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Йети. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1551713122
Добавлен пн, 04/03/2019
Автор July N.

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Дата публикации в источнике: 
Эддингтон, ME
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Ребенок говорит, что видел что-то «большое и белое», бегущее в лес возле дома его семьи.

Наблюдение привело к тому, что группа исследователей поверила, что это может быть белый снежный человек.

«Я гулял, а потом… я слышал, что что-то бежало там. Я смотрю вверх, а потом появляется что-то большое, белое, и оно бежит прямо в лес… и оно просто исчезло », - сказал ребенок, оставшийся анонимным, Биллу Броку и А. Дж. Марстону, членам исследовательской организации Team Rogue.

По сообщениям, испуганный мальчик стоял на месте, оставаясь неподвижным, пока он ждал несколько секунд, пока существо полностью не исчезло.

«Я был там, держа палку впереди, глядя в этом направлении, а затем откуда-то сзади появился камень и приземлился близко к моей ноге», - сказал он.

Исследователи обнаружили следы, возможные инструменты и смогли рассчитать приблизительную высоту существа, используя дерево, за которым существо якобы находилось, в качестве ориентира.

Оригинальная новость

DDINGTON, Maine– A child says he saw something “big and white” running into the woods near his family’s property.

The sighting has lead a group of investigators to believe it could be a white Bigfoot.

“I was walking and then…I hear something run over there. I look up and then there is something big, white and it runs right into the woods…and it’s just gone,” the child, who remained anonymous, told Bill Brock and AJ Marston, members of the cryptid research organization Team Rogue.

The startled boy reportedly stood his ground, remaining still as he waited a few seconds for the creature to completely disappear.

“I was there holding the stick ahead, looking in that direction, and then a rock came from somewhere behind there and landed close to my foot,” he said.

The researchers found footprints, possible primate-like tools and were able to calculate the approximate height of the creature by using the tree the alleged creature was standing by as a reference.

“That’s a good 8 feet,” said Brock, also a host of the TV show Monsters Underground.

Brock and Marston study a hole in the ground they suspect could have been dug by the creature using a stick laying nearby. Credit: Brock/Marston/YouTube

“So, considering the fact that we are getting a bunch of white Bigfoot sightings, I really think it could be genetic mutation, there’s something wrong with it,” he added.

Marston has a theory that could explain many of the reported Bigfoot sightings, and it has to do with apples.

“Apples have some key role for nutrition, when it comes to looking for cryptids, because out of the majority of the stories I’ve read, you can find apples as indigenous fruit that were there…in the Himalayas, the Ukraine, in China, all through the northeast and even up in the Oregon areas and Alaska, they all have apples, so it’s something that holds a lot of vitamins and nutrition, and sugars that a large animal would need regularly. Back there I found a bunch of apple trees that had been overgrown by other bushes, but you could still see the remnants of the crab apples, which is a good source for deer, and moose and bear, and the cryptids around them,” explained Marston.

The family also reported unusual deer remains that looked like something they hadn’t seen before.

“They found a deer leg that had just been ripped off, and was just sitting there,” said the mother of the child.

It is not clear when the sighting took place.

According to documented reports, white Bigfoot sightings, also referred to as albino, are quite uncommon and tend to occur in the northeastern United States, Canada, the Asian continent and Russia.


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