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Twins of Evil


Added Tue, 20/04/2021
Release date
Original title
Twins of Evil

The Twins of Evil is a 1971 horror film based on the short story "Carmilla"by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu.


Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Book (fiction)|1872

Having bought a luxurious castle in Styria (Austria), a visiting family of Englishmen intended to lead a quiet, secluded life. But the fulfillment of their wishes is prevented by a meeting with the mysterious Countess Karnstein, a young beauty, after the appearance of which the daughter of the owner of the castle is overtaken by an unknown illness.

The film is the last in a trilogy that began with the 1970 film The Vampire Lovers and continued with the 1971 film Lust for a Vampire.

The Vampire Lovers


In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein.

Lust for a Vampire


In 1830, the Karnstein heirs use the blood of an innocent to bring forth the evil that is the beautiful Mircalla - or as she was in 1710, Carmilla. The nearby Finishing School offers rich pickings not only in in the blood of nubile young ladies but also with the headmaster who is desperate to become Mircalla's disciple, and the equally besotted and even more foolish author Richard Lestrange.

Gustav Weil, the leader of the witcher brotherhood, lives in the Karnstein Castle. Two beautiful twin nieces are brought to him, one of whom turns out to be well-behaved, the other is spoiled and immediately throws herself into the arms of the vampire practicing Satanism, Count Karnstein. Soon the girl herself turns into a vampire and begins to attack the members of the brotherhood. They grab her at the scene of the crime, the case smells like a bonfire. To save herself, she replaces herself with her sister. But the deception is revealed, the girl is saved, while the young vampire is beheaded, and Count Karnstein receives his well-deserved aspen stake in the chest.

Phenomena in artwork: A vampire

In the film, there are classic vampires - "undead" creatures with large fangs that feed on the blood of people (while the fangs become visible only before attacking the victim). One of the vampires is resurrected by Count Karnstein, spilling the blood of an innocent girl on his half-rotted corpse. Rebelling, this vampire bites the count, and he also becomes a vampire.

Vampires are not reflected in mirrors (because "mirrors only see the living, and vampires walk the earth, but exist only in hell"). After being bitten by a vampire, a person can become a vampire himself, if his soul is already completely devoted to evil. Such a person becomes a vampire almost immediately after the bite, and immediately ceases to be reflected in mirrors. Otherwise, the person simply dies.

Vampires are not afraid of daylight, they move around calmly and are active during the day. At the same time, they are afraid of crosses, and in the place of contact of their skin with the crucifix, a burn is formed.

Vampires are not afraid of fire: "you burn the body, but the vampire's soul will only be reborn in another body." You can only kill a vampire by cutting off its head or piercing its heart.

After death, a vampire's body quickly decomposes.

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