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Solar eclipse: where and when it can be seen

Added Mon, 24/10/2022
Дата публикации
Mon, 24/10/2022

On October 25, the moon will pass between our planet and the Sun. From the Ground, it will look as if a large piece has been "plucked" from the luminary.

Thus, a partial eclipse will be observed in Russia, Africa, Asia and Europe.

On the territory of the Russian Federation (in its western part), it will be possible to see the maximum phase of the eclipse — up to 82% of the Sun will be hidden.

Approximately from 12 to 16 o'clock in Moscow, the shadow of the Moon will pass over the Earth. In Moscow, the eclipse will be visible from 12:24 to 14:51, the maximum phase will occur at 13:38.

There will be no total eclipse visible anywhere on the planet. The fact is that on October 25, the Moon and the Sun will not be perfectly aligned, and as a result, the Moon will not completely cover the Sun. Instead, it will take the shape of a crescent.

The largest piece of the luminary (more than 80%) will be "bitten off" over some areas of the Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk and Kurgan regions, as well as Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts. To the west, about 55-80% of the luminaries will be closed in the Russian Federation, depending on the region.

The time of the maximum phase of the eclipse for any location can be seen on the map by clicking on the desired area.

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