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The Alien. Australia

ID #1623926892
Added Thu, 17/06/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
07.2011 08:30
Перт WA

I'm from Perth, Western Australia, and in or around July 2011, I experienced something similar to Rachel (speaking of Helen Littrell's book Rachel's Eyes: A Strange but Sure Case of a Human-Alien Hybrid). 

I had a few medical issues and was waiting at my local pathology clinic for a glucose tolerance test, which takes about 2 hours for 3 separate samples. 

I arrived around 8: 30 a.m. and was 4th in line, so I started reading the magazine. It was my turn, and I gave him my first blood sample, followed by a glucose concentrate. The lady was surprised to see me carve this drink, because most people find it quite unpleasant. I was then told to wait at the front desk for an hour before they could take my next sample. At this time, I watched as a young woman went to the front door, looked inside, and left. 

She did this 3 times in the half hour I was waiting for the next sample. I went in on the fourth, didn't take my ticket, but I sat down anyway. 

This young lady was about six feet tall (1.8 m), her skin was very pale, almost white, was very thin, but I wouldn't say anorexic, and wore the same sunglasses that movie stars wear when they try to be unnoticed. Something about her seemed very different, but I couldn't figure out what it was. Although her arms did seem longer than usual. At least the middle arms are worth the extra length. 

I had the distinct impression that she might not be quite human, so just in case, I thought to myself:

"You're not from here?»

While not being obvious, watching her. At that moment, she abruptly turned her head and looked directly at me, then stood up and hurried to the door in a particularly awkward manner. Much like a marionette on stage with her arms slightly outstretched. Enough of a sight to watch, and others outside also watched and watched. The moment she looked directly at me, the Sun was reflecting off the back of her sunglasses and then straight up to her eyes, illuminating them. 

These eyes were LARGE, I couldn't tell the color of the iris if there was one, but these eyelids were about 45 millimeters wide and about the same height. I couldn't see the reflection in the eyes themselves. When it came time for me to provide another sample, I told the woman conducting the tests about the situation (I had known her for about 5 years at that time), and they told me:

"I know who you're talking about, and she needs a special blood treatment, but keep it to yourself." 

My father worked as a courier for the same company, dealing with biological transportation. She knows my father. On January 7, 2016, I had a reason to give another blood sample, and I have another GTT test coming up this week. I hope to see the same girl again.

 All the details I have provided here are a true and accurate description of the events that took place at that time on that day.

Original news

Date: July  2011
Location:  Perth, Western Australia
Time:  8.30 am
Summary:  “I’m from Perth, Western Australia and experienced something in or around July 2011 that may very well be similar to Raechel (speaking about Helen Littrell’s book Raechel’s Eyes: The Strange But True Case of a Human-Alien Hybrid). I had been having a few medical issues and was waiting at my local Pathology Clinic for a Glucose Tolerance Test which takes around 2 hours for 3 separate samples. I had arrived around 8.30 am and was 4th in line, so I began reading a magazine. My turn came and I gave my first blood sample then glucose concentrate to drink. The lady was surprised to see me skull the drink as most people find it rather unpleasant. Then I was told to wait in reception for an hour before they could take my next sample. During this time I observed a young lady walk up to the front door, look inside then walk away. She did this 3 times during that half hour I was there waiting for the next sample. On the forth she came in, didn’t take a ticket but sat down anyway. This young lady was around 6 feet tall, very pale skin to the point it was almost white, was extremely thin but I wouldn’t say anorexic and wore those same sunglasses like movie stars wear when trying to not be noticed. Something about her seemed rather different but I couldn’t quite pick out what. Although her arms did seem longer than usual. At least the average hands worth of extra length. I had the distinct impression she may not be entirely human so just on the off chance, I thought to myself ‘You’re not from here are you?’ while not being to obvious observing her. At that moment she whipped her head around and looked directly at me then stood up and hurried out the door in a particularly awkward fashion. Much like a puppet on stage with its arms outstretched slightly in front. Quite a spectacle to observe and others outside looked and stared as well. At that point in time when she looked directly at me, the sun reflected from behind her off her sunglasses then directly toward her eyes, illuminating them. Those eyes were LARGE, I could not make out the color of the iris if there was one but those eye lids were around 45 millimetres wide and about the same in height. I saw no reflection off the eyes themselves. When it came time for me to provide another sample I mentioned the situation to the woman conducting tests (I had known her for around 5 years at that point ) and was told ‘I know who you are talking about and she need specialized blood treatment, but keep it to yourself’ My father used to work for the same company doing biological transport as a courier. She knows my father. I’ve just had cause to go for another blood sample 7th January 2016 and will be having another GTT test this week. I hope to see that same young lady again. All details I have provided here are true and accurate descriptions of events experienced at the time on that day. Anyway I thought that may be of interest to you.”
Source:   JLB SOURCE


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