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Духи. Соединённые Штаты Америки

ID #1600432113
Добавлен пт, 18/09/2020
Автор July N.

Исходная информация

Исходная информация из источников или от очевидца
Дата происшествия: 
1972 05:30
Бофорт, SC
Соединённые Штаты Америки

Свидетель, Джеймс П. Гуден, в то время служил в морской пехоте, проживая за пределами базы в Бофорте. 

В тот день он рано встал, чтобы отправиться на базу, и когда он вышел из квартиры, то заметил, что что-то ускользнуло от его периферийного зрения. Когда он посмотрел на нее, он заметил, что это была фигура примерно 7-8 футов (2,1-2,4 м) высотой и вся черная. 

Он подошел к своей машине, которая стояла прямо перед его квартирой, открыл двери и включил свет. Теперь он мог видеть это очень ясно, потому что она не двигалась. Фигура была полностью черной, с большой идеально круглой головой, без глаз или отверстий, только с идеально круглой черной блестящей головой. 

Ее тело было очень тонким, как палка, на которой были нарисованы туловище, ноги и руки. Когда свидетель вошел в машину, фигура повернулась и слегка наклонилась, словно глядя на него. 

Он завел машину и на большой скорости проехал по жилому комплексу. Комплекс имел форму буквы U, а его квартира находилась в самом конце. Фигура вбежала в середину U, где она была несколько заперта.

Она остановилась внутри U, так что свидетель отодвинул свою машину и направился к ней. Она не двигалась, пока он не отошел примерно на 15 футов (4,5 м), а машина смотрела прямо на него. Затем свидетель открыл дверцу машины и встал возле нее. 

Затем фигура сразу же сделала шаг вправо, насколько свидетель мог сказать. Он "упал" на/в землю очень быстро. Он подошел к тому месту, где оно исчезло, но не было никаких следов дыры или чего-то необычного на земле. 

Затем свидетель поехал к базе, но, увидев по дороге полицейского, рассказал ему о том, что он видел.

Оригинальная новость

Date: 1972 
Location: Beaufort, South Carolina
Time: 0530A
Summary: The witness, James P. Gooden was in the Marines at the time, living off base in Beaufort. He had gotten up early that day to go to the base and when he went outside the apartment, he noticed something move out of his peripheral vision. When he looked at it, he noticed that it was a figure about 7 or 8 ft tall and all black. He walked to his car, which was parked directly in front of his apartment, opened the doors and turned the lights on. He could now see it very clearly because it had not moved. The figure was completely black with a large perfectly round head, no eyes or orifices of any kind, just a perfectly round black and shiny head. Its body was very thin like a stick drawing with a torso, legs and arms. When the witness went inside the car, the figure turned and bent down slightly as if looking at him. He started the car and drove at high speed inside the apartment complex. The complex was shaped like U with his apartment being on the very end. The figure ran into the U where it was somewhat locked in. It stopped once inside the U so the witness backed up his car and headed towards it. It never moved until he got about 15 feet away from it with the car facing directly at it. The witness then opened the car door and stood outside the car. The figure then immediately took a step to the right and from what the witness could tell; it went down to the ground extremely fast. He walked up to where it had disappeared but there was no evidence of a hole or anything out of the ordinary on the ground. The witness then drove towards base but seeing a police officer on the way he told him what he had seen. The police officer took him to the police station and a report was apparently written.


Date: 1972
Location: Beaufort
Summary: The witness, James P. Gooden was in the Marines at the time, living off base in Beaufort. He had gotten up early that day to go to the base and when he went outside the apartment, he noticed something move out of his peripheral vision. When he looked at it, he noticed that it was a figure about 7 or 8 ft tall and all black. He walked to his car, which was parked directly in front of his apartment, opened the doors and turned the lights on. He could now see it very clearly because it had not moved. The figure was completely black with a large perfectly round head, no eyes or orifices of any kind, just a perfectly round black and shiny head. Its body was very thin like a stick drawing with a torso, legs and arms. When the witness went inside the car, the figure turned and bent down slightly as if looking at him. He started the car and drove at high speed inside the apartment complex. The complex was shaped like U with his apartment being on the very end. The figure ran into the U where it was somewhat locked in. It stopped once inside the U so the witness backed up his car and headed towards it. It never moved until he got about 15 feet away from it with the car facing directly at it. The witness then opened the car door and stood outside the car. The figure then immediately took a step to the right and from what the witness could tell; it went down to the ground extremely fast. He walked up to where it had disappeared but there was no evidence of a hole or anything out of the ordinary on the ground. The witness then drove towards base but seeing a police officer on the way he told him what he had seen. The police
officer took him to the police station and a report was apparently written.
Source: http://www.etcontact.net/newsite


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