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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

Parallel world. Russia

ID #1612885368
Added Tue, 09/02/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Altayskiy kray

According to the testimony of retired Major Samoylenko I. A., a soldier of the local border guard unit disappeared from night duty. The military immediately organized a search, but it did not give any results.

 But three days later, the missing border guard was found 5 km from the mountain village of Aktash. The soldier was very scared, physically exhausted and could not explain any details of what had happened. 

After a long period of rehabilitation and treatment conducted by the special military unit of the KGB, the border guard recalled that during the night duty he was blinded by a bright flash of light, after which he lost consciousness.

When he came to, he found himself in a strange room with walls emitting a steady bluish light with no visible source. Suddenly, a voice out of nowhere that sounded like a woman's or a child's voice greeted him and warned him that he would be sent on a long journey. After that, he told the soldier that if he was chosen for this honorable mission, he would be helping a distant civilization that was very similar to humans in many aspects and located in the constellation of Gemini. After that, the soldier lost consciousness again. 

He vaguely remembered seeing several "faceless" humanoid figures leaning over him and studying his body. Then, during this "medical examination", he was subjected to sudden bouts of unbearable pain. After that, he fell into a state of intense euphoria and bliss, as if he was under drugs. 

After an examination in a local military hospital, the commission recognized him as mentally unstable or insane.

Original news

Date: 1989
Location: Near Aktash, Altay region, West Siberia, Russia
Time: night
Summary: According to the testimony of retired Major I. A. Samoilenko a soldier of the local frontier guard detachment had disappeared from his night watch. The military immediately organized a search, but it brought no results. But three days later the missing frontier guard was found 5km from the mountainous settlement of Aktash. The soldier was very frightened, physically exhausted and could not explain any details of what had occurred. After a long rehabilitation period and therapy on him conducted by officers of a special military KGB detachment, the frontier guard remembered that during his night watch a bright flash of light had blinded him and after that he had lost consciousness. When he returned to his senses, he found himself in a strange room with walls that emitted an even bluish light with no visible source. Suddenly a voice from nowhere, that resembled that of the voice of a female or child, greeted him and warned him that he would be taken on a long journey. After that it told the soldier that if he were selected for that honorable mission he would be helping a distant civilization very similar to humans in many aspects and located in the Gemini constellation. After that was said, the soldier lost consciousness again. He vaguely remember that next he saw several humanoid figures “without faces” leaning over him and examining his body. He was then exposed to attacks of sudden unbearable pain during this “medical examination”. After that he fell into a state of powerful euphoria and bliss, as if being narcotized. After examination at a local military hospital a commission found the mentally unstable or insane. And one and a half month later the unfortunate died of a fulminating illness similar to exposure to high doses of radiation.
Source: Sergey Skvortsov, “NLO” Magazine Saint Petersburg # 42 October 18 1999


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