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The new Chupacabra caught in the net

Added Tue, 03/10/2017
Дата публикации
Tue, 03/10/2017

In one of the foreign sites devoted to cryptozoology, published a mysterious picture, presumably showing the legendary Chupacabra (

The photo shows a large cobacabana being a gray coloring, hiding in the bushes near the road.

Unfortunately, the image is quite low quality, and see cryptid details is not possible. This is probably why many users reacted to the material is not too serious, although any information about the mysterious creatures of our world, someone is sure interesting:

A very blurry photo. By far cryptid, writes one commentator.

Whatever it is, clearly filmed on a potato tuber, according to another.

Don't be so angry. Just outside his cell must have glaucoma, jokes third.

Since when was the Chupacabra four-legged animal similar to a dog? It used to be a huge winged creature resembling a bat, surprised fourth to the surprise of everyone else, because obviously confused creature with moth man.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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