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Poltergeist. Belarus

ID #1572003855
Added Fri, 25/10/2019
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
11.1990 02:00

In August 1990, several families of Mogilev region affected by the Chernobyl disaster, moved to a new residence in Berestecky district of Grodno region [apparently meant berestovitsky district – editorial]. In the village of Murowana my family received housing in the new two-storey two-family house, located on the edge of the village. The place is calm, quiet, wonderful. In this house we have lived not a full year, but several things happened that I decided to tell.

In November last year, the date can not remember exactly, around 2-3 a.m. my wife woke up from some weird kind of sound, which, as it turned out, came from the wall above my head. Then she told me what happened next. I begin to mutter something, the sound stops, pause, the wall again begins to "speak"! The next morning I didn't remember, the only thing that remains in the mind clearly, it's a pain in the heart, from which I woke up.

The second incident happened in December. I had a free day, the case was already for dinner, I decided to drink tea. Boil water, put on the table porcelain glass, put into it two pieces of sugar, poured the tea and boiling water. Filling almost to the top, put the kettle back on the stove. Turning back to the table, I was surprised to see that the level of tea in the glass decreased. "Oh, shit, busted," he Podobedova me. Indeed, the glass was crack, but to my amazement, the table under the glass was dry. Tea has decreased by a third.

On the same day about three or four came home from school my son, I asked him the road to drink tea. Took two glasses, put in your same place again, put in two lumps of sugar, poured fresh welding, the boiling water, put the kettle back on the stove and turned it to be. And sure again, the level of tea has decreased, but as soon as the glance I caught this movement, it tormoznuli as if with a small inertia and stopped.

New year's eve several families gathered in our home in the apartment on the first floor (we live on the second floor) to celebrate the occasion. We sat and talked and looked at the TV celebration and dispersed. Left only the owners and a few people to help clear the table. Suddenly in one of the rooms he heard a sharp cotton. When he walked in, I saw this picture. On the floor lies a crystal vase, vertical split exactly into two halves. This vase with glass flowers laid on the floor so it does not interfere. Of the colors lying in the same half, the other in another, but none of the glass flower was broken, not a single piece was not repulsed. Something similar happened in February. The daughter of the village to drink tea, but at this time, the glass burst – also into two equal halves vertically.

I thought a lot about these strange things and that's what drew attention. On a wooded hill near our house, are the ruins of the crypt. Once he was a family tomb lived in the area of the landlords. I mentally tried to draw a line through the places where these events took place. It turned out that it rests just at the door of the crypt. And most importantly, quite often near us felt the presence of someone, not given to us in explicit feelings, but really feel.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»


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