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Field Trip


Added Wed, 13/04/2022
Release date
Original title
The X-Files (season 6, episode 21)

The X-Files

TV Show|1993
The exploits of FBI Special Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully who investigate X-Files: marginalized, unsolved cases involving paranormal phenomena. Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a skeptic, is assigned to make scientific analyses of Mulder's discoveries that debunk Mulder's work and thus return him to mainstream cases.

The X-Files (season 6)

TV Show Season|1999

"Field Trip" is the twenty–first episode of the sixth season of the TV series "The X-Files". He belongs to the "monster of the week" type and is not related to the main "mythology" of the series.

Agents Mulder and Scully investigate the mysterious death of a couple of lovers, from whom only skeletons remain. They discover giant mycelium secreting substances that cause agents to hallucinate: two separate episodes that eventually merge into one common vision. As a result, both are rescued by an FBI team led by Walter Skinner.

Phenomena in artwork: Mysterious substance

A huge mycelium secretes substances that can affect the human body. Fungal spores can cause very realistic hallucinations at the same time as paralysis of the whole body. Mushrooms also secrete a liquid similar in composition to gastric juice, with which they digest their victims.

Phenomena in artwork: The Alien

In Agent Mulder's hallucination, a short gray alien with a big head, huge black eyes and a small mouth appears. Unlike classical representations, you can count five fingers on his hand instead of four.

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