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Странное существо в лесу

Added Mon, 01/07/2019

June 28, 2019 in the media, covering the topics of the paranormal, came the news that the black Goblin frightened tourist in a forest in Moscow region (Russia). We bring a case to Archive (Fact #1561992123), but the creature seemed familiar. The Archive was found a very similar video shot in 2018 (as specified by its author in Azerbaijan) - Fact #1538587753. Videos are so similar that at first it seemed that the one roller is a piece of the other.

As it turned out, both videos were published on a single channel. To make it easier to understand the theme of the channel, consider the basic data:

  • Name Seooosst
  • Was registered on 5 Aug 2015
  • Country: USA
  • 1 423 subscriber (at the time of writing)

The first video ("Flowers are beautiful") was published on 7 August 2015, then have added some more videos on the beauty of nature and the forest (despite the fact that the country of residence of the author indicated of the United States, in the commercials talking about Russia). The author then switches to clips of the paranormal (Chupacabra, UFOs, fairies, etc.)

Videos with the goblins in the same surroundings of the forest, similar to that which started the investigation on the channel quite a lot. Due to the large number we're not going to mention them here, but only give references to some of them:

The plot of all the movies is based on the same scheme:

  • in silence (without comment) in the forest ideas man and shoots out towards the trees and bushes.
  • there is an unknown creature;
  • a person ceases to shoot and runs away.

Media attention has attracted some of the videos from this channel. On the other, can be considered toys and models, which the author used to simulate mystical creatures. This is not so easy because of the low quality of the video and the shooting manners of the author, who rarely shows "creatures" in focus.

All shown on the channel monsters can be divided into:

(a frame from the video from 1 Jun. 2019)

Some videos show as a "monster" is a child's toy. Sometimes it becomes really obvious because of the appearance of "beings" (for example, in the video with "white creature," video "horned snake" from June 26. 2019above the second frame with the "brown monster") or his manner of movements (video with "white substance" from 22 Mar. 2019).

A frame from the video with the "horned snake":

Despite the fact that the author of the video did not indicate, from the commentaries, it becomes clear that the content of a humorous character, and the main part of the visitors of the channel understand that. It is strange that the media took these videos seriously.

Thus, both facts can be dismissed with a verdict of "Deliberate falsification with the use of models".

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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