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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Chile

ID #1622807321
Added Fri, 04/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
29.07.2004 21:40
Пампа Аха

Dario Riquelme, army recruiter Hernan Cuevas, accompanied by his wife, son and 11-year-old daughter Tanya, was driving his Nissan Terrano truck and approaching an area called "Presencias Tutelares" when they noticed a strange creature crossing the road in front of their truck. 

As the stunned Riquelme slammed on the brakes, a second similar-looking humanoid also crossed the street directly in front of the truck. They described the humanoids as looking like bipedal" small " dinosaurs or reptiles with strong, muscular thighs. According to eyewitnesses, the humanoids were gray in color and hairless. 

They estimated that the creatures were at least two meters tall and were four meters away from the truck. The second humanoid seemed slightly smaller and less clearly visible. 

Witnesses agreed that both creatures were crossing the road at great speed, using huge jumps and leaps. Stunned and terrified after the collision, witnesses stopped the truck and gathered before continuing on their way to Arica.

Original news

Date:  July 29 2004
Location:  Pampa Acha, Iquique Province, Chile
Time:  2140
Summary:  Dario Riquelme, an Army recruiter, Hernan Cuevas, accompanied by his wife, son and 11-year old daughter Tania were traveling in his Nissan Terrano truck and were approaching an area called “Presencias Tutelares” when they spotted a bizarre creature crossing the road just ahead of their truck. As the stunned Riquelme applied the brakes a second similar appearing humanoid also crossed the street just in front of the truck. They described the humanoids as resembling bipedal “small” dinosaurs or reptiles, with strong muscular thighs. According to the witnesses the humanoids were gray in color, and hairless. They estimated the creatures to have been at least 2 meters in height, and were as close as four meters from the truck. The second humanoid appeared somewhat smaller, and was less clearly seen. The witnesses agreed that both creatures crossed the road at tremendous speed using huge leaps and bounds. Stunned and frightened after the encounter the witnesses stopped the truck and composed themselves before they continued their drive to Arica.
Source:  Planeta UFO, Año XXXVII # 12.386.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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