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The Loch Ness Monster. United Kingdom

ID #1666259183
Added Thu, 20/10/2022
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.10.2022 17:30
озеро Лох-Несс
United Kingdom

Mom and daughter were shocked after they noticed a "black lump" in Scottish waters, and began to suspect that it could be a Loch Ness monster.

They noticed the mysterious creature while walking along the shore of Loch Ness shortly before 17:30 on Tuesday, October 11.

The couple said they had come from the east of Scotland when they noticed a long break in the water, which was otherwise "quiet and calm."

Their discovery, which took place just 200 yards from the shore, was registered as the sixth this year in the official register of observations of Loch Ness monsters.

They said:

"Before our eyes, a black lump appeared out of the water and lay for about 30 seconds before disappearing under the water again. After another 30 seconds, the black lump floated to the surface for a shorter time before disappearing under the water again."

They added that the mysterious lump turned out to be "square-shaped" and the size of a football, the Daily Record reports.

The couple said the creature seemed to jump out from under the surface before disappearing and surfacing to do the same a second time.

Several months have passed since the last official observation, which took place earlier this August, when a local resident was able to film what looked like a small footprint moving against the prevailing currents on the lake.

Original news

A mum and daughter were left shocked after they spotted a "black lump" in Scottish waters, in a suspected Loch Ness Monster sighting.

They noticed the mysterious creature as they were walking along the bank of Loch Ness shortly before 5.30pm on Tuesday, October 11.

The pair said they were visiting from the East of Scotland when they noticed a long break in the water, which was otherwise "still and calm."

Their discovery, which was just 200 yards off the bank, has been recorded as the sixth sighting this year on the official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register.

They said: "As we watched a black lump appeared out of the water and sat for approximately 30 seconds before disappearing once again under the water.

"After another 30 seconds, the black lump resurfaced for a shorter amount of time before disappearing under the water again."

They added that the mysterious lump appeared to be "boxy in shape" and about the size of a football, reports Daily Record.

The pair said that the creature seemed to be bobbing up from under the surface before disappearing and resurfacing to do the same a second time.

It's been several months since the last official sighting, which occurred earlier this year in August, when a local resident was able to film what appeared to be a small wake moving against prevailing currents on the loch.


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
Not enough information


Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
Not enough information


The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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