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Why did the famous pink lake in Africa change color?

Added Mon, 31/10/2022
Дата публикации
Mon, 31/10/2022

In the current rainy season, oz. Retba has lost its characteristic pink hue. Satellite photos show how the reservoir has acquired a blue-green color.

The pink color is given to it by the microalgae Dunaliella salina. As a rule, they are green in color, but stressful conditions force them to secrete beta-carotene, a protective orange-red pigment.

Retba is usually close to the Dead Sea in salinity. This is not very like D. salina, which emit pigment, which is why the lake is distinguished by its exquisite color. The most intense color occurs during the dry season (November — June). With the onset of the rainy season, the shade loses intensity, as the lake is diluted with rainwater. This happens from July to October.

The current wet season has turned out to be out of the ordinary. Heavy rains since the beginning of August have triggered floods in Dakar and nearby areas. Flood drains got into the lake and saturated it with a large amount of fresh water. As a result, microalgae stopped producing pigment altogether. Retba turned green. This was recorded by the apparatuses Landsat from low Earth orbits.

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