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НЛО. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1537539805
Добавлен пт, 21/09/2018
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
Остров Мори
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Этот инцидент произошел вскоре после 21 июня 1947 года. Моряк Гарольд А. Даль заявил, что в этот день видел шесть НЛО вблизи острова Мори, когда плавал в лодке вместе с сыном Чарльзом и собакой. Даль сообщил, что наблюдал от четырех до шести (в первом отчете ФБР говорится о четырех или пяти) "пончикообразных объектов", пролетевших над его лодкой. По словам моряка, сквозь отверстия в центре дисков можно было видеть голубое небо, а на их внутренней грани находились иллюминаторы. Один из кораблей, похоже, был неисправен. Другой корабль приблизился к нему, а затем отлетел подальше. В этот момент из внутреннего отверстия неисправного корабля начали извергаться какие-то объекты.Они падали на лодку, повредили ветровое стекло, фонарь и колесную нишу, а также убили бегавшую по палубе собаку. Сын Даля также получил легкие ранения. Даль утверждал, что сделал серию фотографий НЛО и собрал несколько похожих на куски шлака обломков, выброшенных неисправным объектом. Также Даль собрал несколько легких белых металлических листов, которые, будучи выброшенными из центрального отверстия НЛО, падали на землю подобно обрывкам газеты.

На следующее утро, сообщил Даль, к нему домой приехал мужчина и пригласил его позавтракать в соседней закусочной. Даль принял приглашение. Человек был одет в черный костюм, водил новый "бьюик" 1947 года, и Даль предположил, что тот был военным или правительственным агентом. За едой мужчина рассказал ему подробности о наблюдении НЛО, хотя Даль никому о нем не говорил. Также этот человек якобы сделал предупреждение, которое Даль воспринял как угрозу, что его семье может быть причинен вред, если он будет распространяться об увиденном. Это стало причиной путаницы: позже Даль утверждал, что его рассказы об НЛО были обманом; однако он также утверждал, что действительно видел НЛО, а об обмане заявил, чтобы уберечь семью.

Несмотря на угрозы человека в черном, Даль сообщил об инциденте своему начальнику Фреду Крисману, который давно утверждал, что имеет опыт в части необычных явлений, а также был совладельцем лодки, в которой плавал Даль. На следующий день Крисман приплыл на остров и, по его словам, заметил там объект, быстро скрывшийся за облаком. Он собрал дополнительные образцы "шлака", валявшегося на берегу. Затем он отправил образец на анализ в Чикаго. Согласно отчету ФБР, либо Крисман сам отправил образец Рэю Палмеру, писателю-фантасту и редактору журнала "Удивительная научная фантастика", либо это сделал его друг из Чикагского университета, который не смог идентифицировать материал. Пока образец курсировал по Чикаго, произошел знаменитая встреча Кеннета Арнольда с НЛО. Палмер связался с Арнольдом и попросил его расследовать этот инцидент в рамках статьи, которую тот писал для одного из изданий.

Случай в Каскадных горах

В данной статье мы подробно расскажем об одном из самых известных случаев, привлекших внимание общественности к существованию неопознанных летающих объектов. Его считают импульсом, породившим уфологическое движение.

Арнольд вылетел из Бойсе в Такому и встретился с Крисманом, Далем и, по крайней мере, тремя офицерами военной разведки в отеле Уинтроп. Эти встречи длились несколько дней, и в этот период некто (по мнению ФБР, вероятнее всего это был Крисман) стал сливать информацию о наблюдении НЛО вблизи острова Мори, а также о встречах в отеле и сути обсуждавшихся вопросов в местную и национальную прессу.

Два офицера воздушных сил США (капитан Уильям Л. Дэвидсон и лейтенант Фрэнк М. Браун), прибывшие по просьбе Арнольда, решили вернуться обратно в Калифорнию в тот же день, сразу после разговора с Крисманом. Даль также решил уйти, сославшись на возможную опасность для него и его семьи. Когда разведчики собрались уходить, Крисман достал из своей машины образцы найденных на берегу обломков и передал их следователям для транспортировки в Калифорнию. Позже Палмер заявил, что офицеры сразу же признали в металлических листах обычный аллюминий, не стали говорить об этом Арнольду, не пожелав смущать его. Однако самолет, в котором летели перевозившие "шлак" офицеры, разбился вскоре после вылета из Такомы. Оба военных погибли. Место крушения было обнаружено лишь в 2007 году, и проведенное ФБР расследование не выявило следы саботажа.

На следующий после авиакатастрофы день Даль и Крисман приехали в отель к Арнольду. Даля попросили показать фотографии НЛО, сделанные на острове Мори. Тот рассказал, что фотографии находятся в бардачке его машины, но они все испорчены белыми пятнами. Вся компания вышла из отеля и направилась за фотографиями к автомобилю Даля, припаркованному снаружи, однако фотографий в бардачке не оказалось.

Испугавшись смертей, Даль исчез. Арнольд понял, что не сможет завершить обещанную Палмеру статью. Образцы обломков, переданные Арнольду и Палмеру, также пропали.

Много позже Крисман и Даль признались, что вся эта история была ими сфабрикована. Перед смертью Крисман изменил историю, превратив ее в рассказ об американском самолете, сбрасывающем радиоактивные отходы.

Ассоциация скептиков, расследовавшая этот инцидент, пришла к выводу, что это было крушение неизвестного самолета, а найденные "обломки" представляли собой промышленный шлак. Привлеченный к расследованию Эд Руппельт классифицировал случай как "признанная мистификация".

Оригинальная новость

The incident took place shortly after June 21, 1947. On that date, seaman Harold A. Dahl, out scavenging for drifting logs, claimed to have seen six UFOs near Maury Island (which is now a peninsula of Vashon Island, in Puget Sound, near Tacoma, Washington, United States; Maury Island is located directly across a narrow section of Puget Sound from Sea-Tac International Airport and Boeing Field). Dahl, his son Charles, an unnamed hand and Dahl’s dog were on the boat. Dahl reported seeing four, five or six (the initial FBI report says four or five) “doughnut-shaped objects” flying in formation over the area where his boat was. He said he could see blue sky through the holes in the center of the discs, and that there appeared to be port holes lining the inside of the ring. One of the craft appeared to be malfunctioning, Dahl reported, and another craft edged up to it, then retreated. At this point the troubled craft began ejecting objects through the inner port holes. Slag-like material began hitting the boat and damaged the windshield, the wheel house and a light fixture, and killed his dog on the deck. He said his son was also slightly injured by falling debris. Dahl claimed to have taken a number of photographs of the UFOs, and recovered some type of slag ejected from the craft that malfunctioned. Dahl also recovered samples of sheaves of lightweight white sheets of metal that fluttered like “newspapers” out from the inner ring of the troubled UFO to the ground.

The next morning, Dahl reported a man arrived at his home and invited him to breakfast at a nearby diner; Dahl accepted the invitation. He described the man as wearing a black suit and driving a new 1947 Buick; Dahl assumed he was a military or government representative. Dahl claimed the man told him details of the UFO sighting while they ate, though Dahl had not related his account publicly. The man also allegedly gave Dahl a non-specific warning which Dahl took as a threat that his family might be harmed if he related details of the sighting.

Some confusion and debate over Dahl’s statements have occurred. Dahl later claimed the UFO sighting was a hoax, but has also claimed the sighting was accurate, but he had claimed it was a hoax to avoid bringing harm to his family.

In spite of the threat, Dahl had reported the incident to his employee at his sawmill operation, Fred Crisman, who had long claimed to have experience with unusual phenomena (and who was later alleged to be linked to the John F. Kennedy assassination)[1] and who also was the owner, or co-owner, of the boat used by Dahl. Crisman and Dahl also had a joint-venture to retrieve drifting logs from Puget Sound as a source of raw lumber. Crisman sailed to the island the following day and said he spotted a craft briefly, but it went behind a cloud. He gathered more of the slag which he found littering the beach area. He then sent a sample to Chicago with a request it be tested. According to the FBI report, Crisman either sent it to Ray Palmer, science fiction writer and editor of Amazing Science Fiction, or sent it to a friend at the University of Chicago who failed to identify the material and then sent it on to Ray Palmer. While the “rock formation” was being passed around in Chicago, the famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold took place at Mount Rainier in Washington state. Palmer contacted Arnold and asked him to investigate the incident for the story Arnold was writing for one of Palmer’s publications (the FBI report states Palmer was the editor of the magazines Venture and Fantacy [sic, given as “Fantasy” elsewhere in the report] at this time, although both Venture Science Fiction Magazine and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction first appeared long after the incident. Palmer inaugurated the first issue of Fate magazine in January, 1948 with a cover featuring flying disks and the article he paid Kenneth Arnold to write [2]).

Arnold flew from Boise, Idaho, to Tacoma and met with Crisman, Dahl and at least three military intelligence officers at the Winthrop Hotel there. During the meetings over several days, an unknown person (the FBI agent who wrote up the main report on the incident believed Crisman was the most likely suspect) began leaking details of the UFO sighting at Maury Island, the meeting in the hotel room and details of the conversation there to reporters at the Tacoma Times and at United Press, the latter reporter also working for Tacoma News Tribune. The anonymous caller also contacted the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and the Boise Statesman.

The two United States Army Air Corps investigating officers who arrived at Arnold’s request, Captain William L. Davidson and Lietuenant Frank M. Brown of Army A-2 Intelligence, decided to fly back to Hamilton Field the same day they arrived in Tacoma after interviewing Crisman in the hotel room. Dahl had decided to leave, citing possible danger to himself if the story got out, presumably because of the warning he received from the man in black previously. The two intelligence officers said they had to return to Hamilton Field in California quickly because the next day was Air Force Day, when the Air Force officially became a new service branch distinct from the Navy, Marines and Army. As the investigators were preparing to leave, Crisman produced samples of the “rock formation” from his automobile and gave it to the investigators to take back to California.[3] The plane carrying the two investigators and the slag crashed near Kelso, Washington, shortly after leaving Tacoma, killing both men.[3] In April 2007 it was reported that the crash site had been rediscovered and some material recovered, although the initial military investigation did recover exhibits and remove the bodies.[4][5] The FBI report notes that investigators from McChord Field near Tacoma had investigated the wreckage and were convinced there was no sabotage involved. The FBI report further mentions that two other people on board the airplane survived by parachuting from the airplane after it lost its left wing and the tail section due to a fire in the left engine. One of the survivors was named as a member of the flight crew and the other was referred to as “a hitch-hiker.” The Seattle Post-Intelligencer identified them as Sergeant Elmer L. Taft and Technical Sergeant Woodrow D. Matthews. Initially the Air Force denied the men had been carrying a secret cargo, but in later years admitted that they had been officially investigating the Dahl report.

Crisman alerted Arnold of the crash early the next morning and Dahl and Crisman returned to the hotel to discuss the situation with Arnold. Arnold had invited another person, accidentally identified in the FOI copy of the FBI report as a Mr. Smith of Seattle (probably Captain E. H. Smith (elsewhere E. J. Smith) of United Airlines, identified in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer article under External links below), to Tacoma to attend the UFO conference, and this informant related to the FBI field agent that a Mr. Lantz (elsewhere identified as Paul Lance) of the Tacoma Times contacted Arnold at the hotel and informed him of the leaks, including information that the Army intelligence officers had been shot down in the B-25 airplane over Kelso by 20 mm cannon, and that a Marine airplane whose wreck that had allegedly been found earlier at Mt. Rainier had also been shot down with the same weapon. The anonymous caller claimed knowledge of on-going investigations by military intelligence. He was not identified but claimed to be a switchboard operator. Mr. Smith informed the FBI the switchboard operator at the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma was not a male. The anonymous caller also said he was not interested in providing a scoop to any certain media outlet but wanted the news “to get back to New Jersey.”

Asked to produce the photographs he had made of the UFOs over Maury Island, Dahl and the group left the hotel and went to Dahl’s automobile parked outside. Dahl then claimed the photographs had disappeared from his glove compartment. Initially he had said the photographs didn’t turn out and were marred by white spots that appeared on them. He didn’t change his story and the group knew the photographs were of poor quality. Later UFOlogists revisited the issue of the photographs with Crisman, prompting the claim some copies had survived, but UFOlogists were unable to acquire this piece of evidence.

The ad hoc group in Tacoma in 1947 also decided to sail to Maury Island. This plan failed when the boat failed to start. Asked where the UFO had damaged the boats, Crisman pointed to the windshield, the klaaxon and a light. Smith told the FBI there were signs of recent repair to these parts.

Alarmed by the deaths, Dahl disappeared, although the FBI report mentions his son, allegedly injured by the slag from the malfunctioning UFO, had run away from home to Montana for some reason. The anonymous caller informed the press that one of the two witnesses would shortly be sent to Alaska. Crisman, a WWII veteran, was recalled to service hastily and sent to Alaska (A UFO was spotted northwest of Bethel, Alaska on August 4 by Captain Jack Peck and copilot Vince Daly from a Douglas DC-3 they operated for Al Jones flying service and was reported to the headquarters of the Fourth Air Force in Hamilton, California and the Air Defense Command commander at Mitchell Field in New York.[6]), then posted to Greenland (Thule Air Force Base figures in Milton William Cooper’s “Behold a Pale Horse” as a Majestic 12/Operation Majority control terminus). Arnold found himself unable to complete the story for Palmer. Samples of the slag provided to Arnold and Palmer also allegedly went missing. Arnold was allegedly advised by Ted Morello of the United Press: “You’re involved in something that is beyond our power here to find out anything about… Get out of this town until whatever it is blows over.”.[7]

Arnold decided to fly home. He stopped for fuel in Pendleton, Oregon, and shortly after taking off again, his engine froze in mid-air. He managed to land the plane safely despite the emergency.

Paul Lance of the Tacoma Times died within two weeks of undetermined causes.[8] United Press stringer Ted Morello moved to New York and until his death due to a stroke on September 15, 2007, at the age of 88, was a well-respected newspaper correspondent to the United Nations.

Some believe that the famous case of another allegedly disabled UFO, the Roswell UFO incident, took place about 12 days after Dahl’s sighting, although various dates circulate among Roswell investigators and the chronology is less certain than that for the Maury Island Incident.

The story of the mysterious crash of the B-25 and the death of the two men investigating the “disk case” who allegedly had a “top-secret cargo” or even “saucer parts” was carried by the wire services and published by newspapers locally and nationally.[citation needed]

Albert K. Bender later seized on Dahl’s story, and printed it in his newsletter. In 1953, Bender claimed three men in black visited him, and warned him to stop his UFO research, which he did for a decade, closing down his International Flying Saucer Bureau. In 1963 Bender published his story, *Flying Saucers and the Three Men*, placing him beyond the pale of even the UFO research community because of his claims about men in black.

Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, chief of Project Blue Book in the early 1950s, wrote that he was convinced that the entire sighting story was a hoax.[9] The initial FBI field report concluded the story was a hoax as well.

In the FBI report the anonymous caller mentioned an incident involving a United Airlines pilot and his co-pilot flying over Montana and coming under fire.

United Airlines pilot E. H. Smith, the likely identity of the main informant in the FBI report and a key figure in the meetings at the Winthrop Hotel in Tacoma, was named as witnessing a UFO event over Boise several weeks prior (on July 4, according to the FBI report) to the crash of the B-25 near Kelso, Washington, according to an Associated Press dispatch with the dateline of San Francisco, August 2, “2 Flyers died in Crash on ‘Disc’ Mission” (see Seattle Post-Intelligencer, “Is strange rock from UFO or just a piece of poppycock?”, April 25, 2007, under External links below). In the FBI report on the Maury Island Incident, Mr. Smith reports he made contact with people he knew inside military intelligence during the meetings with Arnold, Dahl, Crisman and others in Tacoma. Smith reported a meeting between Arnold, him and an unnamed military intelligence figure without Dahl or Crisman present. In subsequent accounts by Arnold a Major Sanders is mentioned as present at the hotel with Crisman. Mr. Smith reported he, his contact from military intelligence and Arnold went to an unidentified Tacoma slag mill to compare the “rock formation” Dahl had collected and provided with generic slag from a smelter, and found they were very alike.

The story surfaced from Ray Palmer (editor of Amazing Stories), regarding a man called Fred Crisman who claimed to have actual physical evidence of a flying saucer, July 31, 1947.

Palmer passed the story onto Kenneth Arnold, who was investigating UFO reports in the Northwest. Arnold interviewed Crisman an his associate Harold Dahl who claimed they were harbour patrolmen (their first lie).

Crisman reported that they had seen a doughnut-shaped craft dump piles of slaglike material on the beach of Maury Island in Puget Sound. The next morning a mysterious man in black had threatened Dahl, who claimed the man said ‘I know a great deal more about this experience of yours that you will want to believe.’.

The 2 men showed Arnold the material who in turn contacted an Army Air Force intelligence officer, Lieutenant Frank Brown, who flew up from Hamilton Field in California in the company of another Air Force officer.

The 2 Air Force officers immediately recognised the material as ordinary aluminium but did not say so in front of Arnold due to the fact that he would feel embarrassed. While flying back to Hamilton, their B-25 caught fire and crashed, killing both officers.

Crisman and Dahl later confessed to investigators that they had made up the story. Before his death Crisman changed the Maury Incident story to that of an American Plane dropping radioactive waste instead of a UFO dropping unknown substances.

A sceptic association investigated the case, which they date to 21 June 1947, instead of 31 July 1947 (?), and gives the explanation “foundry slag, unrelated plane crash.” Note that Ed Ruppelt was involved in the investigation and classifies the event as “admitted hoax.”


Список версий, содержащих признаки, совпадающие с описаниями очевидца или материальными свидетельствами
Недостаточно информации


Проверка версий, их подтверждение или опровержение. Дополнительная информация, заметки по ходу изучения материалов
Недостаточно информации


Версия, подтвержденная в результате расследования, или наиболее вероятное объяснение

Отходы промышленности

К этой категории можно отнести остатки материалов, сырья, полуфабрикатов, образовавшиеся в процессе изготовления продукции. Это продукты, образовавшиеся в результате физико-химической переработки сырья, добычи и обогащения полезных ископаемых, получение которых не является целью данного производственного процесса, вещества, улавливаемые при очистке отходящих газов и сточных вод и т.п.

Сюда может относиться в частности:

Преднамеренная фальсификация

К этой версии относятся любые фальсификации, имитирующие необъясненные феномены как со стороны: розыгрыши, флешмобы, фейковые новости, обман свидетелей, инсценировки и т.п.

Существует немало способов из подручных материалов изготовить нечто, похожее на призрака или летающую тарелку, не применяя при этом видео и фотомонтаж.

Многие самодельные вещи, изготавливаемые ради шутки, розыгрыша или прямой имитации мистического существа или события можно принимать за необъясненное не только на фотографиях и видео, но и в реальности.


Летательный аппарат тяжелее воздуха для полётов в атмосфере (и космическом пространстве (напр. Орбитальный самолёт)), использующий аэродинамическую подъёмную силу планера для удержания себя в воздухе (при полёте в пределах атмосферы) и тягу силовой (двигательной) установки для маневрирования и компенсации потерь полной механической энергии на лобовое сопротивление. 

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