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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Puerto Rico

ID #1605102845
Added Wed, 11/11/2020
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
06.07.1979 17:15
Puerto Rico

Maria was driving alone on the Carretera Guaynabo on a clear and Sunny day when suddenly it became dark around her. Startled, she began to scream and cry. 

Suddenly, she noticed the entity sitting next to her in the car. My next memory was of being in a room with four other entities.  Apparently, she was abducted for five days and then returned to her car in another city. 

She described the entities as small, dressed in bright white clothing. Some wore hats, others did not. They were bald, with small "beautiful" eyes. The four creatures appeared to be female, as Maria could see the outline of small Breasts in their chest area. 

Maria spoke to a man who called himself "Eknock" who told her that she had been contacted since the age of five. He also warned of impending global catastrophes, but said they would intervene. She underwent a medical examination, during which blood was taken from her. She was also given a bath with a sponge or brush and her hair was shaved for an unknown purpose. 

She also saw three other Earthmen on Board and was able to talk to them. The creatures also spoke of the approaching third world war.

Original news

Location. Near Guaynabo Puerto Rico
Date: July 6 1979
Time: 1715
Maria was driving alone on the Carretera Guaynabo on a clear and sunny day when suddenly everything became dark around her. Afraid she began screaming and crying. Suddenly she noticed an entity sitting next to her in the car. Here next memory was of being in a room with four other entities. She was apparently abducted for five days then returned to her vehicle in another city. She described the entities as small wearing bright white clothing. Some wore headgear others not. They were bald and had small “beautiful” eyes. Four of the beings appeared to be feminine, since Maria could see the outline of what appeared to be small breasts on their chest area. Maria spoke to a being that called himself “Eknock” that told her she had been contacted since she was 5-years old. He also warned of impending world disasters, but said they would intervene. She was given some type of physical examination in which blood was extracted from her. She was also given a sponge or brush bath and her hair was shaved off for an unknown purpose. She also saw 3 other “earthlings” onboard and was able to talk to them. The beings also spoke of a coming third world war.

Source: Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information

Rocket launches (from

  • Site: Kapustin Yar (GTsP-4, GTsMP-4), Volgograd (USSR / Russia) Vehicle: Kosmos-3M Payload: Kosmos 1112 (Taifun-2 #6) / 24 Romb


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
Not enough information

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