes. Sadly no video has been submitted as of yet, but this single photo is still something special. The craft appears to have two wings and a disk bottom area, which I made more visible when I added light and put into negative photo format. Compounded with the fact that its near a US military base and military helicopters were seen swarming the area tells me this is 100% an alien craft observing the US military. 

Scott C. Waring - Utah

Location: Captain Cook, HI, USA 

Location details: Over large ocean vessels in the Alenuihaha channel. Vessel's appeared to be military. 

Shape: Cylinder Color: Metallic silver 

Estimated Size: Unknown large UFO. Orbs much smaller 

Viewed From: Land 

Direction from Viewer: Direct line of site. My home is about 150 ft elevation from sea level 

Angle of Elevation: 45 

Closest Distance: 1.5 -2 miles 

Estimated Speed: Large craft hovered. Small orbs extremely fast Explanation: Blimp - Possible 

Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby 

💫Eyewitness states: Maybe military vessels with a military helicopter overhead. I saw out on the horizon what looked at first like a large island. Then I saw a military helicopter circling above. As I focused in I noticed it was vessels possibly military. I started taking pictures and captured a large UFO high above the ships then lowered and hovered above the vessels. Two orb like UFOs appeared out of the ocean and i caught a picture of those .i actually was trying to photograph what looked like a floating island and caught site of the UFOs by accident. What got my attention in the beginning was the military helicopter probably from Pohakuloa military installation on Mauna Kea.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence


Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs, also sometimes shortened as BLAH; colloquially sometimes referred to as "drone" or "drone" (from the English. drone — drone)) — aircraft without crew on Board. Created for aerial shooting, monitoring ground objects and other tasks in real time.

Distinguish UAVs for military and civil purposes.

Also they are divided into:

Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.

Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.


Tethered flying machine heavier than air. Supported in the air by wind pressure on a surface set at an angle to the direction of movement of the wind and held by the guard rails from the ground. The first mention of kites are found in the II century BC in China (the so-called snake-dragon). At the moment there are many shapes and designs of kites.

There are also kites, equipped with LEDs. The forms that emerge LEDs can be different: echoing the shape of the kite to Supplement his picture or absolutely independent. Color, frequency and sequence of blinking LEDs is varied.

Debris picked up by the wind

For UFOs often take empty plastic bags, bags from waste paper, Newspapers and other debris picked up by the wind. These objects can travel at different speeds, in different shades and shapes. Sometimes has a similarity with balloons and similar objects running man.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


Due to the peculiarities of the bird's flight, it is possible to capture a moment in the photo when an ordinary bird will resemble a "classic" UFO in shape.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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