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Curse of the Skinwalker


Added Tue, 07/07/2020
Release date
Original title
Project Blue Book (season 2, episode 7)

Project Blue Book

TV Show|2019
A chronicle of the true top secret U.S. Air Force-sponsored investigations into UFO-related phenomena in the 1950s and ’60s, known as “Project Blue Book.”

Project "Blue book" (season 2)

TV Show Season|2020

The seventh episode of the second season of "Project "Blue book" called "the Curse of skinwalker" (orig. "Curse of the Skinwalker") and dedicated "Ranch Skinwalker" (eng. "Skinwalker Ranch"), also known as Sherman Ranch (eng. "Sherman Ranch").

This ranch, occupying an area of approximately 480 acres (1.9 km2) and is located to the South-East of Ballard (Utah), presumably is the scene of the supernatural and UFO-related events. The ranch was named in honor of the werewolf from American Indian legends (eng. skin-walker, which literally translates as "changing the skin").

The first publication about the ranch appeared in the newspaper of the city of salt lake city's "Deseret News", and later on in the weekly "Las Vegas Mercury". It was an article by journalist George Knapp in which he talked about the family who bought the ranch, and the subsequent inexplicable and frightening events.

Knapp subsequently wrote the book in collaboration with the Colma Keller, the plot of which "national Institute of science and discoveries" (NIDSci) buys a ranch to investigate UFO sightings, Bigfoot like creatures, crop circles, balls of fire and poltergeist activity reported by its former owners.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Hynek and Quinn are sent to a ranch in Utah to investigate reports of a young couple about the inexplicable and dangerous events. Their son, who suffers from sleepwalking, feel the presence of some creatures that he describes as "alien." The parents of the child see the sky is blue lights, and tall, thin and clearly inhuman figure on the road.

Hynek and Quinn arrive at the scene and detect in the vicinity of the ranch strange like liquid mud discharge from the ground, having a sweet smell. They witness similar to earthquake aftershocks, and find a light capsule from the rocket, developed at a nearby scientific base of the U.S. air force. At first they suspect a young family frightened by the strange neighbor who dresses in a wolf's skin, builds in woods scary effigies and legends once lived in these places Indians.

Another earthquake causes a falling utility pole that blocks the road. Quinn and Hynek are forced to stay on the farm. At night, the boy disappears, and Hynek in the light of lightning sees a strange creature moving through the house. It soon becomes clear that the house is connected with the military base major underground tunnel, the entrance to which is in the pantry. The tunnel again there is a strange creature, but this time he only sees Quinn. On the basis of the Heineken and Quinn to explain in this area, the military conducted secret experiments on stimulation of plate movements that result from the earth's methane comes out, causing hallucinations and the blue glow.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Wandering Fire

Three wandering fire blue see in the forest three members of a young family. Lights moving quickly in the air and rise to approximately the middle height of the trees where leave burnt bark and branches. At first, Hynek suggests that the lights are the fireballs, but at the end of the episode it turns out that it ignited the methane that was released from fissures in the earth's crust.

Remains unexplained why ignited the gas moves at high speed on strange trajectories.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

Phenomena in artwork: Skinwalker

In the episode shows a strange creature that looks like a tall and very thin man in a mask. Close to it becomes clear that the creature's body is a withered decayed flesh. It appears in the local woods, the farmer's house and a secret military tunnel. Maybe the creature is a hallucination, you see people inhaling coming out of the bowels of the earth gases, but this version doesn't explain why it looks the same for everyone who sees it.

The land on which the farm is located, is considered cursed by the Navajo Indians. Here lived the Indian tribe of Utah, who was kidnapped by the Navajo and sold them at slave markets. According to legend, in these places often meet strange creatures and watching the UFO. A neighbor farmer thought that in these places is found skinwalker – the creature from the legends of the Navajo Indians. This is the name that you give witch doctor who turns into an animal to cause people pain and suffering. Become skinwalkers can to avenge evil, like the murder of a family member. In this case, the person has a special ability to turn into animals or even other people.

The neighbor farmer believes that skinwalker can scare away using scarecrows, built of twigs and animal fur.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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