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Land creatures. United States

ID #1538634969
Added Thu, 04/10/2018
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Source date: 
United States

This story a few weeks ago on Reddit said the user with the nickname "johnamorTK".

According to him, he's probably met so-called skinwalker — shifter from native American legends. The name of the city and the country is not specified, but obviously it is somewhere in USA, because only there are the stories of skinwalkers.

"I live in a suburban area and we have many parks with large trees. Therefore, there are always quite shady and cool, and long before the sun goes down it's getting gloomy and dark. That day my mom asked me to go to my friend's house and pick out some of my things I had left. This home is not far down the street and to reach it, you have to pass through the area where you normally Park the cars.

It was early evening, six hours, but it was dim. I went to a friend's house and about fifteen minutes later we noticed on the road ahead of me a small child on a Bicycle. I didn't see that there is a girl or a boy, because near the road next to a parked car, I suddenly saw a very large black dog. The dog was large and a bit like the hound, is very thin. While she had long shaggy coat. The dog sat on its hind legs and looked in the direction of the child. I think she didn't notice.

From afar I didn't see anything unusual, but when between me and the dog was still only 10-15 feet (3-4. 5 meters), I suddenly realized that this animal something wrong. First, the back legs, where the dog was sitting, it seemed unusually long for her body and strangely curved. And secondly, her front paws... No, I'll never forget what I saw. Her front paws rhythmically tugged at the earth, how about you Pat the blanket in search of the keys.

It looked as if the dog pulls with his paws in impatience and waiting, and thus she continued to stare at the child. Then I should be issued a sound of fright and the dog heard it. And then the creature slowly rose to his full height and stood on its hind legs like a man!

The same as it was in height 6 feet (182 cm) or maybe even more. I realized that I wouldn't take it further. I carefully turned around and quickly went back to his home, feeling like it looks me in the back. I safely got out of there, but still don't know what became of that child."

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Original news

I live in a suburban neighborhood with lots of large trees. Even before too late in the day, it gets pretty dark and moody. My mom sent me on an errand once to stop by a friend’s house down the street and pick up some things. The route takes me through a stretch of road that has some parked cars on either side of the street. It was 6, early evening.

About 15 minutes into my walk, I saw a little kid (not sure if it was a girl or boy) riding a bike in my direction from the opposite end of the road. I also happened to see that sitting by one of the parked cars ahead of me was a skinny, black dog. It was large and slender looking, like a greyhound, but also shaggy. The dog just seemed to be sitting there, looking in the kid’s direction. It didn’t seem to have noticed me, so I just walked forward to fulfill my errand.

It wasn’t until I was some 10-15 feet away that I realized something was not right with this animal. It remained seated on its haunches, but it was now very clear to me that its back legs were much too long for its body --- folded in an unnatural way. But more disturbing than that was what it was doing with its front paws. This is something I will never forget seeing...

The dog’s forelegs were positioned in front, where they should have been, but I stopped in my tracks when I realized that the paws were patting the ground in unison. Kind of like the way you feel for lost keys in a blanket. The dog seemed to be drumming the ground in anticipation… or excitement. Or it was pretending to be a dog with its paws on the ground. And it was looking at this clueless child heading its way.

I must have made some sort of sound even as I was frozen in place because the patting stopped, and this thing slowly got up on its back legs and stood up, like a man. It was easily 6 feet tall, maybe more. I turned around and began to sprint home. I had my back to it, but I knew it was looking at me now. So I just got out of there. To this day, I don’t know what happened to the little kid.


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