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Silver "tornado" in Ireland

Added Thu, 28/06/2018
Дата публикации
Thu, 28/06/2018

In these nights noctilucent clouds light up the sky all over Europe — from Scandinavia to the South of France. According to Martin McKenna of Mahera, in Northern Ireland noctilucent clouds appear every night. As he spoke, from the moment of the solstice the brightness and the complexity becomes more intense — appears knots and swirls, which are illuminated with blue light yellowish midnight sunset over the horizon.

McCann watched this "silver tornado" on June 25. According to him, it was an amazing sight, this field is dynamically transformed into different shapes. You can see a funnel, "angel wings", smoke ring, and then a form that resembles a tornado, which reached the horizon.

What creates these forms? Gravitational waves.

Gravitational waves are essentially pressure waves and temperatures generated by powerful storm systems. Gravity does not change inside the wave — this name was given because gravity acts as a restoring force that tries to restore the balance between air flows, going up and down. Gravitational waves can spread from the Ground to the mesosphere, where they influence the shape of noctilucent clouds.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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