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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. United Kingdom

ID #1603635756
Added Sun, 25/10/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
28.08.1977 02:30
Нэнтикоус Хилл
United Kingdom

Francis Lloyd 24 was driving a large truck from Haverfordwest. With him was John Dwyer, 16. two miles from Carmarthern, on the A48, they had descended the slope of Nantico hill and were about to begin the ascent, when at the bottom of the sinkhole they saw two tall figures standing on the right side of the road near the roadside. 

The figures were at least 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, red and orange in color, as if they were wearing celluloid suits, and had huge heads that reminded them of the high caps of the guards.

The figures stood motionless, facing each other, and seemed to be holding an object between them. They had chrome or silver antennae that seemed to extend from their chests to the top of their heads. 

The two men drove past without stopping, and although the figures were in view for no more than six out of seven seconds, they were fully illuminated by the eight headlights of the large rig. Neither of the men noticed any objects. 

Three months later, a fatal car accident occurred at the same location, killing four people.

Original news

Location. Nantycaws Hill Carmarthen Wales
Date: August 28 1977
Time: 0230A
Francis Lloyd 24 was driving a large truck from Haverfordwest; with him was John Dwyer, 16. Two miles outside of Carmarthern, on the A48, they had descended the Nanticaws Hill grade and were about to begin to climb when, at the bottom of the dip, they saw two tall figures standing on the right hand verge near the highway. The figures at least 7-foot tall, were red orange in color, as if wearing celluloid suits, and had huge heads that reminded them of Guardsmen’s busbies. The figures stood motionless facing each other slightly, and appeared to be holding some sort of object between them. They had chrome or silver colored antennas that appeared to come out of their chests and stood as high as the tops of their heads. The two men drove right on past without stopping and although the figures were in view for no more than six of seven seconds, they were fully lit by the eight headlights of the large rig. No object was seen by either man. Three months later there was a fatal car accident at the same site, killing four men.
Source: F W Holiday, FSR Vol. 24 # 1


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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