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Параллельный мир. Аргентина

ID #1542972486
Добавлен пт, 23/11/2018
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
27.06.2016 01:00
Педро Луро Buenos Aires

Целести (Celeste) и Николас (Nicolás) отправились из Баия-Бланки в 01:00 утром 27 июля 2016 года, направляясь в Viedma на 2016 Ford Fiesta 1.6. - другими словами, автомобиль с практически нулевыми километрами на нем. Понимая, что у них осталось 1/4 бака топлива, которых было бы недостаточно, чтобы покрыть расстояние в 280 километров за три часа, так как автомобиль будет потреблять около 20 литров на этом участке, они решили остановиться на заправочной станции после достижения Педро Луро.Они так уже ездили неоднократно в прошлом. С городом Педро Луро в поле зрения они подъехали к станции технического обслуживания ... и вот тогда началась серия визуальных и географических аномалий, достойных научно-фантастического фильма.

Заправочная станция была закрыта и полностью темна. Этот факт выделялся в их умах, учитывая, что станция остается открытой ночью.

Еще на дороге им стал заметен «белый свет на расстоянии», напоминающий светодиод. Подумав, что это может быть какая-то автомобильная авария, они остановились и сигнализировали своими фарами. Они получили кототкий «отклик», но то что дальше произошло... Именно в этот момент они поняли, что «что-то ненормальное» происходит, поскольку странный свет начал «сканировать сельскую местность, увеличиваясь в размерах ...»

Николос был «ошеломлен» обстоятельствами на несколько мгновений, замедлившись и пристально глядя на свет, который на мгновение стал красным. В этот момент Селеста впала в панику. Оба были охвачены нервным состоянием.

С этого момента они начали видеть силуэты «птиц, похожих на летучих мышей», но с длинными ногами. Высотой около пятидесяти сантиметров (20 дюймов) эти черные, красноглазые существа бежали к сельской местности, разворачивая свои крылья и улетая. Призраки проявлялись и через две тысячи метров (320 футов), когда машина уже ехала по дороге. Телефоны не работали.

Это заставило разогнать машину до 140 км/ч. Обычно это оживленная дорога, как днем, так и ночью, , однако в течение нескольких часов путешествия пара в Ford Fiesta не встречала никаких других транспортных средств, построек или населенных пунктов. Когда их топливный бак практически пуст, они прибыли в свой дом в Видме (Рио Негро) после 06:00 . Так путешествие, которое обычно занимает три часа, заняло пять.

Оригинальная новость

Celeste and Nicolás set out from Bahía Blanca at 01:00 in the morning on July 27, 2016 heading toward Viedma aboard a 2016 Ford Fiesta 1.6. - in other words, a car with practically zero kilometers on it. Aware that they had 1/4 tank of fuel left, which wouldn't be enough to cover the 280 kilometer distance in three hours, as the car would consume some 20 liters in that stretch, they decided to stop at a filling station upon reaching Pedro Luro. This being the case, their journey, which was identical to others they had taken along the same road in the past, was proceeding quite normally under partly cloudy and dark skies. With the town of Pedro Luro in sight, they approached the service station...and that's when a series of visual and geographic anomalies, worthy of a sci-fi film, began to play out.

The filling station was closed and completely dark. This fact stood out in their minds given that the station remains open at night. But the image they perceived of the establishment and its environs was "a state of desolation and abandonment..."

They decided to press on. Once more on the road, they became aware of the presence of a "white light in the distance", resembling an LED. Thinking it might be some vehicular accident, they stopped and signaled with their headlights, obtaining "a titillating luminous response" but nothing more came of the brief exchange. It was at that moment that they realized that "something abnormal" was taking place, as the bizarre light began to "scan the countryside, increasing in size..." They decided to continue their trip in the silence of the night.

At a given point in time, Nicolás was "stunned" by the circumstances for a few moments, slowing down and staring fixedly at the light which momentarily became red. At this point, Celeste panicked and started to rant and whimper. Both had been gripped by a nervous condition.

From that moment onward, they began seeing the silhouettes of "birds looking like bats" but with long legs. With a height of around fifty centimeters (20 inches), these black-colored, red-eyed entities were running toward the countryside, unfurling their wings and flying away. The apparitions manifested by ones and twos every hundred meters (320 feet) as the car traveled along the road. These creatures are reminiscent of the famous U.S. case that occurred on August 21, 1955 at the Sutton family farm located between the towns of Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky, when members of the family were visited by horrific manlike figures during the night.

The car radio - on which they had been listening to music - became "filled with static" and they noticed that the same song was repeating over and over for several minutes.

Tensions rose even further upon ascertaining that "both of their cellphones had stopped working". The disquieting light remained in the vicinity, crossing the road on more than one occasion. It was truly extraordinary situation that prompted Nicolás to accelerated to some 130/140 Kph (80/90 mph) in spite of the scant amount of fuel in the tank, all in hopes of reaching their destination.

Those who know National Route No.3 or have driven on it are clearly aware that it is a busy road both during the day and at night, and it is common to see trucks going by. However, during the several hours of the journey, the couple's Ford Fiesta did not meet any other vehicles, nor does the couple remember passing by the exit to any towns on their trajectory after passing by Pedro Luro!(towns such as Juan A. Pradere, Villalonga and Stroeder). Another striking detail is that they did not see the lights of any houses deep in the country.

The couple never noticed any other service station at which the gas tank could be filled. The light kept tailing them, the car was easily traveling at 130 kph, time went by, the strange figures at the side of the road went on in succession and their nerves had gotten the better of them. Reaching their home in Viedma was their sole concern.

Upon reaching the exit to Carmen de Patagones, the couple agreed that this was when the persistent light 'vanished" and the city lights became clearly visible. With their fuel tank virtually empty, they arrived at their home in Viedma (Río Negro) after 06:00 in the morning...in other words, a journey that normally takes three hours took them five! Other external details surrounded the case, but what is important is that beyond all of the misadventures, the question is what happened during the missing 120 minute time span. This is where the infamous "Missing Time" comes into play. Here, without question, lies "the key" to the incident. We were able to reconstruct the scenario chronologically, in the awareness that while the couple claims not having lost consciousness at any point, events suggest that something completely anomalous took place in their surroundings and that "there is something missing" in those endless five hours that we need to complete the jigsaw puzzle. It is much like watching a movie with surrealistic images and with flashes, making the end taking much longer than necessary. Clearly, this case is not closed. Neither of the two presented any subsequent physical after-effects. The investigations, supported by Celeste and Nicolás willingness to find out what happened, will continue on our part, but they will no longer try to make the same journey at night...


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