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НЛО. Норвегия

ID #1592127717
Добавлен вс, 14/06/2020
Автор July N.

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Известный уфолог и виртуальный археолог Скотт Уоринг сообщил, что на фотоснимке северного сияния он разглядел настоящий неопознанный летающий объект. Об этом он рассказал на своей страничке в Соцсети, представив соответствующий снимок.

По словам уфолога, данная фотография во всей красе показывает северное сияние, и на ней он совершенно случайно разглядел огромный НЛО. Уоринг считает, что таким образом представители инопланетных цивилизаций изучают полярные сияния, и получают больше информации о нашей планете.

Уфолог обращает внимание пользователей на то, что корабль пришельцев находится в зеленой зоне северного сияния. Они, по его мнению, интересуются не только человечеством, но и другими формами жизни на Земле.

Скотт Уоринг регулярно делает публикации, касающиеся поиска внеземной жизни. Круг его интересов не ограничиваются только лишь земными территориями. Он также изучает снимки, произведенные зондами космических агентств, находя на них нечто интересное с точки зрения уфологии.

Оригинальная новость

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A bizarre conspiracy theory has emerged after a UFO hunter supposedly spotted an extraterrestrial spaceship in an aurora. Auroras include northern lights – aurora borealis – and southern lights – aurora australis. As the magnetosphere gets bombarded by solar winds, stunning blue lights can appear as that layer of the atmosphere deflects the particles.

Now, one alien enthusiast believes that an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation is studying the auroras to learn more about Earth and its inhabitants, which could have even been placed on Earth by aliens according to the bizarre claim.

Prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring wrote on his blog ET Database: "The photo supposedly shows the Aurora borealis in all its glory, however, it accidentally caught a large UFO in it.

"The UFO was clearly inside the green area and was taking samples and taking readings from the aurora. Aliens are interested in everything about Earth, not just the humans, not just the life forms, but all area of our planet.

"It wouldn't surprise me if several aliens species terraformed earth long ago as an experiment so they could record the entire planet evolving and growing through time.


A bizarre conspiracy theory has emerged after a UFO hunter supposedly spotted an extraterrestrial spaceship in an aurora. Auroras include northern lights – aurora borealis – and southern lights – aurora australis. As the magnetosphere gets bombarded by solar winds, stunning blue lights can appear as that layer of the atmosphere deflects the particles.

Now, one alien enthusiast believes that an advanced extraterrestrial civilisation is studying the auroras to learn more about Earth and its inhabitants, which could have even been placed on Earth by aliens according to the bizarre claim.

Prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring wrote on his blog ET Database: “The photo supposedly shows the Aurora borealis in all its glory, however, it accidentally caught a large UFO in it.

“The UFO was clearly inside the green area and was taking samples and taking readings from the aurora. Aliens are interested in everything about Earth, not just the humans, not just the life forms, but all area of our planet.

“It wouldn’t surprise me if several aliens species terraformed earth long ago as an experiment so they could record the entire planet evolving and growing through time.


Here is a cool photo from the NASA Spaceflight site. The photo supposedly shows the Aurora borealis in all its glory, however it accidentally caught a large UFO in it. The UFO was clearly inside the green area and was taking samples and taking readings from the Aurora. Aliens are interested in everything about Earth, not just the humans, not just the life forms, but all area of our planet. It wouldn't surprise me if several aliens species terraformed earth long ago as an experiment so they could record the entire planet evolving and growing through time. Why? Because those alien species are billions of years old, and have long since forgotten or lost their own history that far back. Even us humans have lost a lot of our own history of what happened just a few hundred years ago, and lost most of our history of what happened two thousand years ago. So yes, we can assume the same has happened to the alien species, but for them, they lost it many times over.
Scott C. Waring


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