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The mystical fog. Ukraine

ID #1616683048
Added Thu, 25/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Остров Гидропарк

On Sunday, a local resident Peter Tsegelny decided to walk on the island of the Hydropark on the Dnieper. 

When he walked to one of the lakes on the island near the trail, it seemed to him that he was alone in the thicket. All of a sudden, he seemed to stumble and stumbled over a hole on the ground. 

Suddenly, the surrounding landscape disappeared. Peter felt good about himself, as his thoughts seemed clear. He found himself standing on a long, narrow, white road, paved with what looked like polished tiles. To his right was a beautiful domed structure with large diamond-shaped windows. To his left, everything seemed to be shrouded in a murky fog, and he couldn't see through it. 

Suddenly, a medium-sized, human-like figure in a white shirt and trousers appeared out of the fog. Peter was clearly not noticed. Soon, two more similar figures emerged from the fog. The couple went straight to Peter, apparently not noticing or seeing him. When the figures were almost on him, Peter tried to move aside, but he failed, as two figures, a man and a woman, passed through him (!), and apparently without any visible effects, both figures continued on their way to the strange domed building. 

Confused, Peter took a few more steps along the strange road and was suddenly enveloped in a thick fog. Using pure instinct, he tried to push the fog away, but suddenly found himself among the bushes on Hydropark Island, not far from the lake. 

Later, Peter, along with his brother, returned to the site and searched the area, but found nothing suspicious or inappropriate.

Original news

Date: Summer 1996
Location: Hydropark Island on the Dnepr River, Kiev, Ukraine
Time: daytime
Summary: On Sunday a local man named Pyetr Tsegelnyi decided to take a walk on Hydropark Island on the River Dnepr. As he walked towards one of the lakes on the island not far from the path, he seemed to be alone in the brushwood. Suddenly he seemed to trip and stumble over a hole on the ground. Suddenly the surrounding landscape had vanished; Pyetr felt a sense of well being as his thoughts seemed to be clear. He found himself standing on a long white narrow road, made out of what appeared to be polished tiles. To his right was a beautiful dome shaped structure with large rhomb-shaped windows. On his left everything appeared to be shrouded in a cloudy mist or fog and he could see nothing through it. Suddenly a medium sized human-like figure wearing a white shirt and trousers appeared from within the mist. Pyetr was apparently unnoticed. Soon two more similar figures appeared out of the mist. The pair walked directly towards Pyetr apparently not noticing or seeing him. As the figures were almost upon him Pyetr attempted to move to one side but did not succeed as the two figures, a man and a woman, walked right through him (!), and apparently without any visible effects both figures continued on their way towards the strange dome-shaped building. Confused, Pyetr took several more steps along the strange road and was suddenly enveloped by a dense fog, using pure instinct he attempted to swat the fog away but suddenly found himself among the bushes in Hydropark Island, not far from the lake. Later Pyetr along with his brother returned to the site and searched the area but failed to find anything suspicious or out of place. Several local UFO researchers in Kiev suspect that this area is some kind of doorway or portal into another dimensional continuum. 
Source: T. Tsegelnaya and Alexander L. Kulskiy “Kiev Comment”


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