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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34458 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1176 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2799, otros 10633 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 319 versiones.

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OVNI. Estados Unidos

ID #1636466870
Añadido Mar, 09/11/2021
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
29.04.2005 21:00
Лейк-Сити, FL
Estados Unidos

Un escritor técnico de una compañía de software con sede en Tallahassee escribe:

"Noté un OVNI mientras conducía hacia el sureste por la carretera Interestatal 10 alrededor de las 9 pm del viernes 29 de abril de 2005. Justo antes de la salida de la I-75, vi un largo rayo de luz naranja inclinado en un ángulo de aproximadamente 20 grados (desde el horizonte) a mi derecha, justo encima de la línea de los árboles. Al principio pensé que era una luz brillante en mi parabrisas, tal vez de una farola. Cuando conduje debajo de la I-75 lejos de las Fuentes de luz, estaba muy claro que la fuente de luz provenía del cielo.

Desde mi punto de vista, el haz de luz era el más bajo a la derecha y el más alto a la izquierda. La viga era estrecha y larga; desde mi punto de vista, parecía unos pocos centímetros de ancho y entre 6 y 10 pulgadas de largo, aunque obviamente es una estimación muy aproximada. Además, parecía tener un punto de partida del que provenía la franja naranja. En el punto de partida, la luz era más blanca y de mayor intensidad y se ubicaba en el extremo superior / superior de la tira. en esta observación, representaba el lanzamiento de un cohete o transbordador.No hubo informes de lanzamientos el 29 de abril.

Estos puntos de luz perdieron su brillo y parecían caer lentamente al Suelo. En ese momento, asumí que podrían haber sido cohetes propulsores que se separaron y volvieron a caer al Suelo después de que se agotó su combustible. Unos segundos después de separarse del punto de luz principal, dos puntos de luz más pequeños se volvieron invisibles.

El punto principal de la luz continuó hacia el Norte, aparentemente siguiendo la misma trayectoria o camino a través del cielo durante varios minutos.

En el interior, era un gris y blanco mezclado. Parecía que desde el lugar central de la "explosión" emanaban franjas irregulares de electricidad blanca hacia el anillo que formaba la barrera exterior de la esfera. Toda la "explosión" duró solo unos segundos, quizás cinco más o menos, antes de que la esfera desapareciera. La esfera en sí me recordó algo a esas bolas de plasma que ves en las tiendas de regalos científicos o en Spencer. Excepto que no había una "bola" interna de la que emanaran las tiras de luz, sino una sólida, gruesa, blanca,

Después de que la "explosión" esférica blanca desapareció, no queda rastro del OVNI.

Mi prometido fue testigo de este evento".

Noticias originales

Date: April 29, 2005
Location: Lake City, Florida, United States

An orange streak, which disappeared five minutes or so after first being spotted, followed by two points of light. The primary point continued to the North for another 5 minutes or so before exploding into a bright white ball of light with a seemingly large circumference.

Source: UFO Evidence

Date Posted: 5/2/2005 2:47:54 p.m.
Sighting Time: 9:00 p.m.
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No. of Witnesses: 2
Urban or Rural: Rural
No. of Object(s): Multiple
Size of Object(s): pinpoint s
Distance to Object(s): difficult to determine, likely very far off, possibly over the Atlantic Ocean
Shape of Object(s): Streak of orange light, followed by 3 individual lights, followed by moon sized explosion
Color of Object(s): orange, white

Full Description and Details

"I spotted the UFO while driving Southeast on Interstate 10 at around 9:00 p.m. on Friday, April 29, 2005. Just before the I-75 exit, I saw a long orange beam of light slanted at an approximate 20 degree angle (from the horizon) off to my right, just above the tree line. At first, I thought it was a glare of light on my windshield, possibly from a street lamp. As I passed under I-75 and away from any light sources, it was very clear that the light source came from the sky."

"From my point of view, the beam of light was lowest to the right and highest to the left. The beam was narrow and long; from my standpoint, it appeared as a few centimeters wide and 6 to 10 inches long, although this is obviously a very rough estimate. It also seemed to have a point of origin from which the orange streak emanated. At the point of origin, the light was whiter and of a higher intensity and located on the high/upper end of the streak. Based on this observation, it presented the appearance of a rocket or shuttle launch. There were no reported launches for April 29."

"The object moved across my field of vision from right to left as I headed Southeast on I-10; thus it appeared to be moving North. Several minutes into its flight, as it appeared to cross the center of I-10, two additional points of light appeared and the orange streak disappeared. The two additional points of light appeared above and below the main point of light which continued on its original trajectory to the North. The two additional points of light initially moved away from the central point in opposite directions. Several seconds later, these points of light lost their brilliance and appeared to fall slowly toward earth. My speculation at the time was that these were perhaps booster rockets which detached and were falling back to earth after their fuel was spent. Several seconds after detaching from the main point of light, the smaller two points of light became invisible."

"The main point of light continued to the North, seemingly on the same trajectory or path across the sky for several minutes."

"Probably 10 to 15 minutes after noticing the original streak of light, the small point of light that had continued North was now far to my left; yet still well above the tree line on the left side of the road. Suddenly, the point of light appeared to explode in a large ball of white light. The ball of light expanded outward from its point of origin at a high velocity; quickly reaching a larger than moon-sized circumference from my point of view before quickly fading away completely. The outer ring of this ball of light was bright white, and the interior of it was a muddled gray/white; it appeared as though jagged streaks of white electricity emanated from the central location of the "explosion" outward to the ring that formed the outer barrier of the sphere. The entire "explosion" lasted only several seconds, perhaps five or so, before the sphere faded. The sphere itself reminded me somewhat me of those plasma balls you see in science gift shops or Spencer’s. Except that there was no inner "ball" from which the streaks of light came from, and a solid, thick, white, outer edge to the sphere."

"After the white spherical "explosion" faded there was no trace of the UFO. My fiancé was witness to this event."

Personal Background:

"Technical Writer at a Software Company in Tallahassee."

Reported Sighting? No
Location: Tally, FL, US
Age: 28


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  • Мир тайн — сайт о таинственном
  • Activite-Paranormale
  • UFOlats
  • Новый Бестиарий
  • The Field Reports
  • UFO Meldpunt Nederland
  • Паранормальная наука, наука об аномалиях
  • Новости уфологии
  • UFO Insights
  • Mundo Ovnis



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