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Chupacabra. Russia

ID #1638977063
Added Wed, 08/12/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
Permskiy kray

Traces of a chupacabra were found in the Perm village of miracles. A village of miracles has been discovered in the Perm Region. Here the mountains are warming, the equipment is capricious, and poultry is dying from the fabulous chupacabra. The film crew of the Vesti Perm program visited the Kishertsky district.

Valentina Romanovna now treats her chickens with trepidation. After all, one night she almost lost them.

"The time is 11 o'clock, everything is calm, I went to bed, and about fifteen minutes on the 12th I went out, my husband says: the war is on, I look, there are no more 11 chickens," recalls Valentina Korkodinova, a resident of the village of Ust-Irgino.

This time the husband helped protect the chickens. And two years ago there was no one. All the livestock was mowed down - 20 heads, all without blood. And similar stories are repeated in this village every summer.

"There were three ducks today - they were taken away, they don't fly anywhere, they got lost," says Vladimir Kustov, a resident of the village of Ust—Irgino.

Everything is very similar to the chupacabra - so far a mythical creature that has been hooliganing for 50 years in South and North America. But recently traces of it have been found in Ukraine, Russia and, apparently, now in the Perm Region.

The locals sin against the mink, which lives in the water and feeds on fish. Why would she drink the blood of a chicken. Perhaps the local Warm Mountain is driving everyone crazy — not just a hill, but a whole repeater. One of the wonderful properties that folk rumor gives to a Warm Mountain is the fight against bad weather. Over this place, the clouds diverge to the sides. And now the whole sky is covered, and above the mountain you can see the clear sky.

Interestingly, the villagers do not see anything abnormal in what is happening. Someone has been stealing chickens and rabbits for a long time, there is no rain because of a Warm mountain, light poles and unknown figures are the norm here. It's interesting to live in a village of miracles


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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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