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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1612882149
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
1989 01:00
Permskiy kray

The woman, a night guard at a local garage, was standing with her dog at the entrance when she noticed a strange red glow. Suddenly, she heard a voice speaking to her. 

At first she started laughing hysterically and said:

"Come into the garage."

But she was afraid, because there was no one in sight. The dog began to behave strangely, grabbing the witness by the sleeve and dragging her into the garage. Then she stood by the pillar and heard the voice again, asking clear questions in her mind. 

Then several transparent but visible humanoid figures appeared in front of her. She remembered asking them:

"You're not human, are you?»

They responded:

"Yes, we are not human, and we have come for you." 

Then she felt a powerful vibration and everything shook, and the fur hat fell off her head. She thought she was going crazy or sick, and then she passed out and only came back to herself a few hours later in a completely different building located across the street. 

She thought that her experience was probably just a dream, but she had obviously lost most of her memory. When a hypnotic regression was attempted on the woman, she experienced a terrible headache and could not continue.

Original news

Location. Perm, Russia
Date: 1989
Time: 0100A
A woman, a night security guard at a local garage was standing with her dog near the entrance when she noticed a strange red glow. Suddenly she heard a voice from her dog talking to her. At first she began to laugh hysterically, and said, “Come into the garage”. But she became frightened since no one was visible. The dog began behaving in a peculiar manner, grabbing the witness by her sleeve and pulling her inside the garage. The woman then stood near a column, and heard the voice again, asking clear questions in her consciousness. Then several transparent but visible humanoid figures appeared in front of her. She remembered asking them, “You are not people, aren’t you?” They answered, “Yes we are not people and we have come for you.” Then she felt a powerful vibration and everything began to shake, her fur hat fell from her head. She thought she was going crazy or getting sick and then lost consciousness and returned back to her senses only several hours later in a quite different building located across the road. She thought that her experience was probably just a dream, but she evidently had lost most of her memory. When a hypnotic regression was attempted on the woman she experienced a terrific headache and could not go on.
Source: V. Pyankov, psychiatrist, Perm Russia


List of versions containing features matching the eyewitness descriptions or material evidence
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Versions testing, their confirmation or refutation. Additional information, notes during the study of materials
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The most likely explanation. The version, confirmed by the investigation
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