Facts by Countries

Algeria 11
Angola 1
Argentina 907
Armenia 15
Australia 823
Austria 32
Bahamas 10
Belarus 634
Belgium 97
Belize 4
Bolivia 40
Brazil 891
Canada 1,404
Chad 1
Chile 280
China 202
Colombia 117
Croatia 22
Cuba 30
Cyprus 14
Denmark 60
Ecuador 29
Egypt 26
Estonia 84
Fiji 7
Finland 79
France 927
Gabon 1
Georgia 55
Germany 282
Ghana 2
Greece 63
Guam 5
Guyana 3
Haiti 3
Hungary 39
Iceland 21
India 153
Iran 36
Iraq 16
Ireland 150
Israel 69
Italy 538
Japan 181
Jersey 1
Jordan 5
Kenya 8
Kuwait 6
Laos 1
Latvia 207
Libya 5
Malawi 1
Malaysia 130
Malta 11
Mexico 834
Moldova 29
Morocco 10
Nepal 8
Netherlands 3,261
Norway 456
Oman 1
Panama 16
Peru 153
Poland 522
Romania 49
Russia 4,459
Serbia 20
Spain 584
Sudan 1
Sweden 135
Syria 3
Taiwan 35
Togo 1
Tonga 1
Turkey 73
Tuvalu 1
Uganda 3
Ukraine 349
United States 10,549
Uruguay 31
Venezuela 101
Vietnam 36
Yemen 1
Zambia 1

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