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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34437 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1176 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2799, otros 10619 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 319 versiones.

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Mundo paralelo. Canadá

ID #1562853412
Añadido Jue, 11/07/2019
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
1955 13:00
Три Хиллз, AB

En la década de 1950, Tres hills fue muy pequeño de la ciudad. Un testigo ocular del que entonces era todavía un niño. Habla sobre uno de los casos que tuvo:

Yo iba a la casa desde el jardín de infantes, una. Justo detrás de nuestros apartamentos es un pequeño cuadro con el golpeado pista, y terminó en el extremo de los apartamentos. Nuestro apartamento estaba muy lejos de la ciudad. En la medida que se pueda ver, con las tres partes fueron sólo los campos de hielo con menos de un campo en la parte trasera. Un poco antes del campo era de tres pisos vieja casa gris, pero no era la casa que yo he visto.

Escuché el llanto, y en medio de un pequeño campo detrás de nuestro apartamento en el centro de la pista estaba un niño pequeño. Me levantó la cabeza y vio la casa de un piso en el final de la ruta, por lo que pensé que debía ser él de allí. Me acercó, tomó su pequeña mano y la pasó por el sendero hacia la casa. Subí las escaleras y llamó a la puerta. (nunca antes había visto un timbre Alto y rubio, el hombre abrió la puerta, llevaba suelto, aparentemente, ropa ligera, que era extraño, ya que fue en la década del 50 y hacía mucho frío. Él se veía muy bueno, y me preguntó, ¿ha vivido este niño aquí, ya que he descubierto, que llora en el campo. El hombre dijo que sí y me dio las gracias. Me di la vuelta para ir a casa.

Yo no veía la ventana trasera de nuestro pequeño apartamento, pero cuando me han doblado la esquina y se acercó a nuestra puerta, en la calle estaba oscura. Cuando llegué a casa, mi madre comenzó a gritar a mí. Yo le dije que había encontrado a un niño pequeño y lo llevó a su casa, pero ella no se detuvo. No tengo ni idea de por qué ella era olvidadizo / a, pero ella empezó a golpearme a ella, a coger de mi pelo, etc. y por Supuesto, yo no podía entender cómo podía hacerlo conmigo, porque me ha salvado de un niño. Mi papá salió y le dio una bofetada en la cara para que se detuviera. Por supuesto, ni siquiera pensé que era oscuro, cuando entré en la puerta.

Fue hasta el año 2004, cuando yo estaba a punto de hacer varias fotos viejas. Alguien fotografió las vías del tren. Allí no estaba en casa. No ha habido nunca, por lo menos, a mediados de la década de 1950. Me di cuenta de que mi madre se взбешена, no porque se me hacía tarde unos minutos, sino porque no me es de 5 horas y el sol se sentaba. Hacía mucho frío.

Como ya he dicho, ha sido uno de los tres ejemplos, y, por supuesto, el que recuerdo más, debido a la reacción de mis padres en esto.

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

This is something I just came to terms with a few years ago. A strange but interesting story, realized over 50 years later and totally worth the wait. I don’t know if this was a memory block put on me for 50 years ago so that it would be there when I needed it, or ? What ever it was, it was not of this world.

I have had a few other sightings over the years, on my own and with other folks, up close and personal. I must say the realization of what happened all those years ago helped me to sort it all out. Helped me to trust myself and the experiences I have had.

This instance I remember quite vividly and could never figure it out as I got the beating of my life from my mother for doing what I thought was the right thing.( I still would think it was the right thing to do)

3-Hills in mid Alberta Canada was a very small seminary school town back in the 1950’s. The old ‘Henry -Jay ‘ ( our car) up on blocks and 60 below zero temperatures more likely then not. Even some of the sidewalks had boilers under them. This wasn’t a place where a small child would last very long out side. It was very flat there, just 3 Hills in the distance, train tracts and vast ice fields lay beyond our little sheep shed style apartments that the students stayed in. 
There were 3 instances where I had missing time in the two years we were there (1955-56) this was just another one of them until I saw a small black and white photo of our little apartment and the field beyond it just a few years ago. (04)

1955 – I was walking home from kindergarten, alone. There was a small field with a beaten path just in back of our apartments and this ended at the far end of the apartments. Our apartment faced backwards, away from town so as I walked home the back of our apartments were visible not the front. There were just ice fields for as far as you could see on three sides with the smaller field at the back. There was a three story older grey house out that way, a little before the field, but this was not the house I saw.

I heard crying and in the middle of the little field behind the back of our apartment and standing in the center on the path was a small child. I looked up and saw a one story house at the end of the path, so I figured that must be where he was from. I went over, took his little hand and walked him down the path to the house. I walked up the steps and rang the door bell. ( hadn’t ever seen a door bell before) A tall blond man opened the door, he was dressed in loose, seeming light clothing which was strange as it was the 50’s and very cold. Not anything I had seen before. He seemed very kind and I asked if the child belonged here as I had found him crying in the field. He said yes and thanked me and I turned to go home.

I had never left sight of the back window of our little apartment the whole time, but as I rounded the corner and went up to our door it was dark outside. 
As I went inside my Mother starting screaming at me. I told her I found a small boy and took him home, but she would not stop. I have no clue why she had a fly swatter, but she started hitting me with it, getting my hair caught etc. Of course I was screening too as I couldn’t figure out how she could be so mean to do this to me, just because I saved a baby. My Dad came out and slapped her to get her to stop and I heard noting more about it. Of course I remembered that beating the rest of my life. It never made sense to me and I of course didn’t even think about it being dark when I came in the door.

That is until 2004 when I was going though some old photos. Someone had taken a picture of the train tracks cutting thought the ice fields. There was no house there. Never was, at least in the mid 1950s’ And it’s much more understandable, not that it didn’t suck that my mother was freaked out, not because I had been a few minutes late in cold daylight, but because I had been 5 hours late and the sun was down. It was very cold.

As I said, this was one of 3, instances and of course the one I remember the most because of my parents reaction to it. I have always thought my Dad was a Star Child, he would die physically 2 years later on November 1957 of Leukemia.

By remembering the whole instance, it was like a fountain was opened up. Things I have learned in the past are coming in and finally making sense, etc. It seemed to bring together all the other happenings through-out my years. I have had a lot of information downloaded into my being throughout the years, sort of like a school for many years. Quite possibly this was my induction to that school ?


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