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Eyewitness: the Missing bridge and the little men

Added Wed, 22/11/2017
Дата публикации
Wed, 22/11/2017

Nothing mystical happened, but mother told me what once was with her. Two strange occasion it was.

One was with her in childhood. Once she was as far behind the village and saw something unusual. Any small creatures she saw. Were these beings circle in the meadow and waving for some reason. And these beings were either black and red, or only the bodies they were black and the head red. But the mother does not fit, and ran off into the village.

The second case occurred with her at a later age. She went once with my girlfriend in the next village to the dance. Go, then, in the evening, and far ahead of them a horse harnessed to a cart moving to the same village. And fit the mother with a girlfriend to the river, and the bridge is not present! Always was, but now somehow was not. The bridge is just two logs across the river is spanned. But it was amazing then there's this: and the horse with the cart where to go? These two logs she could not cross the river! The cart would have slid and would have fallen into the river or hung on the logs and got stuck.

Well, somehow on all fours mother with girlfriend moved on these logs and went on. I reached the village. Have attentivley, and then back to his village went. Go and reason: and as they are now across the river will move? Dark already, night. It is very easy with those logs to slip and fall into the river. They come to the river and saw the BRIDGE IN PLACE!!! What it was remained a mystery.

Author: Benjamin Mochalov

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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