Added | Mon, 19/11/2018 |
Sources | Психология ощущений, глоссарий к книге. Р. Шиффер. 2004.
Словарь практического психолога. — М.: АСТ, Харвест. С.
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Pathological optical illusion – distorted image of a real external stimulus, often diffuse and persistent.
These delusions usually appear everywhere in sight, waiting on General excitability or changes in the sense organs.
The pathological types of illusions:
- oscillopsia (the sense of movement of stationary objects in space)
- the appearance of halos around objects
- illusory palinopsia (visual movement, the formation of light strokes, long-term uncertain residual image)
- akinetopsia (the person is not able to perceive movement)
- visual snow (perception disorder, in which people see white or black dots in parts or all of their visual fields)
- micropsia (violation of subjective perception of distant objects, which in this case seem to be reduced)
- macropsia (violation of subjective perception in which objects are perceived larger than they really are)
- telopea (visual impairment in which the sense of depth of space is enhanced in such a way that objects are perceived at a greater distance than they really are)
- paropsia (violation of subjective perception in which close objects appear distant in space)
- the syndrome of Alice in Wonderland (a disorienting neurological condition which manifests itself in disturbed visual perception by the person of his body or parts of it (macrosomatognosia (the feeling body as the larger) or macrosomatognosia (more like small))
- metamorfose (illusion, consisting in the fact that the form and size of objects appear to us not as they really are)
- dyschromatopsia (impaired color vision)
- intense bright light
- atopiceski the phenomenon of the blue area
- the Purkinje tree (visually perceived under special conditions, the network of blood vessels own eyes)
Separately, you can select Atopicescie phenomena (vision structures of the eye, in particular the blind spot (or rather, an optical disk) or the Purkinje tree.
These symptoms may indicate serious illness and their appearance calls for a visit to the doctor.
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trees of Purkinje
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