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Dance amazing halo in the sky

Added Mon, 03/09/2018
Дата публикации
Sat, 01/09/2018

Something amazing happened in the skies over Sydney (Australia). The rising sun was preceded by a network of luminous swirls, circles and arches. Photographed the sunrise Adriano Massacani noted that it was a rare moment.

This halo, they are all caused by sunlight shining through ice crystals in Cirrus clouds. Typically forms a halo is simple, but in this case the sky was crossed by an unusual halo. In the photo we see a 22-degree circle, 46-degree circle, arc, parry, anti-arc, Parghelia and a few others. And that's not all! According to Mastani later he was able to see the full prelicence circle — he wanted to see him for many years.

The Parghelia (about the sun) is one of the halo which looks like a bright rosy stain at the Sun. It occurs as a result of refraction of sunlight in an anisotropic oriented ice crystals in the atmosphere. A similar phenomenon can occur in the moon — parseline. The earliest image of Parghelia in painting dates from 1535 year. Occasionally, it may be prelicence circle — bright, sometimes rainbow circle, which is at the level of the sun around the sky parallel to the horizon.

The variety of halo, what became Masatani, was caused by a corresponding variety of ice crystals with a rare, almost "jewelry" perfection, as well as their unusually accurate alignment. What is the probability of occurrence of similar conditions? Nobody knows. In Sydney, definitely was a happy day.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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