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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1583497200
Добавлен пт, 06/03/2020
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
31.12.1967 19:10
Битло, FL
Соединённые Штаты Америки

30 декабря 1967 года, примерно в 19:10, во время посещения родственников в Битло (Флорида). Битло находится примерно на полпути между Орландо и мысом. Наблюдал, как НЛО скользит без звука. НЛО присоединился к другому кораблю, пришедшему под другим углом. Оба корабля приземлились в отдаленном районе менее чем в четверти мили от дома на колесах. Через несколько мгновений вертолеты и два самолета начали летать над областью, где приземлились два корабля.

Примерно через десять минут ушли вертолеты и самолеты, что, как мне показалось, было довольно странным.

Примерно в 1:50 в канун Нового года один из НЛО начал подниматься с места, где он приземлился, затем восточный горизонт взорвался блестящим белесо-оранжевым цветом. НЛО затем приблизился к поднимающейся ракете, затем НЛО упал, как падающий лист, затем он пронесся вправо и исчез.

Я никогда не видел второй уход корабля. Это невероятное событие было только началом многочисленных наблюдений/встреч, которые я лично наблюдал начиная с 13 февраля 1968 года и до 15 сентября того же года. 

Программа Аполлона была в стадии реализации. Я был свидетелем многочисленных наблюдений возле озера, включая ремесло и темный седан. В ту ночь у меня было еще два свидетеля. Я вел дневник о тридцати двух наблюдениях, свидетелем которых я был лично. Первый от 31.1267 и самый актуальный 24.04.02.

Я не верю, что НЛО существуют. Я знаю, что они существуют. То, что я увидел, было неопознанным, но определенно инопланетным. Мне сказали, что у наших военных летают фантастические вещи, но то, что я видел, не принадлежало нам.

Комментарии свидетеля относительно его рисунка (в статье не представлен):

«Я не делал никаких снимков наблюдений, которые у меня были, но я сделал графические изображения этих наблюдений. Поскольку наблюдения происходили ночью или вскоре после заката, мне пришлось использовать звездное поле для фона. Я сделал это, чтобы обеспечить как можно больше реализма. Я слегка осветил изображение, чтобы его можно было увидеть, но в ту ночь было так темно, что единственной вещью, которую я обнаружил, был янтарный шар ».

 (Яркость/контрастность изображения была немного изменена по сравнению с оригинальной версией.)

Оригинальная новость

December 30, 1967, at approximately 7:10 p.m.,while visiting relatives in Bithlo, Florida. Bithlo is about halfway between Orlando and the Cape. Watched UFO glide over mobile home without sound. UFO was joined by another craft that came from another angle. Both crafts landed in a remote area less than a quarter-mile from mobile home. Moments later, a formation of helicopters and two jets began flying over the general area of where the two crafts had landed.

After about ten minutes, the choppers and jets left, which I thought was rather odd.

At approximately 1:50 a.m. New Year’s Eve one of the UFOs started rising from the location that it had landed, then the eastern skyline exploded with a brilliant whitish, orange color. A Minuteman missiles was launched. The UFO then moved near the rising missile then the UFO fell like a falling leaf, then it zipped to the right and vanished. I never did see the second craft leave. That incredible event was only the beginning of numerous sightings/encounters that I personally witnessed beginning February 13, 1968 and ended September 15 of same year. The Apollo program was underway. I witnessed numerous sightings near a lake, involving a craft and a dark sedan. I had two other witnesses with me that night. I kept a journal of the thirty-two sightings that I personally witnessed. The first on 12/31/67 and the most current one 4/24/02.

Personal Background

I graduated from high school, did a four year hitch in the Navy. I worked for Bendix Corporation during the Apollo program. I am now semi-retired. I am currently writing a book about the UFO experiences that I had.

Other Comments

I don’t believe that UFOs exist. I know they exist. What I saw was unidentified but definitely extraterrestrial. I’ve been told that our military has things flying around up there that are fantastic but what I saw didn’t belong to us.

Comments by the witness regarding his drawing:

“I didn’t take any pictures of the sightings that I had but I have made graphic depictions of those sightings. Because the sightings happened at night or shortly after dusk, I had to use the star field at night background. I did this to provide as much realism as I could. I lightened the image slightly, so the picture can be seen, but that night was so dark, the only thing I detected was the amber orb initially.” (Image brightness/contrast has been slightly modified from original version.)

Reported Sighting? No

Name: JE Oglesby

Location: DeLand, Fl

Age: 63


Report submitted to Coast to Coast AM (.com) w/ George Noorey:

In 1967, I was working for Bendix Corporation. I was 27 then. The Bendix Logistics department, the machine shop and the electrical shops were located (and may still be) on the southwest side of the (VAB) Vehicle Assembly Building.

Launch Complex 39, Pads A & B for the huge Apollo/Saturn V rockets that launched American astronauts to their historic journeys to the Moon and back stood like giant sentinels in the background.

During the 1967 Christmas holiday’s, my brother-in-law, Jon invited me to spend New Year’s Eve weekend with his family.

At the time the Baker family lived in a mobile home on Sixth Street in Bithlo, Florida. Bithlo is about 32 miles west of the Cape and was then a quiet remote area where cattle and horses grazed amongst fields of grass, dotted with hundreds of adolescent pine trees and saw palmettos.

On the evening of December 30th, Jon, my brother-in-law and I were standing in the kitchen sipping hot coffee, engaged in light conversation over one thing or another.

Suddenly, an amber flash of light spilled through the kitchen window that faced east. I reached around, flung the front door open wide and stared outside.

I thought a meteor had crashed to earth yet there was no impact sound.

My attention was drawn to an orange orb, about the size of a basketball. It was hovering about a hundred feet above the roof of the mobile home and at least a hundred feet east of the trailer.

A split second later, the orb vanished, but before it disappeared, its brilliant amber color reflected off the bottom of a silent-moving metallic circular-shaped object, that measured perhaps 50 to 60 feet in diameter.

Moments later, a beam of cone-shaped red light shot out from beneath the UFO as it moved swiftly east. It was then joined by a second UFO. The two objects converged then floated like falling leaves caught on the wind as they dropped below the dark tree line in the distance and out of sight.

Moments later, Air Force Jets and a formation of Apache Helicopters converged on the UFO hot spot.

The choppers switched on beams of light, and searched the dark terrain below for the two UFO’s.

At approximately 1:50 a.m. one of the UFO’s began rising from the exact location where it had landed nearly seven hours earlier. It continued rising until its outer structure took on the appearance of a star. It just hung there in the dark, starry sky.

Then, a thunderous roar broke the eerie silence, as a Minuteman-two missile climbed into the dark sky. As it initiated its arch downrange, the UFO performed an incredible display of anti-gravity feats before it moved near the missile. The UFO then darted to the right, paused then zipped away.

I waited until after dawn for the second UFO to leave but it never did. If it did, I didn’t notice it leaving.

The above incident was just the beginning of UFO activity that continued to happen in the remote area well into the next year.

The cycle ended oddly enough before Apollo 8, the first Apollo moon launching.

–J.E. Oglesby

P.S. The ET ship is a graphic depiction of what I saw that night.


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