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UFO. Poland

ID #1721774743
Added Wed, 24/07/2024
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
«Окаменевший город»

An eyewitness noticed a helicopter, and soon after that - a spherical black object (Poland, 07/20/2024)

An amazing observation that perfectly reflects what we all do here. "Good morning! Yesterday (07/20/2024) I had the opportunity to record something strange and intriguing. During a family trip to the "Petrified City" in Cenzkowice, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, I was shooting interesting clips and came across rock formations. As I was walking through the clearing, I heard the sound of a helicopter, which seemed to come from behind the treetops. However, the first thing that appeared was a spherical object, at least that's what it seemed to me, since it was quite high up. At first I thought it might be a helium balloon. I pointed the camera to capture the helicopter, but this object continued to bother me. I watched him for a while and he seemed to have entered a cloud, which would mean he was pretty high up. He was moving steadily in one direction, and I wasn't sure if I was exaggerating what I was seeing until he began to descend rapidly. I took out my phone, but I couldn't find it. I started recording the place where I saw him last blindly. Only later did I notice a white spherical object that seemed to be landing/falling towards the trees (last frame)...”

This is another video in our profile where the observation of the object precedes the flight of the helicopter(s). In the lower right corner, we added magnification to highlight an object that initially appears to be a black sphere, but at the end, in the last frame, when it descends directly over the forest, it seems to take on a light color. As we said at the beginning, this is the essence of our work. The recording definitely makes you think. All videos of this kind of observation are always mysterious and suggestive.

Let's add that the place where the observation was made is a nature reserve, shrouded in legends about the cursed inhabitants of the city, turned to stone for their sins, witches turned to stones by divine intervention, and knights and giants whose pride or evil were punished by turning to stone. All these legends have deep roots in local culture and history.

This is one of the best observations I've received in my inbox. Not many of you know, but I'm from Poland and I have a Facebook profile about unexplained phenomena called "Paranormal Poland" with almost 100,000 followers. I believe I am making a significant contribution to the UFO community, at least on Reddit. I often see materials that I share on other profiles. In 90% of cases, I add the source materials. I don't expect anyone to tag or promote me, but I would appreciate a mention. Thank you and have a nice day.

Original news


I noticed a helicopter and shortly after - spherical black object (Poland, 20.07.2024)

The following submission statement was provided by u/paranormalnapolska:

Amazing observation that perfectly captures what we are all about here. "Good morning! Yesterday (20.07.2024), I had the chance to record something strange and intriguing. During a family trip to the 'Petrified City' in Ciężkowice, Małopolskie Voivodeship, I was filming interesting clips and encountered rock formations. While crossing a clearing, I heard the sound of a helicopter, which seemed to be coming from behind the tree crowns. However, the first thing that appeared was a spherical object, at least that’s what it seemed to me, as it was quite high up. At first, I thought it might be a helium balloon. I pointed the camera to capture the helicopter, but this object kept bothering me. I observed it for a while, and it seemed to enter a cloud, which would mean it was quite high up. It moved steadily in one direction, and I wasn’t sure if I was overinterpreting what I saw until it started to descend rapidly. I took out my phone but couldn’t locate it. I started recording the area where I last saw it blindly. Only later did I notice a white spherical object that seemed to be landing/falling towards the trees (last frame)...”

This is yet another video on our profile where the sighting of an object precedes the flight of a helicopter(s). In the bottom right corner, we added a magnification to highlight the object, which initially seems to be a black sphere, but at the end, in the last frame, when it descends just above the forest, it appears to take on a light color. As we said at the beginning, this is the essence of our work. The recording definitely makes you think. All videos of this type of observation are always enigmatic and thought-provoking.

We will add that the place where the observation was made is a nature reserve, shrouded in legends of cursed inhabitants of the city turned to stone for their sins, witches turned to rocks by divine intervention, and knights and giants whose pride or evil were punished by being turned into stone. All these legends have deep roots in local culture and history.

This is one of the best observations I have received in my inbox. Not many of you know, but I am from Poland and run a Facebook profile on unexplained phenomena called "Paranormal Poland", with almost 100,000 followers. I believe I am making a significant contribution to the UFO community, at least on Reddit. I often see materials that I share on other profiles. In 90% of cases, I add source materials. I don’t expect anyone to tag or promote me, but I’d appreciate a mention. Thank you and have a great day.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence

Balloons and balls

Balloon — aircraft (balloon), which is used for the flight gas, which is lighter than air.

Balloons - different sizes and shapes size toy, often made of latex. Is inflated with air or other gas. If the gas is lighter than air, the ball gains the ability to fly. The photo looks like a small dot. The colors and the opacity depends on the texture and color of the ball.


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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