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Fantasma. Reino Unido

ID #1491543993
Añadido Vie, 07/04/2017
Autor July N.

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Fecha del incidente: 
Reino Unido

Investigadores británicos fenómenos sobrenaturales afirman que lograron captar en video el negro fantasma de la forma, наблюдавшую detrás de ellos en un edificio abandonado. Esto ocurrió hace varios días en la ciudad inglesa de Мансфилде del condado de nottinghamshire. Los cazadores de fantasmas salieron en la noche en el edificio, donde, según las leyendas urbanas, en su tiempo, fueron asesinados siete monjes (

El jefe del grupo, de 36 años de edad dan de litchfield, explica que los especialistas interesó en el edificio que antiguamente albergaba el matadero, a continuación, pub. Sin embargo, en la época medieval en la que residió allí una comunidad monacal, siete de cuyos miembros fueron apuñaladas en el momento de тюдоровской la secularización de los conventos. Cuenta la leyenda que, desde entonces, los espíritus de los muertos ascetas periódicamente материализовываются aquí, a pesar de todos los siete fantasmas juntos, nadie ha visto nunca.

En el siguiente vídeo se puede ver una gran sala, que dan de litchfield y sus colegas se encienden linternas. Uno de los cazadores hace una ofrenda a los espíritus, dejando para ellos un juguete de peluche. En este momento el operador dirige la cámara donde lo hacia adentro de la habitación, y allí inesperadamente, surge un negro de hombre, silueta, de pie, inmóvil y como refleja en el forastero en su morada de la gente. Los investigadores han notado esta forma, sólo posteriormente, y eran muy обрадованы de su hallazgo.

Litchfield dice:

"Impreso en el video de un fantasma para estos investigadores paranormal, como nosotros, es como encuentros con el misterio del santo grial para los cristianos. Esto sucede con poca frecuencia. Normalmente se trata de парейдолической de la ilusión, cuando en la cámara se algo similar a la cara, sin embargo en realidad no hay nada allí. Aquí nos explícitamente quitaron oscuro de hombre, silueta, que no hay de donde era cogerse, porque en el edificio, además de nosotros, no había nadie. Estamos convencidos de que es un fantasma, uno de los monjes".

Traducido del servicio de «Yandex.Traductor»

Noticias originales

Eerie footage captures shadowy figures at grade-II listed building where seven monks were burnt alive
The team were investigating the renowned paranormal hotspot ‘The Village’ in Mansfield, Notts, when their camera caught an eerie figure watching them
Ghost hunters have revealed footage and pictures of a shadowy figure stalking them in a grade-II listed building – where seven monks were thought to have been burnt alive.

Dan Litchfield, 36, and his team were investigating the renowned paranormal hotspot ‘The Village’ in Mansfield, Notts, when their camera caught an eerie figure watching them in the darkness.

What left the group even more stunned was when another photo in a different part of the former pub and slaughterhouse showed the suspected ghoul again watching them.

Legend has it that tunnels led from the nearby Newstead Abbey to the site and monks who had sought refuge were slaughtered when there caught during the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
Dan, from Gloucester, said: “Catching a full apparition on camera is like the Holy Grail in paranormal investigations. That sort of thing doesn't happen very often.

“You normally see some things that can be attributed to pareidolia - when you see a shape or a figure when nothing's actually there. But the shadow figure was unbelievably clear.

“It was our first time there. It is known as a major hotspot in the field and well known as one of the best places to visit so we had wanted to go – it had been on my bucket list for a while.

“I never thought we wold get something as good as this. I hoped to but never thought I would.

“We also had a photo that was taken by another person in the building that night. He actually found a similar shadowy figure within a different part of that area.

“The fact that the figure was caught twice in two different spots, 10 feet apart, that obviously reinforces the sighting.”
Built in 1802, The Village has served as a slaughter house, a malt house and even a nightclub, but is said to have been based on a site that once contained an old barn.

Under that barn was reportedly a tunnel which led to Newstead Abbey, located a few miles south of Mansfield.

Legend has it that this tunnel was used by the resident monks of the abbey to escape the English authorities during the Dissolution of the Monasteries period of the late 1530s.

The monks fled through the tunnels and sought refuge in the barn. Upon finding them, the authorities burned down the barn with the group still inside, killing all of them.


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