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ID #1567165980
Добавлен пт, 30/08/2019
Автор July N.

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Дата происшествия: 

Двое мужчин работали в лесу в Киннуле, на границе между провинциями Центральной Финляндии и Южной Остроботнии. Петтер Алиранта (21 год) и Эско Снек (18 лет) уже заканчивали свою работу в тот день, когда они увидели странный металлический диск между деревянными досками. Он был около пяти метров в диаметре и имел четыре двухфутовые посадочные ноги. Объект приземлился на небольшой лесной площади примерно в 15 метрах от людей. 

Когда диск спустился, из его днища упало существо высотой около 90 см. Оно было одето в зеленую форму, которая также простиралась над его головой. В центре основного экрана было линзоподобное смотровое отверстие. Руки были округлены и без пальцев, а ботинки были прочно прикреплены к защитному костюму.

Существо пробилось к Петтеру Алиранте короткими жесткими шагами, не опускаясь к снежной поверхности. Алиранта испугался, запустил бензопилу и шагнул к существу. 

Когда расстояние было меньше 10 метров, существо повернуло назад. Алиранта приветствовал и побежал за существом. В этот момент он увидел трех других движущихся персонажей в окнах объекта. 

Примерно в трех метрах от корабля существо начало плыть к нижнему люку. Оно было один метр в высоту, когда Петтер Алиранта поймал его ботинки правой ноги. Сразу же он отпустил, когда ботинок загорелся, как горячее железо.

Существо исчезло внутри объекта. Был слышен слабый гул, и корабль взлетел. Нижнее отверстие закрылось, и, не потянув посадочные ноги, корабль улетел в небо. Весь инцидент длился всего несколько минут. Алиранта и Снек долго молчали. Участники чувствовали себя неуклюже, и движение было настолько трудным, что люди отдыхали почти час, прежде чем они могли покинуть лес. 

Следы корабля и существа были отчетливо видны на снегу. Расстояние между шагами существа было всего 20 см. Круглые ноги корабля опустились на землю сквозь 40-сантиметровый слой снега. Снег растаял на 5-10 см ниже дна корабля.

У руки Петтера Алиранты, держащей ногу существа, были ожоги большого, указательного и среднего пальцев. Утром рука болела. Через два месяца после инцидента следы ожогов все еще были видны. 

Случай широко известен как мошенничество.

Оригинальная новость



Kaksi miestä oli metsätöissä Kinnulassa, Keski-Suomen ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan maakuntien rajalla. Petter Aliranta (21) ja Esko Sneck (18) olivat jo siltä päivältä lopettelemassa töitään kun he näkivät oudon metallinvärisen kiekon puunlatvojen välistä. Kiekko oli läpimitaltaan noin viisi metriä ja sen alla näkyi neljä kahden metrin pituista laskeutumisjalkaa. Esine laskeutui pienelle metsäaukiolle noin 15 metrin päähän miehistä.

Lautasen laskeuduttua pohja-aukosta leijaili alas noin 90 cm:n pituinen olento. Hänellä oli yllään vihreä yhtenäinen suojapuku, joka ulottui myös pään yli. Pääkuvun keskiosassa oli linssin tapainen katseluaukko. Kädet olivat pyöreäpäiset ilman sormia ja jalassa saappaat liittyivät kiinteästi suojapukuun.

Olento lähti kulkemaan kohti Petter Alirantaa lyhyin ja jäykin askelin, pitkin lumen pintaa vajoamatta. Aliranta pelästyi ja käynnisti kädessään olevan moottorisahan. Pärisevä saha ojossa hän astui kohti olentoa.

Kun etäisyyttä oli enää vajaat 10 metriä, olento kääntyi takaisin. Aliranta rohkaistui ja juoksi olennon perään. Tässä vaiheessa hän näki kiekon ikkunoissa kolme muuta liikkuvaa hahmoa.

Noin kolmen metrin päässä aluksesta olento alkoi leijailla kohti pohjaluukkua. Hän oli metrin korkeudella, kun Petter Aliranta sai kiinni oikean jalan saappaasta. Saman tien hän irrotti otteensa, sillä saapas poltti kuin kuuma rauta.

Olento katosi lautasen sisälle. Kuului heikkoa surinaa ja alus nousi ilmaan. Pohja-aukko sulkeutui ja laskeutumisjalkojaan sisään vetämättä alus häipyi taivaalle. Koko tapaus oli kestänyt vain muutaman minuutin. Aliranta ja Sneck olivat pitkän aikaa sanattomia. Jäsenet tuntuivat kankeilta ja liikkuminen oli niin hankalaa, että miehet lepäsivät lähes tunnin ennen kuin jaksoivat lähteä metsästä.

Aluksen ja olennon jäljet näkyivät selvästi lumessa. Olennon askelten väli oli vain 20 cm. Aluksen pyöreät jalat olivat painuneet maahan asti 40 -senttisen lumikerroksen läpi. Aluksen pohjan alta lumi oli sulanut 5-10 cm.

Petter Alirannan kädessä, jolla hän oli tarttunut olentoa jalasta, oli palohaavoja peukalossa, etusormessa ja kämmenessä. Käsi oli aamulla niin kipeä, ettei kirves tahtonut siinä pysyä. Palohaavojen jäljet näkyivät vielä kaksi kuukautta tapauksen jälkeen.


Tapani Koivula: Ufojen kosminen viesti, WSOY 1992 

Ylläolevat tapaukset ovat yleisesti huijausyrityksiksi tunnettuja ufotapauksia.


excerpt from the article] “THE HUMANOID AT KINNULA”  Forestry worker tells how he grabbed hold of entity

Tapani Kuningas; translation from the Finnish by Elis W. Grahn

(…) On Friday, February 5, 1971, two young men from Kinnula. Petter Aliranta (21) and Esko Juhani Sneck (18), were working in the woods of the village of Kangaskyla in Kinnula, near the borders of the counties of Middle Finland and Vaasa. At about 3.00 p.m. they were about to end their work, for the cloudy day was slowly turning dark. Aliranta had just turned off his motor saw, when he suddenly noticed a strange metallic-looking object at tree-top level which was descending straight down. It had the shape of two saucers on top of each other and was about 5 metres in diameter. At the bottom of the vehicle there were four thin (5-10 cms.) landing feet, more than 2 metres long. Within a few moments the object descended in a small opening between the trees, about 15 metres away from Aliranta and Sneck. The last-mentioned, however, did not notice what was going on at this time as he was still busy cutting branches off a tree with his motor saw.

During the descent, a round opening appeared in the centre of the underpart of the UFO, and from this, immediately the vehicle had settled firmly on the ground, a strange little being glided down. It actually did glide down those two metres to the snow-covered ground; there was no normal falling movement. After this, the being started approaching Aliranta. Its movements were very stiff and the steps short. The being looked like a space-man, or robot, and was less than 1 metre tall, perhaps 90 cms. The body was covered with a one-piece suit of a green colour. The head had the same cover, and in the middle of it was a sort of lens facing forwards. The hands were round at the tips and no fingers could be seen. The “boots'” at the feet were a uniform part of the dress, and green as well.

The humanoid seemed to move in a strange way on top of the snow surface; it did not go down into the deep snow as one would have expected. As this entity was slowly but steadily advancing towards Aliranta, he started his motor saw and began to approach the strange walker with motor saw in hand. At this point, Esko Sneck also became aware of the strange happenings; the turning on of the motor saw had made him turn around to see what Aliranta was up to.

“The little green man” and Aliranta were approaching each other, the distance between them now less than 10 metres. Suddenly the being turned around and started eventually to go back towards the saucer. This made Aliranta braver, and he hurried to catch the humanoid. Within the saucer, other entities were now visible; there were three “windows” on the topside of the vehicle (about 1 metre wide) and through one on the right side three moving forms were visible, humanlike, although no features or details could be seen.

As Petter Aliranta was about to get hold of the humanoid, when about 3 metres from the saucer, it rose into the air in a strange way, floating towards the opening from which it had come. The humanoid having risen to more than 1 metre above the ground, Aliranta reached out quickly and grabbed hold of the heel of the right “boot” with his bare right hand. However, he had lo let go of the foot right away as it burned like a hot iron (the wounds caused by the burning on the thumb, forefinger and inside of the hand were still clearly visible two months later). At the same time, Aliranta automatically took a couple of steps backwards, so the entity was able lo glide back into the craft undisturbed.

The moment the humanoid had got into the saucer, the latter started to give a slight humming or buzzing sound, and it slowly started to ascend from the ground. Aliranta felt a weak gust of air at this moment, but no smoke or smell could be detected, nor any light phenomenon (there were no lights visible on or in the vehicle during the incident). As the saucer rose upwards the round opening at the bottom closed (but the landing feet kept their position) and within some fifteen seconds the whole object had disappeared into the sky.

According to the eye-witnesses, the visit of this strange craft lasted at least three minutes. After the saucer had disappeared the men could not talk, for they were too amazed by the whole incident. They felt stiff all over and had some difficulty in moving, especially Petter Aliranta. It took them close on one hour before they were able to walk away from the woods. Before they left they had a closer look at the markings left in the snow, evidence of this incredible happening.

At the end of each landing foot there had been a round plate. These plates had penetrated the full depth of the snow cover (then about 40 cms.), leaving four round prints (about 35 cms. across) in an even square with a side of about 2 metres. Within this square the snow had melted some 5-10 cms. on the surface. The footsteps left by the humanoid were also clearly visible. They were small (15 cms.) and quite circular in shape. The strides were all along the same length (even those made during the chase): about 20 cms.

(…) During the course of the investigation no details appeared of anything which could have made the story of these two men questionable. (…)


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