Added | Fri, 26/01/2018 |
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Дата публикации | Fri, 26/01/2018
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In a medieval hovel Hai-Uppacott, located in the English hills and swampy Dartmoor, found possible traces of pyrokinesis witches. Hae-Uppacott is a long farmhouse, where people and cattle lived under one roof. The building is considered a historical monument, such as the medieval buildings left in the UK very little. Now here doing the restoration, during which he was unexpectedly made an intriguing discovery.
Experts found in a farm house oak beams, Dating back to the 14th century. The wood scorched strange tracks that turned out to... fingerprints, presumed to be female. How is it possible no one can explain. Experts have conducted several experiments with the use of torches, candles, torches and hot metal, but did not achieve even remotely similar results. One gets the impression that someone is literally pressed to the timber burning at high temperature a human finger. Skeptics and men of the official science insecure scratch their heads and refuse to give any coherent comments. In their opinion, the phenomenon should have a simple rational explanation, but find it they are not yet able.
Meanwhile, researchers of supernatural phenomena resemble that of a witch, according to medieval and later belief, had pyrokinesis, that is, the ability to control fire and ignite anything with one power of thought. In addition, pyrokinetic believed to be able to ignite (to ignite – in the modern language it's hard to find a verb for this) own body, while remaining unharmed. Well-known old English legend about a beautiful girl who seduces an older graph. When they were in the bedroom of a nobleman, the girl hugged the man and he screamed in pain, zadymilas first, and then crimson, and turned into ashes. While the girl herself remained intact, not affected by this magic fire.
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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