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34780 facts from 176 countries related to 1181 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2809 of them were solved, another 10824 are under verification for compliance with one of the 320 versions.

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This section accumulates world news published in the media and concerning facts, phenomena and/or versions.


African catfish can walk on land for hours and do it in a very unusual way

Some fish can walk, but the chain-mail catfish does it in a particularly unusual way.

A bright fireball swept over the USA and Canada

A bright fireball was observed over the American state of Montana and the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan on Monday, January 15.

Incredible drone footage Shows Humpback Whales Creating a Fibonacci Spiral

Two humpback whales in Antarctica have shown a mesmerizing display of intelligence and coordination, creating a flawless network of bubbles and forming a Fibonacci spiral.

"Icarus Cup": the witch and other characters on paragliders soar over the French Alps

Strange animals and real witches fly over the French Alps on a broomstick. This is not a fiction.

The robber's attempt to use "invisibility" ended in arrest

A Thai man has ended up behind bars after a failed attempt to use his alleged superpower to steal. As reported by The Thaiger, the incident occurred on December 23 in Bangkok.

A madman opened a grave to become invisible

A grave robber from Indonesia confessed to stealing the bones of twins to cast a spell that he believed would give him the ability to fly and become invisible.

The cause of death of the discoverers of Tutankhamun's tomb has been established

Researchers have established the cause of the mysterious death of British scientists who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb a hundred years ago.

Police have denied rumors of an alien invasion in Miami

On Monday evening, a strange incident occurred at the Bayside trading floor in Miami, which attracted the attention of dozens of police officers and caused a wave of rumors about an alien invasion.

A strange oviparous mammal has reappeared after a 62-year absence

After more than 50 years of absence of scientists, Attenborough's long-billed echidna, an unusual creature resembling a combination of a hedgehog, a mole and an anteater, was rediscovered in the Cy

Scientists have discovered a "special" new species of seals in the Arctic

Exploring the natural wonders of the Arctic can be challenging, but it often leads to amazing discoveries.

Ball lightning swept through wires in Florida

Recently, an unusual natural phenomenon, ball lightning, was captured on video in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, Florida, USA.

What is watermelon snow and why is it better not to eat it?

Watermelon snow, also sometimes called "glacier blood", is an amazing phenomenon — the coloring of snow in pink.


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