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Хроноаномалия. Estados Unidos

ID #1602950426
Añadido Sáb, 17/10/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
Аллагаш Уайлдернесс Уотеруэй
Estados Unidos

Uno de los casos más investigados y documentados de secuestro múltiple por extraterrestres ocurrió en agosto de 1976 en Maine. 

El secuestro del canal de Allagash es una parte integral del rompecabezas del secuestro alienígena. Este caso llamó la atención del mundo cuando fue interpretado en un episodio de la serie de televisión "misterios sin Resolver". 

Los hermanos gemelos Jack y Jim Weiner, junto con sus amigos Chuck Cancer y Charlie Foltz, serán los participantes en un evento relacionado con la detección de Ovnis, la falta de tiempo y los procedimientos médicos realizados por criaturas desconocidas.


El viernes por la noche, 20 de agosto de 1976, cuatro jóvenes estudiantes de arte de unos veinte años abandonaron Boston, Massachusetts, para realizar una caminata en Canoa y una caminata en el desierto del Norte de Maine a lo largo del río Allagash. El grupo estaba formado por gemelos del mismo nombre, Jack y Jim Weiner, Charlie Foltz y Chuck Cancer. Al llegar al punto de tránsito, contrataron un avión de pontones que los llevó a ellos y a su Canoa al lago Telos en la vía fluvial de Allagash.

Durante los siguientes días, rompieron una Canoa y acamparon a lo largo de la Vía fluvial. El jueves por la noche, 26 de agosto, llegaron al lago Eagle, acamparon y decidieron ir a pescar truchas durante la noche. 

En la oscuridad total del terreno, fue necesario hacer una enorme hoguera para marcar el lugar de su campamento para que pudieran regresar a él. Poco después de que comenzó a pescar, Chuck sintió que estaba siendo observado. 

Nos dijo que:

"Giré en la dirección desde donde lo sentí y vi una gran esfera brillante de luz multicolor, inmóvil y silenciosamente flotando a unos 200-300 pies (60-90 m) sobre el borde sureste de la bahía".

Chuck le gritó a los demás que miraran a su alrededor. Allí, un enorme objeto luminoso de forma ovalada se alzaba sobre los árboles. A medida que sus ojos se acostumbraron a su intenso brillo, se observó un movimiento giroscópico, como si hubiera caminos de energía que fluían Ecuatorial y longitudinalmente de Polo a Polo. Esto dividió la esfera en cuatro cuadrantes oscilantes de luz brillante. Los cambios de color eran muy fluidos y envolventes, como si todo el objeto tuviera un movimiento de plasma como una salsa espesa cuando comienza a hervir.

Charlie agarró una linterna y parpadeó, apuntando al objeto. Al instante, un enorme objeto luminoso que se elevaba se detuvo bruscamente y comenzó a acercarse lentamente a la Canoa. Al mismo tiempo, un rayo de luz en forma de tubo se desprendió del objeto y cayó al agua. 

Un anillo luminoso con un centro oscuro se reflejó en la superficie del agua, lo que indica que el haz estaba hueco. El objeto y su rayo de luz comenzaron a moverse hacia la Canoa. Aterrorizados, los participantes del campamento comenzaron a navegar frenéticamente hacia su fogata y campamento cuando un rayo atravesó el lago directamente sobre ellos y los consumió.

Fue a partir de ese momento que los recuerdos conscientes de los cuatro diferían según el punto de vista de cada testigo. Lo siguiente que Charlie recordó fue que navegó hacia la orilla y se paró en el campamento con los demás, observando cómo se retiraba el objeto.

Chuck recuerda haber permanecido en una Canoa después de que el resto cayera a tierra en pánico. Aturdido, aún sosteniendo un omóplato en su mano, no pudo apartar la vista del objeto.

Jack y Jim pudieron recordar conscientemente un poco más. 

Jack dijo:

"Estaba justo detrás de nosotros, y vi que nunca podríamos superar al Rayo. Avanzó demasiado rápido, y recuerdo que pensé: "¡Maldita sea! ¡Eso es! Nunca nos iremos". 

Lo siguiente que aprendí fue que estábamos en la orilla, saliendo de una Canoa, mirando directamente a un objeto que ahora estaba a 20-30 pies (6-9 m) sobre el agua. La viga salía de la parte inferior como si el objeto estuviera sentado en la viga. Estaba flotando allí, justo frente a nosotros, completamente en silencio, aparentemente durante cuatro o cinco minutos.

De repente, el rayo se dirigió hacia arriba, hacia el cielo. El objeto comenzó a moverse hacia arriba y lejos de nosotros hacia el cielo del suroeste, y luego disparó a las estrellas y desapareció en un segundo".

Jim Weiner dijo:

"No hubo error de que él caminara directamente hacia nosotros. Luego recuerdo estar parado en la orilla del lago y mirar un objeto que se cierne sobre el lago a 50-75 yardas (45-68, 5 m) frente a nosotros. . . Luego, el rayo de búsqueda se elevó hacia el cielo y lo vimos alejarse a gran velocidad. Parecía que todos estábamos en shock. . . Simplemente nos quedamos parados, incapaces de movernos o hablar".

Cuando el extraño efecto analgésico pasó, Chuck salió de la Canoa y se unió al resto mientras ellos, soñadores, navegaban por la playa hasta su campamento. Incluso en este estado, se sorprendieron cuando se dieron cuenta de lo que había sucedido con la enorme hoguera que acababa de arder unos minutos antes.

"Cuando nos fuimos a pescar", dijo Jim, " pusimos troncos muy grandes en el fuego para que se quemaran durante 2-3 horas. Toda la experiencia parecía durar como máximo 15 o 20 minutos. Sin embargo, el fuego se quemó completamente al rojo de las brasas". 

En ese momento, no recordaban lo que había sucedido en el tiempo que tardó en arder su enorme hoguera. Esto siguió siendo un misterio para ellos durante muchos años.

Unos años más tarde, Jim sufrió una lesión en la cabeza que causó epilepsia tempero-límbica. Durante el tratamiento, los médicos le pidieron a Jim que informara cualquier experiencia inusual que pudiera haber sido un síntoma de su condición. Jim describió las extrañas experiencias que él y sus amigos tuvieron después de conocer a los Ovnis. Esto incluía despertarse por la noche para ver criaturas extrañas, levitar de la cama y parálisis temporal cuando se hacía algo con los genitales. También describió su encuentro con Ovnis y un período de tiempo perdido. 

Los médicos le aconsejaron a Jim que se pusiera en contacto con el investigador de Ovnis, ya que creían que Jim y sus amigos podrían haber estado involucrados en el secuestro de Ovnis.


Esta es la historia de uno de los casos más inusuales de secuestro extraterrestre. Al mismo tiempo, cuatro personas fueron secuestradas, cuatro hombres.

En los Estados Unidos, este caso es uno de los fenómenos OVNI más conocidos. El 20 de agosto de 1976, cuatro residentes de Boston hicieron una caminata en el bosque cerca de Allagash, Maine.

Dos de ellos eran hermanos gemelos Jim y Jack Weiner, el tercero era su amigo Charlie Waltz y el Cuarto era su conocido Chuck urick, que tenía más experiencia en turismo y lideraba el grupo. No era la primera vez que iban a acampar en esta composición y adoraban este tipo de descanso. El plan en cada caso era el mismo: pasear por el bosque durante unos días, pescar en el río y nadar en un bote.

La primera noche en el bosque estaba bien, pero en la segunda comenzaron las rarezas. Vieron una luz ininteligible en el cielo, y definitivamente no era un avión. Unos días más tarde, los hombres fueron a pescar durante la noche y encendieron una gran hoguera a orillas del lago Eagle, que debía servir como faro.

Mientras preparaban las cañas de pescar, navegando desde la costa en un bote, una extraña luz volvió a aparecer en el cielo, y cuando uno de los hombres encendió la linterna y la apuntó hacia arriba, la luz en el cielo se volvió aún más brillante y terminó iluminando todo su bote.

En ese momento, Géminis y Vals se vieron envueltos en un intenso terror y comenzaron a remar desesperadamente hacia la orilla, pero urik estaba fascinado por la luz brillante y lo miró a todos los ojos. Y luego todo desapareció, y lo siguiente que recordaron los cuatro fue cómo se pararon en fila en la orilla junto a una hoguera que se quemó hasta las cenizas. Pasaron al menos unas pocas horas y cada uno de ellos se dio cuenta, pero nadie quería hablar de ello.

Además, todos se sentían mental y físicamente agotados y solo querían llegar a las tiendas de campaña y acostarse, lo que hicieron. Y a la mañana siguiente, todos actuaron como si nada hubiera sucedido". En 1988, Jim Weiner sufrió un accidente en el que sufrió una lesión cerebral traumática, por lo que comenzó a sufrir regularmente ataques nerviosos.

Pero más allá de eso, resultó que había sido atormentado por pesadillas durante mucho tiempo, y se dio cuenta de que no eran solo sueños, sino recuerdos de lo que sucedió en la noche durante una caminata en el bosque.

En estos flashbacks, vio criaturas humanas grises con ojos oscuros sin pestañas y con un "brillo metálico". Las criaturas tenían cuellos largos, cuatro dedos en sus manos y cabezas de formas extrañas. Estas criaturas lo examinaron mientras los médicos examinaban al animal de prueba, mientras que otros tres hombres estaban en la esquina de la habitación y lo miraban.

Pronto, las experiencias de Jim Weiner se volvieron tan dolorosas que comenzó a buscar un ufólogo para que le contara lo que había sucedido y descubriera qué hacer con él ahora.

Al mismo tiempo, su hermano, Rack y Waltz, que también tenían sueños inusuales y aterradores, se unieron a él, y también querían saber qué les había sucedido. Después de una breve búsqueda, Jim Weiner se puso en contacto con Raymond Fowler, fundador de MUFON, y le contó su historia. Fowler aconsejó consultar al especialista en hipnosis regresiva Anthony Constantine.

Los cuatro tuvieron sesiones con Constantine, durante las cuales recordaron algunos detalles del secuestro y cómo los extraterrestres los sacaron del bote y luego los devolvieron a tierra. Entre las manipulaciones que se llevaron a cabo sobre ellos, se mencionaron espirales y otras herramientas inusuales que se insertaron en sus cuerpos.

Durante los exámenes, también se les tomaron muestras de tejidos y líquidos de varios tipos. Todos mencionaron estas manipulaciones como dolorosas y traumáticas. Y antes de estas manipulaciones, los cuatro hombres fueron iluminados con una luz azul que paralizó su voluntad, y luego fueron llevados a una habitación y ordenados desnudarse.

Según Anthony Constantine, los gemelos Weiner tenían algunas señales de que no era la primera vez que les sucedía y que podrían haber sido secuestrados cuando eran niños. Y después de las sesiones de hipnosis, Jim Weiner descubrió un pequeño tumor extraño en una pierna de su cuerpo.

El tumor lo asustó e inmediatamente corrió al hospital, donde la extirparon quirúrgicamente. Fowler estaba muy interesado en este tumor y, después de la cirugía, intentó averiguar si podía tomarlo él mismo.

Sin embargo, en cambio, se enteró de que el tumor había sido enviado para su examen a un cierto coronel de la fuerza aérea de los Estados Unidos en el estado de Washington. Fowler intentó averiguar exactamente a quién se envió el tumor y dónde se examinó, pero también todo fue en vano.

En su opinión, esto sugiere que las autoridades estadounidenses podrían haber estado involucradas en el incidente y estaban tratando de eliminar las pruebas. Más tarde, Fowler escribió un libro sobre el caso Allagash.

Noticias originales

Date: August 20, 1976
Location: Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine
Summary: One of the most researched and best documented cases of multiple alien abduction occurred in August, 1976, in the state of Maine. The Allagash Waterway Abduction is a integral piece of the alien abduction puzzle. This case gained world-wide attention when it was dramatized in an episode of television’s “Unsolved Mysteries.” Twin brothers Jack and Jim Weiner, along with their friends Chuck Rak and Charlie Foltz, would be participants in an event involving a UFO sighting, missing time, and medical procedures performed by beings unknown.
Source: Unsolved Mysteries: Allagash Abductions


On Friday night, August 20, 1976, four young art students in their early twenties left Boston, Massachusetts for a canoe and camping trip in a wilderness area of Northern Maine along the Allagash River. The group consisted of identical twins, Jack and Jim Weiner, Charlie Foltz and Chuck Rak. Upon arrival at a staging point, they hired a pontoon airplane which flew them and their canoes to Telos Lake on the Allagash Waterway.

During the next several days they canoed and camped along the Waterway. On the evening of Thursday, August 26, they reached Eagle Lake, set up camp and decided to go night fishing for trout. The pitch darkness of the area necessitated the building of a huge bonfire to mark their campsite so that they could find their way back to it. Shortly after beginning to fish, Chuck became aware of a feeling of being watched. He told us that:

“I turned toward the direction from where I felt this and saw a large bright sphere of colored light hovering motionless and soundless about 200-300 feet above the southeastern rim of the cove.”

Chuck yelled for the others to look behind them. There, rising above the trees was a huge oval glowing object. As their eyes became adapted to its intense brightness, a gyroscopic motion was noted, as if there were pathways of energy flowing equatorially and longitudinally from pole to pole. This divided the sphere into four oscillating quadrants of bright colored light. The color changes were very liquid and enveloping, as if the entire object had a plasmatic motion to it, like a thick sauce does as it starts a rolling boil.

Charlie grabbed a flashlight and blinked it at the object. Instantly, the huge rising glowing object came to an abrupt halt and began to slowly approach the canoe. Simultaneously, a tube-shaped beam of light erupted from the object and hit the water. A glowing ring with a dark center reflected on the water’s surface, indicating that the beam was hollow. The object and its beam of light began moving toward the canoe. Terrified, the campers began paddling frantically toward their bonfire and camp as the beam swept across the lake directly at them and engulfed them.

It was from this point on that the conscious memories of the four differed according to each witness’ vantage point. The next thing Charlie remembered was paddling for shore and standing at the campsite with the others, watching the object move away.

Chuck Rak remembers staying in the canoe after the others had piled out in panic onto the shore. Transfixed, still holding his idle paddle, he could not take his eyes off the object.

Jack and Jim were able to consciously remember a bit more. Jack said that “It was just behind us and I could see that we were never going to outrun the Beam. It was advancing too fast and I remember thinking, ‘Holy shit! This is it! We’ll never get away.’ The next thing I knew, we were on the shore getting out of the canoe looking directly at the object which was now about 20 or 30 feet above the water. The beam was coming out of the bottom of it like the object was sitting on the beam. It hovered there, right in front of us, completely silent for what seemed like four or five minutes.

“Suddenly the beam was pointing up towards the sky. The object began to move up and away from us towards the southwestern sky and then shot into the stars and was gone in just a second.”

Jim Weiner said that “There was no mistake that it was coming directly to us. Then I remember standing on the lakeshore watching the object hovering above the lake 50 to 75 yards in front of us . . . Then the search beam went upward into the sky and we saw it moving away at a tremendous speed. We all seemed to be in a state of shock . . . We just stood there unable to move or talk.”

When the strange anesthetizing effect wore off, Chuck got out of the canoe and joined the others as they trudged dreamily up the beach to their camp. Even in this state, they were dumbfounded when they realized what had happened to the huge bonfire that had just been blazing several minutes ago. .

“When we left to go fishing,” said Jim, “we set very large logs on the fire to bum for a good 2 to 3 hours. The entire experience seemed to last, at the most, 15 or 20 minutes. Yet the fire was completely burned down to red. coals.” At that time, they had no memory of what happened during the time it took for their huge bonfire to burn down. This would remain a puzzle to them for years.

A few years later, Jim suffered a head injury which caused tempero-limbic epilepsy. During treatment, Jim’s doctors asked him to report any unusual experiences that might be symptomatic of his condition. Jim described strange experiences that he and his friends had experienced since the UFO encounter. These included awaking at night to see strange creatures, levitation from bed, and temporary paralysis while something was done to the genitals. He also described their encounter with a UFO and the period of missing time. Jim’s doctors advised him to contact a UFO researcher as they felt that Jim and his friends may have been involved in a UFO abduction experience. Jim contacted me during one of my UFO lectures in the Boston area.

In January of 1989, I initiated a formal investigation with MUFON Investigator and CEIII/IV specialist, David Webb (Solar Physicist) and with MUFON Consultant, Anthony (Tony) Constantino (Professional Hypnotist). It was conducted in a careful and meticulous manner over a period of 24 months.

It was obvious to us that the period of missing time had to be sandwiched between sighting the object and reaching shore. The beam of light hitting the canoe seemed to be the dividing point between memory and amnesia. During the first of a long series of hypnosis sessions, it was decided to concentrate on this segment of the terrifying encounter.

Under hypnosis, all four witnesses relived detailed and traumatic UFO abduction experiences during the period of missing time. All were transferred from their canoe into the UFO by the hollow tube-like beam of light. On board, they encountered strange humanoid creatures that exerted some kind of mind control over them so that they could not resist their demands.

All were made to undress and sit on a plastic-like bench in an area illuminated by diffuse white light. After looking at their eyes and in their mouths with a pencil-sized rod with a light on its tip, the aliens placed them in a harness and flexed their arms and legs. Then, one by one they were made to lie on a table where each was examined by a number of strange hand-held and larger machine-like instruments that were lowered over their bodies. During this segment of the examination, the alien entities removed samples of saliva, skin scrapings, blood, feces, urine and sperm from each of the abductees.

After the examinations, the abductees were made to dress and enter another room which had a round portal in one of its walls. They were lined up and made to walk into the portal. Strange sensations surged through their bodies as they found themselves floating down the hollow beam of light into their canoe which was now in shallow water near their campsite. The tube-like light seemed to hold the canoe steady as each was placed in it in the same seating positions they were in prior to the abduction.

As the hypnosis sessions continued, much detail was recovered about their on board experience. Also, it was discovered that the twins had had bedtime visitations by alien creatures and abduction experiences since early childhood. These experiences were relived in vivid detail under hypnosis.

During the course of the investigation an extraordinary event occurred. Jack and his wife Mary were abducted from their remote mountain home in Townshend, Vermont.

During the night of May 20, 1988, Jack’s dog woke him up when he scratched at the door wanting to go out to relieve itself. When Jack got up to put him out, he was shocked to see a blue light shining through the kitchen window. He went out to look and saw a glowing object hovering over the field adjoining his house. He decided to bring the dog back in. In the morning, he thought he had dreamed about the whole thing. However, under hypnosis, he relived a shared abduction experience with his wife in minute detail. Mary only remembered dreaming about deer with big eyes coming to their bedside. She did not respond to hypnosis. The following is an excerpt from Jack’s hypnosis sessions.

“It’s blue. A blue light. And I think, ‘That’s funny. That’s not the moon.’ And then I go to the window and I look out the window and what I see is amazing. I see a big, bright light and it’s right over the truck in the field outside the house. And I’m thinking, ‘Oh my God! I can’t believe that!’ And so I say, ‘Mary, get up. Get up and look!’ And I run to the door and I go out the door and I’m running towards the light up in the field . . . Then I see the dog running alongside me . . . And so I pick him up and I run back to the house . . . The light is still there and it’s moving . . . And then I put the dog back in bed and I’m thinking, ‘I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to do this now!’ I don’t want to look at the light . . . So I’m going back to bed. . . . And I’m thinking, ‘I don’t want to deal with this now. Why are they here now?’ And I’m scared . . . so I pull the covers over my head . . . and Mary’s next to me. And then I know, I know that something’s in the house. I just know that they’re there and I’m under the covers and I think, ‘Oh God, oh God! Why are they here now? I don’t want this to happen.’ (Gasps) And then the covers move and I feel something on the cover . . . And then the covers are down and I’m looking there and I was right. They’re right there! Oh God! They’re right there, right next to my bed . . . It has big eyes and a big head and it’s dark and there’s light behind it coming in the door. And it’s just taking the covers away and I don’t want to look at it . . . And I look at Mary . . . There’s another one there and it’s next to Mary. And I wish that I could do something but I can’t. I have to do what they want. And the light is out there and they want me to go out there . . . They’re lifting me. Mary’s standing and they’re making us move towards light . . . And the dog isn’t doing anything. We’re through the door . . . We walk up the lawn and I feel like I’m floating . . . our feet are on the ground, but my feet are not doing what I want them to.”

Jack and Mary were brought to stand in front of a huge house-sized glowing object sitting on a blue light that enveloped its underside. The glow around the object itself was changing colors from white to yellow to orange and purple and back to white. No noise emanated from the~ object, but the air was filled with the acrid smell of ozone. Then, Jack and Mary were made to walk into the blue light under the object. Instantaneously they were transferred inside of the glowing object. Mary was separated from Jack, who was made to undergo examinations similar to the one that he and his friends had experienced twelve years earlier. After the examination, Mary rejoined Jack and they were literally floated across the lawn from the craft to their house, through the unopened front door and to their bedroom, where they went back to bed in a strange lethargic state of mind.

This experience left physical evidence behind in the form of burns on the bottom of Jack’s feet. Jack also received a biopsy-like scoop mark above his ankle during another abduction. The scoop mark was located just above a scar left behind during an operation for an anomalous lump that had appeared overnight on Jack’s leg several years prior. Jack’s local doctor thought it was a cyst, but was unable to drain it so referred Jack to a surgeon who removed it. Jack was told that local pathologists did not know what it was and that it had been sent to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, for further analysis. However, when we checked Jack’s medical records, we found that it was sent to military pathologists in Washington, D.C., where it was examined by a United States Air Force Colonel. Attempts for further information about the anomalous lump were thwarted as the surgeon would not cooperate with our enquiry.

During the course of the investigation we conducted witness background checks, examined medical records and diaries, cross-checked witness testimony, coordinated witness psychological profile tests, correlated witness accounts with other reports and conducted fifteen hypnosis sessions over a period of 14 months. The final 10-volume report numbered over 700 pages. It was made available to UFO researchers and became the basis of a book on UFO abductions to be published by Time-Life and several TV documentaries.

In summation, this UFO abduction case is unique in a number of ways. It involved four credible persons who all consciously shared the same close-encounter with a UFO in 1976 during a canoe trip along the Allagash Waterway in Northern Maine. All percipients experienced missing time and relived traumatic complementary UFO abduction experiences under hypnosis. Two of the abductees are identical twins, which was of great interest to their alien abductors. Our enquiry revealed that each of the witnesses exhibited the typical benchmarks characteristic of other abductees. Lastly, all of the witnesses are artists and were able to provide detailed sketches of different aspects of their experiences. This has provided the UFO research community some excellent impressions relating to the appearance of alien beings, their instruments and their craft.

The many-faceted and intriguing elements of The Allagash Abductions also provided a catalyst for a detailed correlation of the witnesses’ experiences with benchmarks exhibited in other abduction reports being investigated and studied. Such were derived from an exhaustive survey of 270 reported UFO abductions in the United States and abroad compiled by Dr. Thomas E. Bullard of the University of Indiana. Some major similarities noted were: alien interest in the reproduction system and the extraction of sperm from each of the witnesses; a series of UFO and related paranormal experiences that dated back to early childhood; physical marks on the percipients’ bodies typical of those on the bodies of other UFO abductees; and, the overnight appearance of a lump above the tibia of one of the twins.

In addition, all witnesses were subjected to detailed interrogations, rigorous character reference checks, 12 recorded/transcribed hypnotic regression sessions and a battery of psychological profile tests. We also examined a number of alternate theories advanced to explain UFO abductions: hoaxes, fantasy-prone personalities, psychoses, birth trauma memories and archetypical images from the collective unconscious. Each of these theories was critiqued ‘and eliminated in the light of the evidence collected during our investigation.
The investigation concluded that the moral character of the witnesses, the graphic reliving of their experiences under hypnosis and the extraordinary correlations between their experience and that of others provided overwhelming evidence that their experiences were objective in nature. Such evidence combined with typical physical effects on the witnesses’ bodies prompted me to evaluate this case in the great significance category.


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