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Пришелец. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1600169495
Добавлен вт, 15/09/2020
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 
Деминг, NM
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Ясным, но темным летним вечером миссис Хильда Макафи и ее пожилая мать ехали домой на машине из Лас-Крусес в Деминг. Автомагистраль между штатами была относительно без движения. 

Примерно в 23 милях к востоку от Деминга вечер был прерван появлением луча синего света, направленным на них с небольшого расстояния прямо впереди, исходящего с той же полосы, по которой они ехали. 

Свет был огромным и ослепляющим, и миссис Макафи приготовилась обогнуть объект на земле прямо впереди. 

Пока она объезжала объект, женщины находились на расстоянии видимости от двух существ, залитых ярким голубым светом, но лишь мельком взглянули на них. 

Они были среднего роста и довольно коренастые. Они были одеты в бледно-голубые объемные стеганые комбинезоны. Мать миссис Макафи отметила, что они носили широкие пояса, что соответствовало комбинезону и перчаткам. 

Миссис Макафи сказала, что на них были темные сапоги до середины икры. 

Обе согласились, что существа были одинаково одеты и носили шлемы, похожие на те, которые носят мотоциклисты, с окном темного цвета, скрывающим черты лица. Фигуры казались застывшими и не подозревали, а если и так, то не беспокоились о присутствии двух женщин. 

Один был повернут к женщинам спиной и, казалось, работал над чем-то связанным с объектом, расположенным над ними, в то время как другой был повернут боком, лицом к нему. Оба стояли плашмя на тротуаре, рядом или под предполагаемым объектом, и синий свет падал на них из точки где-то наверху. 

В то же время луч света, который был сфокусирован на двух женщинах, все еще смотрел на них и следовал за автомобилем, который объезжал существ и объект. 

Весь объект был описан как неясный, и не было слышно ни звука. Было смутно различимо, что оно было размером с грузовик и висел над землей. 

Миссис Макафи сказала, что не уверена, что они, возможно, частично прошли под нним, пытаясь избежать удара.

После их встречи обе женщины страдали от жжения, ноющей боли в груди и руках, и даже кости, казалось, болели. Обе женщины подумали, что боль вызвана ярким светом, который освещал пол машины и был намного ярче дневного света.

Другая информация о месте происшествия

  • Местность: плоская пустыня. 
  • Население: малонаселенное. 
  • Погода: Ясная, теплая. 
  • Воздушное движение: не замечено. 
  • Общее время нмблюдения: пять минут.
  • Шум / запах: нет.
Оригинальная новость

Location. 23 miles E of Deming New Mexico
Date: June/July 1972
Time: night
On a clear but dark summer evening Mrs. Hilda McAfee and her elderly mother were on their home by car from Las Cruces to Deming. Interstate 10 was relatively devoid of traffic. About 23 miles east of Deming the evening was disrupted by a beam of blue light directed at them from what seemed to be a short distance straight ahead, emanating from the same lane in which they were driving. The light was huge and blinding and Mrs. McAfee prepared to swerve around an object on the ground just ahead. As she pulled around the object, the women were within viewing distance of two beings bathed in a brilliant blue light, but only gathered a quick glance at them. They appeared to be of average height and rather stocky. They were clad in pale blue, bulky quilted coveralls. Mrs. McAfee’s mother noted that they were wearing wide belts, which matched the coveralls and gloves. Mrs. McAfee said they were wearing dark boots which reached the mid-calf. Both agreed that the beings were identically dressed and wore helmets similar in appearance to those worn by motorcyclists, with a dark-colored window which concealed the facial features. The figures appeared rigid and not aware of, or if so, unconcerned about, the presence of the two women. One had his back turned to the women and seemed to be working on something connected with the object located above them, while the other was turned sideways, facing him. Both were standing flat on the pavement, either beside or underneath the presumed object, and the blue light shone down on them from a point somewhere above. At the same time the beam of light which had been focused on the two women was still glaring at them and followed the car as it drove around the beings and object. The entire object was described as being obscure and no sound was heard. It was vaguely discerned as about the size of a truck and sitting off the ground. Mrs. McAfee said she wasn’t certain but that they may have passed partially under the in their attempt to avoid hitting it. Following their encounter both women suffered a burning, aching pain in their chest and arms, and even their bones seemed to hurt. Both ladies thought the pain was caused by the light which was so brilliant it lit upthe floor of the car and was much brighter than daylight.
Source: Patti Norris A.P.R.O. Bulletin, December 1975 


“New Mexico Occupant Case”

During the course of his investigation of the Walton case, Field Investigator Raymond Jordan obtained a lead on a possible occupant report in Deming, New Mexico, dating back to 1972. The case was turned over to Field Investigator Patti Morris, who submits the following report and accompanying sketch which was done to the specification of the witnesses:

On a clear but dark summer evening in June or July 1972 (exact day and month uncertain), Mrs. Hilda McAfee (a lady in her late 50s) and her elderly mother were on their way home by car from Las Cruces, New Mexico, to Deming. Interstate 10 was relatively devoid of traffic as they clipped along at about 65 miles per hour, heading west. At about 23 miles east of Deming the evening was disrupted by a beam of blue light which shone down on them from what seemed to be a short distance straight ahead, and emanating from the same lane in which they were driving. The light was huge and blinding and Mrs. McAfee prepared to swerve around an object on the ground just ahead.

As she pulled around the object, the two women were within viewing distance of two men bathed in the brilliant blue light, but only gathered a quick view of them. They appeared to be of average height and rather stocky. They were clad in pale, blue, bulky quilted coveralls. Mrs. McAfee’s mother noted that they were wearing wide belts which matched the coveralls, gloves, with no insignias in evidence. Mrs. McAfee said they were wearing dark boots which reached the mid-calf. Both agreed that the “men” were identically dressed and wore helmets similar in appearance to those worn by motorcyclists, including a visor (dark) which concealed the facial features.

The figures appeared “rigid” and not aware of, or if so, unconcerned about, the presence of the two women. One had his back turned to the women and seemed to be working on something connected with the object located above them, while the other was turned sideways, facing him, and appeared to be talking to his companion. Both were standing flat on the pavement, either beside or underneath the presumed object and the blue light which shone down on them from a point somewhere above. At the same time the beam of light which had been focused on the two women was still glaring at them, and followed the car as it drove around the men and object.

Also noted were black rods estimated to be four or five inches wide located near the “men”, but no details were noted. The entire object was described as being obscure and no sound was heard. The only lights visible were the light from above and the spotlight and the object was vaguely discerned as about the size of a truck and sitting high off the ground. Mrs. McAfee said she wasn’t certain but that they may have passed partially under the object in their attempt to avoid hitting it.

After they passed the men and the object, the women looked back but all was dark and no trace was seen of the tableau. They later speculated that whatever it was, had used the light to prevent a collision and turned it off after the women had passed it. Mrs. Morris concurred on this point.

An odd aspect of this case is the aftermath. Both women suffered a burning, aching pain in their chests and arms after the encounter, and “even their bones” seemed to hurt. Both ladies thought the pain was caused by the light which was so brilliant it lit up the floorboards of the car and was much brighter than daylight. Neither of the women had ever had a UFO experience before and were totally unaware of them.

Field Investigator Morris was very impressed with the sincerity of the two women who were eager to tell of their experience. Mrs. McAfee is landlady to Mr. “Chaney” Rogers, who is a brother of Mike Rogers, one of the six witnesses to the Travis Walton incident. It was because of the Walton incident that Mrs. McAfee and her mother decided to divulge their experience. Mrs. McAfee decided no one would laugh at them now.

Other information about the site of the McAfee incident: Terrain: flat desert land. Population: sparsely settled. Weather: Clear, warm. Air Traffic: non noticed. Overall time of sighting: five minutes.

Noise/odor: none.


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