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The Werewolf


Added Fri, 08/04/2022
Release date
Original title
The Werewolf

The Werewolf is an American science fiction horror film released in 1956. As some researchers of the history of cinema write, this film "marks the moment when the horror genre, which did not have much popularity in the early 1950s, began to displace science fiction."

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The American science fiction film "The Werewolf" (1956) marked a transition when the horror genre, inactive in the early 50s, began to displace science fiction

The plot follows a person suffering from amnesia who, after the introduction of a "serum obtained from a wolf irradiated with radiation," gets the ability to turn into a werewolf in a state of emotional stress. He kills several people, after which the hunt begins for him.

It turns out that the doctors who treated him after the car accident are conducting illegal experiments. In order to hide the results of their experiments and escape from imminent punishment, they must find and kill their patient.

The victim's wife and son arrive in the city. The sheriff promises to ensure his safety, and the wife of the test subject helps to detain him. The man is placed in a local prison, but the local doctor hopes to cure him. In the evening, unscrupulous doctors break into the police station, attack the police and try to kill their test subject, but he defends himself and kills them himself. The sheriff, having misjudged the situation, starts hunting the werewolf again and soon kills him.

Phenomena in artwork: Werewolf

A man injured in a car accident gets to doctors conducting illegal experiments. They inject him with a serum obtained from the blood of a wolf exposed to radiation. After that, he acquires the ability to transform into a monster – half-human, half-wolf. As a result of the experiment, the subject loses his memory, but retains his mind and acquires animal flair and habits.

Unlike classical ideas about werewolves, periods of transformation are not limited to the night time of the day and are not associated with the phases of the moon; transformations occur only in moments of emotional stress. Under the influence of strong negative emotions (fear, anger, etc.), a person begins to grow fur, his teeth turn into wolf fangs, and his feet turn into paws. After the restoration of emotional peace (as well as after death), a person regains his normal appearance.

In the course of the story, the werewolf attacks several people, some of whom survive. None of them gets the ability to turn into a wolf after that.

It is possible to kill a werewolf with an ordinary bullet.

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