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This section contains information about the representation of phenomena in the entertainment industry: movies, cartoons, books, etc.

The Hound of the Baskervilles


Added Mon, 26/07/2021
Release date
Original title
The Hound of the Baskervilles

"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" (English: "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes") is a British detective series, a series of film adaptations of the works of Arthur Conan Doyle about Sherlock Holmes.

Each of the four seasons of the series had its own name:

  • "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes "(eng. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; 1984—1985)
  • "The Return of Sherlock Holmes" (eng. The Return of Sherlock Holmes; 1986—1988)
  • "The Sherlock Holmes Archive" (eng. The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes; 1991—1993)
  • "The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes "(eng. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes; 1994)

Of the 60 original works about Holmes, two novellas and 39 short stories became the basis for 41 episodes of the series.

"The Hound of the Baskervilles "(English:" The Hound of the Baskervilles") is an adaptation of the detective story of the same name by Arthur Conan Doyle. According to various sources, it is considered a separate film in the series or the sixth (last) episode of the fourth season.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Arthur Conan Doyle

Book (fiction)|1902

The strange death of Sir Charles Baskerville, the owner of a large fortune, scares his neighbors and friends, because everyone knows that according to family legend, his family is haunted by a terrible curse: a demon appears from the depths of the swamps in the form of a terrible dog to avenge the Baskervilles for the ancient crime of a dissolute ancestor. Inhuman footprints were found near his body. Had the curse found another victim?

The famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his constant companion Dr. Watson must answer this question. That's just whether they are able to cope with supernatural forces, or under their mask hides an evil and merciless human will?

The plot of the story is based on the investigation of the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, who died under mysterious circumstances. In the Baskervilles family, a family legend about a devilish dog of supernatural origin, which pursues all representatives of the Baskervilles family, is passed down from generation to generation. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson take up the investigation of this case.

Phenomena in artwork: Black Shaq

The film tells the legend of a huge demonic dog chasing representatives of the Baskervilles. The plot of the legend does not differ from the one given in the original work.

A contemporary of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Henry Baskerville, is attacked by a large glowing dog, which turns out to be an ordinary evil dog painted with phosphor paint.

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