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Unknown cryptids Guyana

Added Wed, 23/05/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 23/05/2018

We often hear about Nessie from Scotland, the Chupacabra of Puerto Rico from the United States Bigfoot or Yeti of the Himalayas. Some countries are very popular among scholars and fans of the paranormal, but knows only some limited circle of people. Such is the fate of cryptids (mysterious monsters) Guyana - a small country on the northeast coast of South America.

About a few of these creatures told Richard Freeman, a former employee of the British zoo Twycross zoo, which a few years ago, came to Guyana in connection with the transportation of animals to the zoo.

"We met a guy named Ernest. He opened his fish farm and one day he saw a strange creature about which there were stories among the locals. They called it being "red pygmy".

Wherever we went, we heard stories about these creatures, and met many of those who saw them firsthand. They all said the pygmies in height barely reach a meter or a little lower and they have red faces. Another man named Kennard said that once the pygmies for some time was pursued by a group of pilgrims and jumped towards them, probably to scare. Although usually no harm to these creatures people do not cause. The faces of these pygmies had displayed strange facial expressions and often could be seen as they bare their teeth, grinning at people.

Also described bipedal creatures and the fur on their body was not, just a bare brown skin. Everyone who saw them, described them as very small people, not animals. Our guide, Damon Corrie, saw one once this pygmy. He said that night slept in the tent and suddenly woke up and saw this man who looked down at him. I think these beings are of a very primitive and ancient tribe".

South America is still not too widely researched, so it's possible that somewhere in the jungle can live even not open a small tribe of savages living in the stone age. And their very small size also no wonder, the Indians of the Amazon, for example Capo or perahu, is also very short. Another cryptid, of which Ernesto spoke to Richard Freeman, is a huge snake, the Anaconda, much larger than ordinary anacondas.

“Ernest said that he had seen a very big Anaconda about ten years ago, and she was about thirty feet long (9 meters).

However, Ernesto admitted that he actually saw only the snake of this length, and this very serpent rumored to have seized some British guy. We told him that if this story is true, then the snake was clearly illegally imported into England. We also talked about the huge Anaconda, which was at length over 40 feet (12 meters) and supposedly lived in caves in a place called Corona Falls.

Unfortunately, we are unable to go there, this place was 70 miles away and the water level in the river was too low to travel there by boat."

Official science believes that Anaconda with a length of over 6 metres is a fiction. Though several times reported on the capture or observation of anacondas the length of 8-11 meters (a couple of times even about giants with a length of over 18 meters), none of these cases has not been tested by scientists. Another mysterious creature living somewhere in the jungles of Guyana is called the "water tiger".

"One day, we went in search of this "water tiger. We talked about it with several witnesses and one of them was an elderly man named Joseph who saw the skin of this animal after it was killed by hunters in the 1970-ies.

He said it was probably a mammal and it is about 10 feet long (3 measure). Its color is white with black spots, and the head is very similar to the tiger head. He also said something very interesting: that the creature hunts in packs. Which is not characteristic of tigers and all felines (except lions).

Another witness - a guy named Elmo, told us a story of how an adult "water tiger" sent juveniles to hunt in the water. According to him this animal is not a Jaguar and not a otter and it is very aggressive.

Ernest also told us that he once sailed on a boat with my uncle, when something grabbed the boat and violently start to shake. People had to cling to overhanging tree branches to avoid falling into the water. Uncle Ernest said afterwards that it was a "water Tiger"".

In Guyana lives another creature, which in appearance and description can be like a local equivalent of the Yeti, and a very large sloth (which are found here in abundance). Freeman was told about this creature here name is the word "Didi", it is hairy and with big claws.

Most likely, this Didi is closer to the Yeti, as there is a story that happened supposedly in the 1940-ies, when Didi kidnapped a local girl and lived with her as a wife, and she bore him a child look like both Didi and human. This story ended sadly for mongrels. The woman managed to escape from a hunter canoe, and when Didi saw her escape, then killed the child in anger, breaking it into pieces with your hands.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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