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НЛО. Австралия

ID #1680972739
Добавлен сб, 08/04/2023
Автор July N.

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Крис Лехто в своем новом видео от 7 апреля 2023 года опубликовал кадры обнаружения диска UAP в Австралии. Следует отметить, что, по словам Лехто, это не диск в сфере света, а весь объект представляет собой диск. .

Он также отмечает, что предоставит отснятый материал со звуком в следующем видео на своем канале .

Оригинальная новость

The following submission statement was provided by /u/genericexistence:

Chris Lehto has published footage of a UAP disc sighting in Australia in his new video on April 7, 2023. It must be mentioned that, according to Lehto, this is not a disc within a sphere of light, but the whole object is a disc.

He also notes that he will provide the footage with audio in the next video on his channel.

Below is a minimal adjusted transcript of the conversation in which he presents and discusses the footage to Ted Roe of NARCAP.

What do you think about this footage? Do you have any mundane explanations? Is it a hoax? Your skepticism is requested.

Date/time: unknown
Location: Australia


Chris Lehto:
So I've been doing an investigation with Ross Coulthart. I got a video here from an anonymous guy from Australia. He doesn't want to be public and he says he's autistic, he doesn't like crowds and he doesn't want to talk to anyone about this, he wants to remain totally anonymous. But I verified him, I basically checked out his identification, we did a background check on him in Australia, and then Ross Coulthart did a full interview with him, as well as me. Me and Danny interviewed him, and I mean it sounds legitimate, so now we're just trying to verify the video.

It's only a minute here, he said he's out in the Australian outback, out in the middle of nowhere. He's laying in a beach chair on a camping trip, and he's just sitting there and he sees this red light above him, up high. He's like what is that thing, and he has friends with him, he calls out. They're not awake actually, they're just in the tent passed out, it's late. And he says it starts coming down, so the colors start coming down, he grabs his phone, I guess he was probably looking at it, and he films it, he's filming it straight up.

Ross said he's legit, he said right here (video at 00:48) it was a white light, like a spotlight on him. It illuminated everything white, he didn't see red like you see [in this video].

He also said he could read, it was writing basically [there], around this inner ring. He said it was some crazy looking writing, he couldn't read it, but it was like angular writing, he said it was just a metallic looking (?).

Ted Roe:
Is it a disc inside of a sphere of light, is that what I'm seeing here, or is that whole thing a disc?

Chris Lehto:
This whole thing is a disc. He said, he couldn't tell how big it was at the beginning, but then when it comes down above him, he said it was very big, he said at least 10 meters across, is what he said. […] he couldn't tell, he said 10 to 30 meters.

Ted Roe:
You know, part of the problem is that the camera interprets color, so you're not getting necessarily the truth of the color when you look at this, […] but the colors that I'm seeing are emission spectra of atmospheric atoms. The green, that's oxygen, the red is neon, the orange is helium, the blue is nitrogen, that would be my guess. And it's really common in the literature to see cases involving ports of red and green lights, lights that phase between red and green.

Chris Lehto:
Yeah, he said initially it was red, and further away, and then it started basically descending.


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Контрастный объект на однородном фоне

К данной версии может относится любое наблюдение контрастного объекта на однородном фоне, как днем так и ночью.

Ночью это может быть источник света на темном доме, на технике в темной комнате и т.п.

Днем цвет неба также иногда может сливаться с цветом поверхности Земли на уровне горизонта. При этом может показаться, что объект, находящейся на этом отрезке, парит в небе. Это хорошо заметно, например, на морских пейзажах. Данная иллюзия может возникать как на фотографиях (особенно черно-белых), так и при непосредственном наблюдении.


Запуски ракет (с сайта space.skyrocket.de)

  • Место: Jiuquan Space Center, Inner Mongolia (China) Носитель: Hyperbola-1(2) (Shuang Quxian-1(2)) Нагрузка: Lianyungang (Dummy Payload)
  • Место: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida (USA) Носитель: Falcon-9 v1.2 (Block 5) Нагрузка: Intelsat 40e / TEMPO


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По данному видео объект идентифицировать сложно, поскольку он выглядит как светодиод, переливающийся разными цветами на темном фоне. Сложно даже сказать был ли объект в небе или просто снят в темноте.

Когда на кадрах происходит приближение к объекту, он вообще становится похож на фонарик.


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