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Warrior Nun


Added Fri, 16/10/2020
Release date
Original title
Warrior Nun

Warrior Nun is an American science fiction television series released in 2020 on the Netflix streaming service and based on the comic book series of the same name by artist and writer Ben Dunn.

The action in the series unfolds very slowly, but the last series deserve the time spent.

An ordinary girl Ava unexpectedly finds herself involved in an ancient war of the mysterious order with the forces of evil.

When she wakes up in the morgue, she discovers her incredible abilities. Searching for answers leads Ava to the order of the Sword of the Cross, a secret society of warrior nuns sworn to protect the world from evil.

Now Ava must find a balance between her new responsibilities as the Savior of humanity and the life of an ordinary girl.

Phenomena in artwork: Paranormal abilities

The main character Ava gains supernatural powers after death, when an ancient artifact – the crown of Adriel-is implanted in her body. After that, she not only comes back to life, but also heals (before she was paralyzed).

The crown gives the girl the ability to pass through objects (in fact, become disembodied), heals her wounds, and allows her to see otherworldly entities (spirits-demons). The possibilities of the artifact are not unlimited: after active use (for example, going over a particularly thick wall), it is depleted, and it takes time to restore its energy.

Before Ava, the Crown belonged to a large number of women, and each of them it gave different abilities. Its origin is not completely clear, but it is obvious that it came to our world from another reality.

In addition to the main character, superpowers are also given to the combat nun Lilith, who accidentally fell into a parallel world and returned from it changed. She can transform her body (grow long sharp claws on her hands), and also teleport to the right place.

Phenomena in artwork: Parallel world

The parallel world in the series is not shown, only portals leading to it. They can be opened by otherworldly creatures (Tarask) in any place, as well as with the help of special engineering structures created by people using materials from another reality.

Phenomena in artwork: Tarask

Tarask in the series is called a huge horned monster from a parallel world. He does not appear for long, and his only goal is to take the Crown.

Phenomena in artwork: Spirits

Spirits are disembodied beings who supposedly came from a parallel world. They take over people's bodies and change their behavior for the worse. Ordinary people do not see spirits, their presence can only be noticed by the owner of the Crown. You can kill a spirit with a divinium weapon (a substance from a parallel world), after expelling it from the human body.

The eyes of people who are controlled by such a spirit turn black.

Phenomena in artwork: The man with the black eyes

The eyes of people who are controlled by an evil spirit from a parallel reality turn black.

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