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On the shores of Indonesia nailed a 15-foot corpse of an unknown animal

Added Mon, 15/05/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 13/05/2017

Residents of the Indonesian island of Seram found on the beach the carcass of a giant sea animal. Carcass length — 15 meters, weight unknown creature — 35 tons.

The first huge meaty bubble was mistaken for a beached boat. Most likely, the decaying remains belong to a squid or humpbacked whale. The video discolored body "spits out" the blood and other fluids.

People are asking the government to remove the monster from the water along the coast spread the stench. It is not known how the animal came ashore, but, most likely, his death occurred three days before the body was found on Tuesday, may 9.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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