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This section contains descriptions of unexplained facts provided by eyewitnesses or published in the media, as well as the results of their analysis by the group.

The Alien. Russia

ID #1617036605
Added Mon, 29/03/2021
Author July N.

Initial data

Initial information from sources or from an eyewitness
Incident date: 
Tverskaya oblast

A local resident named Igor Utkin was in his apartment when he saw a column of blue light coming from somewhere under the ceiling and descending to the floor like a stalactite. Soon the beam reached the floor and seemed to become solid. Then a humanoid male and two humanoid females descended from the beam of light. 

One of the women was obviously the leader of the group. She came within a few feet of the witness and began telepathic communication with him. 

The witness reported that she was about 1.7 meters tall, with an elongated face, round dark eyes of medium size and eyebrows outlined in narrow arches, the head was hairless. On her head was a tall hat in the shape of those worn by Catholic bishops. Here, the skin was a deep green, not shiny. The alien woman's dress reminded the witness of those old-style dresses worn by women, long light green, with a red cloak and a high light red collar. The maroon hat had a yellow"feather" on the front. Inside the pen, he saw something that looked like a crystal, resembling a diamond. The alien woman held a double-tipped scepter-shaped staff in her right hand. 

The alien woman telepathically informed Igor that her name was Zuri and that she was from the planet Galea. She then suggested that the witness leave earth with them to lessen his "suffering". Igor refused, saying that his relatives would suffer without him. 

The woman then said that they could cause it in a way that no one would notice or even suspect, since they had the opportunity to incarnate another soul into his body that would replace his departing soul, his body's existence on earth would continue as a biorobot. Utkin still refused. 

The contact lasted for about 5 minutes, and then the humanoids re-entered the blue ray or energy channel and quickly zoomed in. After that, the beam of light disappeared. 

It is reported that the alien again appeared to the witness the next day (April 24, 1997, evening), but quickly disappeared.

Original news

Date:  April 23 1997
Location: Bezhetsk, Tver region, Russia
Time: evening
Summary: A local resident named Igor Utkin was in his apartment when he saw a column of blue light penetrating from somewhere in the ceiling and stretching down to the floor like a stalactite. Soon the beam reached the floor and seemed to become solid. A male humanoid and two female humanoids then descended out of the beam of light. One of the women was apparently the leader of the group. She approached the witness to within a couple of feet and began telepathic communication with him. The witness reported that she was about 1.7meters in height, with an elongated face, medium sized round dark eyes, and eyebrows that were outlined by narrow arcs, her head was hairless. She wore a tall hat on her head shaped like those wore by Catholic Bishops. Here skin was dense green in color, not shiny. The dress of the alien woman reminded the witness of those old style dresses wore by women, long light-green in color, with a red cloak and a tall light red collar. The claret-colored hat had a yellow “feather” on the front section. Within the feather he saw something crystal-like resembling a diamond. The alien woman was holding a stick shaped like a scepter with a double tip in her right hand. The alien female telepathically informed Igor that her name was Zuri, and that she was from the planet Galeya. She then invited the witness to leave the earth with them in order to decrease his “sufferings”. Igor declined, saying that his relatives would suffer without him. The woman then said that they could cause this to happen in a way that no one would notice and will not even suspect, because they had the ability to incarnate another soul into his body that would replace his departing soul the existence of his body on earth will continue as a bio-robot. Utkin still refused. The contact lasted for about 5 minutes and then the humanoids re-entered the blue beam or energy channel and quickly zoomed up. After that the beam of light vanished. The alien woman reportedly appeared to the witness again the next day (April 24 1997, evening), but quickly vanished.
Source:  Pavel Hiylov and Anton A. Anfalov


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