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Se han registrado en el Archivo 34594 hechos de 176 países que pertenecen a 1179 fenómenos. De ellos se han revelado 2802, otros 10707 están en la fase de prueba para la conformidad de una de las 319 versiones.

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Advenedizo. Uruguay

ID #1600340383
Añadido Jue, 17/09/2020
Autor July N.

Datos iniciales

Información inicial de fuentes o de un testigo ocular
Fecha del incidente: 
28.10.1972 22:15

En la noche del 28 de octubre de 1972, en la casa que sirve de cuartel general de la Armada, había cinco personas: un testigo, el cabo Juan Fuentes Figueroa; dos soldados, José Gómez y Héctor Jiménez; el telegrafista José Lima; y el suboficial responsable Francisco Cascudo.

Después del almuerzo, los hombres se sentaron en una mesa por un tiempo, hablaron y jugaron a las cartas, hasta que a las 22:10 llegó el momento del cabo Fuentes para inspeccionar los generadores ubicados en la base del faro.

El faro es una torre de 66 metros de altura ubicada en el centro de un gran edificio que alberga generadores eléctricos, telégrafos y otras dependencias. La parte superior de este edificio es una Terraza plana que se eleva aproximadamente 6 metros sobre el área circundante. La casa en la que reside la guarnición está a una distancia de 45 metros del faro. Tan pronto como Fuentes se dirigió al faro, notó algunas luces en la Terraza que no deberían estar allí. De hecho, primero pensó en el auto, lo cual es completamente imposible, y su reacción fue regresar a la casa y tomar el arma que tenía en su habitación.

Para hacer esto, no tenía que pasar por la cocina donde estaban los otros hombres, por lo que no hablaba con ellos. Como se muestra a continuación, este comportamiento es típico de la personalidad del testigo. Con la pistola, volvió a salir y decididamente, pero no rápidamente, se dirigió al faro, mientras tanto quitaba el fusible de la pistola y lo amartillaba. A medida que avanzaba, notó que el objeto tenía varias luces: blanco, amarillo y una tercera, que describe como púrpura, como en "Rainbow".

Según Fuentes:

El barco tenía la forma de un tazón invertido con un diámetro de 4 a 5 metros. Tenía una cúpula en la parte superior y una abertura o puerta rectangular por la que descendían las entidades. También tenía soportes que podía ver claramente mientras el barco ganaba altura lentamente. Estos soportes no se doblaron como el tren de aterrizaje del avión, sino que se retraían telescópicamente. La superficie del dispositivo era, sin duda, metálica, de un color algo rojizo, que Fuentes comparó con la caoba. La característica más distintiva del objeto era la antena en su parte superior, que tenía forma de sacacorchos y giraba.

Esa luz fue suficiente para darle una buena visión general, y vio que había una figura cerca del objeto, mientras que la segunda estaba en proceso de bajarse.

Una tercera figura más alta comenzó a descender casi de inmediato, pero en ese mismo momento las dos primeras figuras notaron que Fuentes se acercaba a ellas. 

Tuvieron lo que le pareció un momento de comunicación a Fuentes, y los tres se enfrentaron con él. Para entonces, Fuentes estaba a unos 27 metros de la propiedad, que, Recordemos, estaba en la parte superior de una Terraza de 6 metros. En consecuencia, el objeto estaba sobre él y comenzó a levantar su mano extendida para disparar. No pudo completar su movimiento, ya que las entidades le impidieron hacerlo.

Fuentes, un hombre con una educación limitada, trató en vano de explicar a los investigadores cómo se había logrado. No fue telepatía, y sintió algunos efectos físicos como la "vibración" y su cabello se puso de punta, pero más que nada se sintió como una premonición, según él:

"No dispares porque es inútil". 

De todos modos, se sentía paralizado, confundido y no podía disparar.

La acción continuó bastante rápido: las entidades regresaron a su nave (primero las más altas). Aunque Fuentes no vio escalones o pasamanos, pudo ver bastante bien el movimiento de las figuras contra la luz del objeto delineada por la luz que salía por la puerta abierta. Él está seguro de que había escalones allí, ya que mientras las criaturas se levantaban de espaldas al testigo, sus movimientos eran similares a los de una persona que se levantaba en los pasamanos.

La puerta se cerró de lado y el barco comenzó a moverse hacia arriba, emitiendo un zumbido hasta que alcanzó unos 45 metros, a juzgar por la torre del faro adyacente. Luego se inclinó, escupió una bola de fuego cegadora desde el fondo y desapareció silenciosamente a gran velocidad hacia el sureste. 

El testigo regresó a la casa, donde otros hombres lo vieron blanco como papel y aún con una pistola en la mano. Cuando dijo que había visto un platillo volador, no le creyeron, excepto quizás el suboficial Cascudo.

El cabo Fuentes estaba muy molesto porque sus iguales y sus superiores inmediatos dudaban de su historia y planeaba, cuando regresara a Montevideo, ir a uno de los principales periódicos y publicar su experiencia. Sin embargo, antes de hacerlo, se le ordenó que compareciera con un oficial de mayor rango, quien escuchó atentamente lo que dijo Fuentes. Luego desapareció en una oficina donde dos empleados de la Embajada estadounidense lo esperaban.

Según Fuentes, eran oficiales del" Servicio de asuntos espaciales " (SIC) y su presencia en los puestos de mando no era inusual. Fuentes fue dejado esperando en el pasillo, y después de un tiempo alguien salió, le ofreció algunos dibujos para estudiar y le pidió que eligiera el más cercano a lo que había visto. Lo hizo y luego fue despedido. 

Nunca habló directamente con los estadounidenses, pero de una conversación escuchada fuera de la puerta, llegó a la conclusión de que estaban sorprendidos por la corta distancia de observación de fuente.

Mientras que todo el incidente duró aproximadamente un minuto, el cabo Fuentes mantuvo el objeto en línea de visión durante más de 15 segundos. Estaba bien iluminado por sus propias linternas y, afortunadamente, las linternas exteriores que normalmente iluminaban las habitaciones exteriores no funcionaban esa noche.

Si los focos estuvieran encendidos, evitarían que el testigo viera bien, incluso cegándolo en el lugar de observación. Resultó que estaba observando las entidades en el fondo de su propia nave, e incluso si eso le impedía ver los detalles de la cara, por ejemplo, sus contornos y movimientos eran bastante obvios.

Cuando el cabo Fuentes comenzó a caminar hacia el faro, la primera criatura ya estaba en la Terraza y la segunda salía de la nave. Los dos objetos eran de aproximadamente 1,50 m. (5 pies), y el tercero, que descendió por Última vez, era de 1,75-1,80 m. (6 pies).

Por lo tanto, su crecimiento estaba dentro de los límites de la capacidad humana normal. Sus siluetas eran oscuras, como si estuvieran vestidas con pesados trajes de goma negra. El testigo explicó sus movimientos lentos y pausados por el peso de sus trajes y cree que su presencia sorprendió a los extraños al Inicio de la operación, que nunca concluyó. Su descenso de la nave se realizó en reversa, como una escalera invisible para un testigo.

Del mismo modo, cuando volvieron a subir a la instalación, sus movimientos eran los mismos que los de una persona que se levantaba con pasamanos.

La característica más distintiva de estas criaturas, claramente visible al mirar de perfil, era la forma alargada de la parte posterior de sus cabezas. No está claro si esto coincide con las cabezas mismas o si es el resultado del uso de algún tipo de capucha o ropa.

El barco en sí tenía la forma de un recipiente invertido con un diámetro de 4 a 5 metros. Tenía una cúpula en la parte superior y una abertura o puerta rectangular por la que descendían las entidades. También tenía piernas, que el testigo vio claramente en la primera etapa de la partida, ya que el aparato estaba ganando altura lentamente. 

Estas piernas no se doblaron como el tren de aterrizaje del avión, sino que se extendieron telescópicamente. La superficie de la nave era, sin duda, metálica, con un tono algo rojizo que Fuentes comparó con la caoba. La característica más distintiva del objeto era la antena en su parte superior, que tenía forma de sacacorchos y giraba. Las luces ya estaban descritas y solo hay que añadir que le parecían a Fuentes "cuadradas", moviéndose y parpadeando, como un "cartel publicitario".

Esta es la observación de un solo testigo y, sin embargo, se ha convertido en el mejor caso de Uruguay gracias a una exhaustiva investigación realizada por miembros del CIOVI ... Este documento se basa en la información contenida en su informe sobre el caso. 

La primera fase de la investigación consistió en dos largas conversaciones con un testigo en su propia casa. Se grabaron dos entrevistas y la transcripción no revela ninguna discrepancia en la narrativa. Luego siguió una reconstrucción de los eventos "in situ". con un testigo. El suboficial Cascudo, presente en la isla esa noche, confirmó que la versión original del cabo Fuentes era similar a las descripciones posteriores entregadas más tarde al equipo de investigación. 

El suboficial Cascudo, al igual que otros jefes del cabo Fuentes, lo describió como "un hombre simple y honesto, incapaz de inventar una historia de este tipo".

Pero en realidad, la parte más emocionante de la investigación de CIOVI fue buscar la ayuda de un profesional y darle al testigo una serie de pruebas psicológicas que duraron un total de 9 horas e incluyeron, entre otros, Raven, Bender, Rorschach. y PMC.

Los resultados de estas diferentes pruebas se refieren a los aspectos positivos y negativos de la personalidad del testigo, pero cuando se analizan a la luz del relato presentado por el cabo Fuentes, se complementan entre sí y tienden a dar credibilidad al relato. En el futuro, los elementos clave de la evaluación psicológica se indicarán entre comillas y, entre ellos, comentarios sobre cómo se relacionan con aspectos específicos del caso.

En primer lugar, el testigo se describe como "sincero, sencillo y simple". Expresa lo que es cierto para él y lo hace directamente, sin ninguna carga cultural que distorsione lo que tiene que decir. El testigo "no es propenso a las ficciones o fantasías" que, si existieran, socavarían su autoridad. Además, tiene "capacidades intelectuales por debajo de la media", a lo que el psicólogo añade que "carece de imaginación media" y "sabe muy mal lo que sucede en el entorno social".

Todas estas son ventajas en términos de credibilidad del testigo y descartan la posibilidad de que haya creado toda la historia. De hecho, los investigadores lograron establecer que el conocimiento ufológico del testigo era prácticamente inexistente.

Desde un punto de vista emocional, el testigo es típico como "inseguro, propenso a una reacción ansiosa e incluso agresiva" en una situación inesperada. Eso es lo que hizo el testigo cuando se encontró con la imposible presencia del vehículo en la Terraza: su primera reacción fue armarse, aunque no pudo explicar más tarde a los investigadores qué pretendía hacer con el arma.

Pero siguió su entrenamiento y, por lo tanto, fortaleció su confianza.

Otro resultado de las pruebas psicológicas es que el testigo tiene una "personalidad mental equilibrada" y "es poco probable que hable solo a menos que un evento externo lo moleste".

En Resumen, sus débiles habilidades intelectuales y su falta de imaginación le impidieron reflexionar sobre lo que era mejor hacer cuando se enfrentaba a una sorpresa, y en lugar de disparar un arma o alertar a sus compañeros, no pudo hacer las dos cosas mientras permanecía paralizado y confundido.

Cuando regresó a la casa, los otros hombres notaron su voz temblorosa y su color pálido, por lo que no hay duda de que el estímulo externo lo afectó en gran medida.

Por lo tanto, se puede concluir que la psicología y la personalidad del testigo son tales que sus reacciones y comportamiento en las circunstancias dadas son totalmente compatibles. Por lo tanto, la probabilidad de que un testigo diga la verdad es muy grande.

Por supuesto, siempre hay incertidumbre sobre qué porcentaje de la descripción del testigo corresponde a la realidad física del objeto y las entidades, pero podemos argumentar que en realidad la isla de lobos es un lugar remoto, además, una zona cerrada con un lugar de difícil acceso controlado por la Armada uruguaya y sin explicaciones tradicionales, la conclusión inevitable es que este caso, utilizando la palabra acuñada por el Dr. Maccabi, es TRUFO.

Noticias originales

On the night of October 28, 1972, there were five men at the house which serves as headquarters for the Navy personnel: the witness, Corporal Juan Fuentes Figueroa; two enlisted men, Jose Gomez and Hector Gimenez; a telegraph operator, Jose Lima; and the sub-officer in charge, Francisco Cascudo. After dinner, the men sat around the table for a while, talking and playing cards, until at 10:10 PM it was time for Corporal Fuentes to inspect the generators, which are located at the base of the lighthouse proper.

The lighthouse is a 66-meter-high tower sitting at the center of a large building which contains the electric generators, the telegraph office and other dependencies. The top of this building is a flat terrace, which is about 6 meters above the adjacent terrain . The house where the garrison lives is at a distance of 45 meters from the lighthouse. As soon as Cpt. Fuentes started to walk toward the lighthouse, he noticed on top of the terrace some lights that shouldn’t be there. In fact, he thought first of a car, a complete impossibility, and his reaction was to return to the house and procure a pistol that he had in his room.

To do this, he didn’t have to pass through the kitchen where the other men were, so he didn’t speak to them. As will be discussed later, this behavior is typical of the personality of the witness. Carrying the pistol, he went outside again and started walking decisively but not fast toward the lighthouse, meanwhile removing the safety from the gun and cocking it. As he advanced, he noted that the object had several lights: some white, some yellowish, and a third color that he describes as violet, as in the “rainbow”.

Those lights were sufficient to allow him a good view, and he saw that a figure was next to the object and that a second was in the process of descending.

A third and taller figure started to descend almost at once, but at the same moment, the initial two figures noticed Fuentes progressing toward them. They had what appeared to Fuentes as a moment of communication, and all three of them faced him. By that time, Fuentes was at about 27 meters from the object, which, we will recall, was on the top of a 6-meter terrace. Hence, the object was above him, and he started to raise his extended arm to shoot. He was never to complete his motion, as the entities prevented him, from doing so.

Fuente, a man of limited education, tried in vain to explain to the investigators how this was accomplished. It was not telepathy, and he felt some physical effects, like a “vibration” and his hair standing on end; but more than anything else it was like a premonition, in his words like: “Don’t shoot because it is useless”. At any rate, he felt paralyzed and confused and was unable to shoot.

The action continued rather fast: the entities reentered their craft, the tallest one first. Although Fuentes did not see steps or a handrail, he could see quite well the motion of the figures against the lights of the object, outlined by the light coming out through the open door. He is certain that there were steps, as while the entities were climbing up with their backs toward the witness, their motions were like those of a person pulling himself up with handrails.

The door closed sideways, and the craft started to move straight up, emitting a humming sound until it reached about 45 meters, as judged by the adjacent lighthouse tower. It then tilted, belched a blinding fireball from the bottom, and disappeared in silence at a tremendous speed toward the southeast. The witness returned to the house, where the other men noticed him white as a paper and still with a gun in hand. When he said that he had seen a flying saucer, he was not believed, except perhaps by Sub-Officer Cascudo.

Corporal Fuentes was rather upset that his equals and his immediate superiors were dubious of his story, and was planning when he returned to Montevideo to go to one of the leading newspapers and make his experience public. However, before this was accomplished, he was ordered to report to a higher ranking officer, who carefully listened to what Fuentes had to say. He then disappeared into an office in which two members of the personnel of the American Embassy had been waiting.

According to Fuentes, they were officers of the “Spatial Affair Service”, (sic) and their presence in the Command Offices was not unusual. Fuentes was left waiting in the corridor, and after a while, someone came out and offered him some drawings for inspection and asked him to select the one closest to what hi has seen. He did so and was dismissed. He never talked directly to the Americans, but from the conversation overheard through the door, he concluded that they were surprised at the short distance of Fuente’s observation. And I am amazed at the continuous interest shown by American Embassies in collecting information about a phenomenon that we have been told many times does not exist…

While the whole incident lasted about one minute, Corporal Fuentes had the object in direct view for more than about 15 seconds. It was well illuminated by its own lights, and it was fortuitous that the external lights usually illuminating the exterior of the installations were not in operation that night.

If the floodlights had been on, they would have prevented a clear view by the witness, even blinding him at the location of the observation. As things turned out, he observed the entities in the background light of their own craft, and even if this prevented him from seeing facial details, for example, their outline and motions were quite evident.

When Corporal Fuentes started to walk toward the lighthouse, the first entity was already on the terrace, while the second was alighting from the craft. These two entities were about 1.50 m. (5 ft), while the third one, the last to descend, was 1.75-1.80 m. (6 ft).

Thus, their heights were within the normal human limits. Their silhouettes were dark as if they were wearing heavy black rubber suits. The witness attributed their slow and deliberate motions to the weight of their suits and thinks that his presence surprised the strangers at the beginning of operation never to be completed. Their descent from the craft was done backward as if using a ladder not seen by the witness.

Likewise, when they climbed back into the object, their motions were those of a person pulling himself up using handrails. The most distinctive feature of the entities, clearly noticeable in the profile view that they offered to the witness, was the elongated shape of the back o their heads. It is not clear if this corresponds to the heads themselves, or it is was the result of some type of hood or garment.

The craft itself had the shape of an inverted bowl, with a diameter of between 4 and 5 meters. It had a dome on top and a rectangular aperture or door, used by the entities to descend  It also had legs, which the witness saw clearly during the first stage of the departure. as the craft was slowly gaining altitude. Those legs did not fold like the landing gear of a plane but retracted telescopically. The surface of the craft was undoubtedly metallic, with a somewhat reddish color that Fuentes compared to mahogany. The most distinctive feature of the object was the antenna that topped it, shaped like a corkscrew and rotating. The lights have already been described, and it only is necessary to add that they seemed to Fuentes like “little squares”, moving and flashing like “an advertising sign”.

The Witness-

This is a single witness sighting, and yet it has become the best case coming from Uruguay due to the in-depth investigation done by the members of C.I.O.V.I… This paper is based on the information contained in their report on this case. (Ref.1).

The first stage of the investigation consisted of two lengthy interviews with the witness in his own home. The two interviews were recorded, and the transcripts do not reveal any discrepancies in the narrative. This was followed by an “in situ” reconstruction of the events. with the participation of the witness. Sub-officer Cascudo, present on the island that night, verified that the initial version by Corporal Fuentes was similar to the subsequent descriptions relayed later to the investigating team. Sub-officer Cascudo, as well as other superiors of Corporal Fuentes, described him as a “simple and honest man, incapable of inventing a story of this nature”.

But indeed the most fascinating part of the CIOVI investigation was to request the assistance of a professional and to submit the witness to a battery of psychological tests that extended over a total of 9 hours, and that included, among others, Raven, Bender, Rorschach and PMK.

The result of those various tests dwell on positive and negative aspects of the personality of the witness, but when analyzed in the light of the narrative presented by Corporal Fuentes, they complement each other and tend to lend credibility to the story. In what follows, the key elements of the psychological evaluation will be indicated with quotation marks, interspace with comments on how they relate to the particular facets of the case.

First of all, the witness is described as “sincere, uncomplicated and simple”. He expresses what for him is the truth, and he does that in a straightforward manner, with no cultural burden distilling what he has to say. The witness “has no tendency to fabrication or fantasy”, which if existing would damage his credibility. Moreover, he has “less than average intellectual capacity”, to which the psychologist adds that he “lacks an average imagination” and “has remarkably poor knowledge of what is going on in the social environment”.

All of these are pluses from the viewpoint of the credibility of the witness, and negate the possibility of him having created the whole story. And in fact, the investigators were able to determine that the ufological knowledge of the witness was practically non-existent.

From the emotional viewpoint, the witness is typified as “insecure, prompt to react anxiously and even aggressively” to an unexpected situation. That is exactly what the witness did when confronted with the impossible presence of a car on the terrace: his first reaction was to arm himself, although he could not explain later to the investigators what he intended to do with the gun.

But he was following his training, and thus bolstered his confidence.

Another result of the psychological tests is that the witness has “a balanced psychic personality”, and it is “unlikely that he would confabulate by himself, unless an external event would upset him”.

To summarize, his poor intellectual capacity and lack of imagination did not allow him to reason what was best to do when confronted with the unexpected, and instead of firing his gun or alerting his companions, he failed to do either, remaining paralyzed and confused.

When he returned to the house, the other men noticed his trembling voice and his pale color, so there is no question that an external stimulus affected him deeply.

The conclusion, then, is that the psychology and personality of the witness are such that his reactions and behavior under the circumstances are totally compatible. Therefore, the probability that the witness is telling the truth is very great.

Of course, there is always an uncertainty about what percentage of the description of the witness corresponds to the physical reality of the object and the entities, but we can assert that in fact that Isla de Lobos is a remote place, moreover, a restricted area with difficult access, controlled by the Uruguayan Navy, and where no conventional explanations are viable, the inescapable conclusion is that this case is, using Dr. Maccabee’s coined word, a TRUFO.


Uruguay was the first country in South America to establish an official UFO agency in 1979. Later, other countries such as Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina followed the Uruguayan example. There are not many UFO sightings reported in Uruguay, but the Lobos Island sightings case is the best UFO case thanks to a detailed investigation conducted by members of the C.I.O.V.I. research team.. On October 28, 1972, five people were at a lighthouse located on Isla De Lobos, a small island a few kilometers off the coast of Uruguay. At that time, the lighthouse served as the headquarters of the Navy. The five Navy personnel who were in the specified building were Corporals Juan Fuentes Figueroa, Jose Gomez and Hector Gimenez, Jose Lima and Senior Officer Francisco Cascudo. After dinner, everyone rested, and at about 22:10 Corporal Juan Fuentes went for a routine inspection of the electric generators located at the base of the lighthouse. When he started walking to the generators, his attention was attracted by strange lights on a hill, which was a terrace, at a height of about 6 meters above the ground. The light seemed to him quite unusual. At first he thought it was the headlights of a car, but it wasn't. He decided to check them out and took a gun with him without telling the other fighters about it. He took the safety off the gun and started approaching the lights. He saw a ship that seemed to him of different colors - white, yellowish and purple. The lights allowed him to see a strange figure standing next to the object, and two more figures descending from the ship. The first two figures noticed Fuentes approaching them with a gun. He pointed his hand with the weapon at the figures and was ready to pull the trigger, but could not do it because he was paralyzed. At some point, he felt physical effects such as "vibration" and goosebumps. In addition, he heard a voice in his head that said: "Don't shoot, because it's useless." After that, the entities returned to the ship. The door closed from the side, and the ship began to move straight up, making a humming sound until it reached a height of about 45 meters. Then it tilted, erupted from the bottom of a dazzling fireball and disappeared into silence at great speed in the direction of the southeast. The ship had the shape of an inverted bowl with a diameter of 4 to 5 meters. It had a dome on top and a rectangular opening or door through which entities descended. He also had supports that he could clearly see as the ship slowly gained altitude. These supports did not fold like the landing gear of an airplane, but were removed telescopically. The surface of the device was undoubtedly metallic, somewhat reddish in color, which Fuentes compared to mahogany. The most distinctive feature of the object was the antenna on its top, shaped like a corkscrew and rotating According to Fuentes:: Fuentes returned to the lighthouse and told the rest of the people about what he had seen. No one believed his story about the flying saucer, except for sub-Officer Cascudo. After that, he was ordered to report his observation to a higher-ranking officer, who listened to him very carefully. Fuentes said that there were two officers, presumably from the US Embassy, who recorded what was happening. According to him, they were from the "Spatial Investigation Service". While he was waiting in the corridor, someone showed him drawings of UFOs, asking which one could be closer to the ship he had seen. The Americans did not talk to Fuentes directly, but they were surprised that he came closest to the ship. The entire observation lasted a minute, and Fuentes had a direct view of the object for 15 seconds. Despite the fact that it was the observation of one witness, this is one of the best cases from Uruguay. Fuentes went through interrogations, where he was supported by Lieutenant Colonel Cascudo. He described Fuentes as "a simple and honest man, unable to come up with a story of this kind." It was concluded that the probability that the witness is telling the truth is high. The Isla de Lobos case has become one of the best UFO sightings in South America.



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