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Formation of the rainbow Ghost?

Added Sun, 01/10/2017
Дата публикации
Sat, 30/09/2017

Look at these photos — you are not imagining things! Colorless ghostly rainbow that you see — not "photoshop"; it's a real phenomenon, which is called the "rainbow Ghost", "white rainbow" or "misty rainbow".

As usual rainbow, foggy arc formed due to the refraction of sunlight by tiny water droplets in the air. But in the case of rainbow-ghosts tiny droplets compared to rain.

Drops of mist are so small (usually less than 0.05 mm) that the colors are much darker, often visible only the red outer edge and bluish inner. Misty rainbow so dim that they look like empty rainbow, the Ghost of the once vibrant arch.

Misty rainbows are much rarer than ordinary, but still occur.

They are often called different names. For example, foggy arc you see in the clouds from the aircraft, dubbed "cloud rainbows". When sailors meet misty rainbow in the terrible ocean of haze, they are often called "sea dogs." Perhaps the most impressive option of all, the moon a hazy rainbow formed when the light from the moon is refracted through the spectral haze of evening.

To see misty rainbow, wait for the moment when the bright sunlight behind you will illuminate the region dissolving or light fog in front of you. It can be a field, a mountain valley on the shore of a sea or lake.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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