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35213 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2833 of them were solved, another 11025 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


In the Sverdlovsk region, a cat with "wings" was noticed. How did they appear?

Recently, a video with a cat with two lumps of fur on its sides, similar to wings, appeared on the Internet.

How False Memories Almost Destroyed a Family

A British family was on the verge of disintegration due to deception by a fraudster posing as a "healer".

In Italy, a robot dog with vacuum cleaner paws was created

Specialists from the Italian Institute of Technology have developed a four-legged robot called VERO, which stands for "Vacuum cleaner Equipped RObot" (Vacuum cleaner Equipped RObot), which was trai

A giant centipede, thought to be forever lost, has been discovered in the forests

It would seem difficult to lose something as large and multi-legged as a giant centipede, but scientists have managed to do it. One species of millipede has been lost for more than 126 years.

A mysterious five-meter creature washed up on the coast of New Zealand

In New Zealand, a carcass was found on the beach, presumably a dead whale, which turned out to be a representative of the rarest species.

Why do fish pack "human" teeth?

Pacu are freshwater fish that live in South America and are relatives of piranhas. They have earned fame for their teeth, which are very similar to human teeth.

American hydrogen air taxi has broken the flight range record

Joby Aviation from the USA, in a publication on its official website, told about the successful testing of the hydrogen-electric version of the S4 air taxi.

Silvery clouds appeared over Russia

Last night pleased sky-watchers: shining cobwebs of silvery clouds enveloped the sky.

A new type of predator of an "alien" species has been discovered in Russia

Experts from the Russian Federation discovered an "alien" yellow predator in Primorye and captured it on a video camera, the telegram channel of the National Scientific Center for Marine Biology na

Realistic silicone masks in China cause fear of Identity theft

In China, a new trend is gaining momentum, causing a wave of excitement and concern: realistic silicone masks, which were once just props for costume parties, are now becoming a tool for committing

A bright fireball swept through the sky over the east of Spain

The sky over the municipality of Orihuela in the eastern Spanish province of Alicante on Wednesday, July 3, was illuminated by a bright fireball, Euro Weekly reports.

Successful launch of the Ariane 6 launch vehicle

Last night, the first flight of the European heavy aircraft carrier Ariane6 successfully launched from the French Guiana cosmodrome.


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